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    Think first

    Hi there, I want to share with you guys a nice line that I thought of last week it goes like this “Hope is in the mind let not actual circumstances cloud that beautiful picture that in truth can become reality “


    Hi kapusta! Hope things are going alright.

    Think first, very nice line! I like how you interpret hope to be a beautiful picture that can become a reality if we truly believe in it. It all comes down to what we choose to focus on.


    A little sad, but mostly ok. :-/


    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Today is my sisters yahrtziet. She died six weeks before her h.s. graduation. At the time I thought I too would drop dead from the intense pain of losing my closest friend. I was able to live on, and take her with me. My oldest child carries her name. My sister knew I loved her. As did my other sister who died last fall. This was not always easy to do but I refused to risk it. Please tell your sister you love her. Tell her you love her even if you dont like her. She may or may not answer appropriately but you will have done the right thing

    Luna Lovegood

    Into my head

    voices unknown

    which way now

    The wind is blowing in different directions

    My heart divided into lots if sections

    Should I stay or should I go

    Tell me heart I want to know

    now or never

    hurt, love, pain, hope

    with all this I need to cope

    unknown feelings fill my empty soul

    where should I go?

    what is my goal?

    As my heart sways

    to G-d I pray

    Please show me the way



    I’m so deeply saddened to read, behold your sorrow. I cannot fathom your sheer anguish, your great pain. My mind’s currently not in a solid state to pen you a proper condolence. That another sees and shares with you a bit is a little nechama, however slight it may be.

    ????? ???? ???? with a true complete nechama.


    kapusta, I’m sorry. You don’t have to, but if you’d like to share what’s bothering you, I’d love to help in any way I can. Hope things get better, I’m thinking of you.

    Syag, your strength and positive perspective is truly staggering. May your sister’s soul be raised to the highest level of heaven, and keep making her proud. I can’t truly feel what you must be feeling at this moment, but please know that I am sharing your loss and pain with you, and that you are never alone. And Zeeskite’s post is beautifully written.

    Luna, beautiful poem. You are doing the best thing, when in doubt about something, or in which direction your heart should lead you, asking G-d for guidance is always helpful, and can also strengthen your relationship with Him. Wishing upon you much clarity and guidance.


    Kapusta- hope things are getting better, and keep getting so more n more

    PE- hi busy girl! How are you doing?

    Luna- i’m sorry for all the unknown and uncertainty you are feeling. May Hashem grant you clarity to do the right thing and go the right way, and lessen the pain you feel.

    Syag Lchochma- I’m so sorry for the pain you carry. May the zchus of the readers here who follow your encouragement be an aliyah for her neshoma. And i’m trying to internalize your message, been thinking about it all day. Thank you for once again reaching out to give while in pain. ((hug))

    MP- your individual responses, and how you reword each posters message shows your care, and never stops to amaze me. Yasher koach! How are you?

    think first- very smart line and so true. Thanks for sharing!


    A painful sensation gripped my heart,

    a gentle tug,

    a broken soul emerged,


    drowning in a sea of blackness,

    blown away by the violent waves of a crashing storm,


    screams and shouts emitted from deep hallow voices,

    flying voices,

    pained shrieks from the desperate,

    wounded lie,

    blood surrounds,

    dark red puddles form an ocean,

    broken bones form an island,

    and my broken heart remains alone to withstand the storm.

    I’m in a tornado,

    in a tumultous raging storm,


    overtaking my every nuiance of strength,

    until I lie there,


    I’m drained of all strength,

    and I’m called a failure,

    how can that be?

    how can I have failed if I fought till I kissed death?

    I don’t know.,

    I know that the true world will overtake me one day,

    and I’ll see if I passed with flying colors.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    ZK: Thanks for going out of your way to give chizuk. MP: as always you are gifted. SaysMe: I wish I could do more for you. Thanx for the hug


    SaysMe, thanks so much. I’m doing alright, thank G-d. Semester is almost over!

    blabla, wow, amazing poem, and amazing imagery! And I must say that you are anything but a failure. Accomplishment in life isn’t about passing or failing, it is about growth and persevering through challenges, and you are truly an example of both of those things. And there’s no doubt that you will have passed with flying colors. Glad to see you back here, I missed you.

    Syag, thanks so much. Hope you are doing alright today.

    So I’m almost done recording the song that I made for all of you here in the poetry thread. When it’s complete, I’ll post it on my soundcloud page so you can listen. Hope everyone’s week is going well.


    blabla-ow, quite vivid descriptions there. But you are so right. No one knows your personal struggles and what you overcome and therefore to call you a failure is not only unfair and wrong, its totally coming out of nowhere and no knowledge and you can completely dismiss it for only Hashem can judge you. And i’m very sorry if someone did call you that :(. Hope today brings sunshine.

    Mp- looking forward!! And hatzlocha on that last bit of school


    Thanks, SaysMe. Hope things are going alright for you!

    I just want to say something that’s been bothering me, and I thought I’d say it here because if I’d say it in other threads, people would just ignore me. I understand that there are rare circumstances when it would be permissible to talk badly about certain people, even Jews, who aren’t following the ways of G-d. But I think that doing so can only be done by people who are on a very high level, who absolutely know that these people are indeed evil, and only at a time when it is completely certain that nothing negative will result from it. Like during the times of the beis hamikdash, by the greatest tzaddikim. But for regular chumps, in an online forum in the 21st century? NO. There is nothing good about it, and it only comes from, and leads to, arrogance, rudeness, and self- centeredness, and all it’ll cause is greater division among the Jewish nation. And for those that’ll say, “But I know that such and such is evil, so it’s definitely permissible”, if you are so concerned about doing “the right thing”, how about go outside and greet someone warmly, or compliment your spouse on dinner tonight. Use your mouth for pleasant words, not mockery.


    +10000000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!


    Thanks, SaysMe. It hurts me so, so much when people are so busy judging others that they forget that everyone is a tzelem elokim.


    SM, thank you. 🙂

    MP, thanks. I’d actually prefer not to simply because most people (all people?) wouldn’t understand it (that would be a good thing). And +2 on your last post, I completely agree.

    Good day today B”H. One can only hope…


    Think first

    Syag- you really are so strong and may Hashem give you the strength to carry on and have nachas from yours.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    think first – thanks. Your compliments always come at such great times.


    kapusta, ok. Thanks for agreeing. Hope you’re doing alright.

    Think first +1, and amen to your bracha for Syag. Hope things are going well for you.

    Luna, puppy, SaysMe, NOMTW, blabla, PE, ICOT, Rhyme Time, MusicMan, (sorry if I missed someone) hope everything is going well for all of you.

    Have a lovely shabbos.


    wishing everyone a wonderful shabbos and that its menucha reaches you all.


    Cheesecake and Coffee (a.k.a the perfect pair)

    Your mind starts going in a loop

    Your eyelids then begin to droop

    Eat this, drink this, in a trice

    Cheesecake once, coffee twice, on Shavuous morning is so nice

    The days are long, they do drag on

    Your appetite is also gone

    On erev Shabbos you paid the price

    Now get the coffee, with some ice

    Cheesecake once, coffee iced, Shavuous dessert is so nice

    Distracted by some cheesecake; marbled

    Stop your singing, start your drinking

    From yummy cheesecake on your plate

    Cheesecake yum, coffee twice, mid-seuda cheesecake is so nice

    Some folks like exotic flavors

    But I want cheesecake, not lifesavers

    Cherry, marble and blueberry

    I like all those, very, very

    Bits of chocolate and vanilla

    All make me a happy fella

    Coffee hot, a cheesecake slice, flavored cheesecake is so nice

    Tried a diet, food is winning

    Or a new career in logging

    I’ll say it once, I’ll say it twice, cheesecake and coffee are so nice.


    Think first-



    B”H, thank you for asking.

    Hope you’re OK, too.


    Now that the music’s back on, hopefully all days will be good.

    if a silly poem may help, please see my effors above.

    Syag Lchochma-

    I’m really sorry about your losses.

    My kids/neices/nephews who carry the names of relatives that are no longer here are a nechoma for those of us who knew and miss them.

    Luna Lovegood-


    Wouldn’t it be nice if all of our uncertainties and questions could be answered?

    I hope things look up for you soon – don’t forget Shavuous (and then the summer!) is right around the corner.


    icot- that was awesome! You really got the rhythm going there, and truly brought a smile to my face- and a big one at that! Keep ’em coming!


    ICOT, great poem! Though I don’t like cheesecake (I know, I’m not Jewish), it’s still a clever and cute poem. Thanks for posting!

    Hope you all had a nice shabbos and have a wonderful week. I just about finished recording my song! Hope to have it up soon.

    Luna Lovegood

    What do you see, when you see me?

    Do you see another person to take advantage of?

    Do you see another heart to break?

    DO you see another innocent person to destroy?

    Do you see a target for your latest scheme?

    Do you see a new tormentee?

    Do you see a threat to your dictatorship?

    Do you see someone to tear down?


    Do you see someone that needs help?

    Do you see a person that wants to be loved?

    Do you see my desperate attempts at socializing?

    Do you notice when I falter over my breathing?

    Do you try to understand what I’m going through?


    You ignore my attempts to prove I;m worthy to myself

    You help the world tear me down

    You help drown my little self esteem

    You laugh at me behind my back

    you make me want to die.


    Luna, I’m so sorry that there’s someone who makes you feel that way. Just know that we all here see you as someone extremely special, incredibly talented, and deserving of praise, respect, and love. I know we may not mean as much to you as the people you know in real life, and I hope that those people can see you in the way that we do, very soon. Hope things get better.

    Luna Lovegood







    All line up on a checkered board


    replace the checkered board

    with a real life situation.

    What piece are you?

    Are you the one that started it

    but is too scared to fight your own battle?

    The King.

    Are you the spirited adventurer

    that ends up being the first out?

    The Queen.

    Are you the very last resort

    never fully appreciated?

    The Bishop.

    Are you the one that tries to solve things

    in a completely different way?

    The Knight.

    Are you the one that plays by the rules

    yet is never respected for it?

    The Rook.

    Or are you the most crucial

    and most overlooked piece of all?

    The Pawn.

    Whatever piece,

    you all have the same purpose.

    To protect what matters to you.


    Luna, wow! Very insightful and intriguing piece of poetry! I really love how every chess piece relates to a specific personality. I think I’m usually a knight, although many times I feel like a pawn. This really got me thinking! Thanks for posting.


    luna- re:you and i- (sorry i titled it in my mind)- thats a lot of pain you are enduring, and you are clearly a strong person who wants to see everyone just a big, happy family. I really hope your needs, wants, and your strengths are recognized very soon by those who matter to you, and that you can come out and grow and shine with all the strength you are carrying inside. You want the good and the simcha and iy”H you will be able to achieve that, at least in yourself soon. Keep praying and keep strong!

    re:chess- wow, thats a really powerful piece! Really insightful too, how u related roles to chess pieces! That was a very smart piece and idea and you put it together really beautifully. Who are you today? Froom your descriptions i’m leaning to rook for myself…




    Thank you. Sometimes it’s hard work, but that one was fun – it pretty much just wrote itself.

    As many (most?) of you probably recognized, this was a tribute to “Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months” by Maurice Sendak, who passed away earlier this month.

    Luna Lovegood-


    Hey everyone, I finished the song! I just posted it on my Soundcloud page, if you’d like to listen to it. It’s a thank you to all of you here in this thread.

    Here’s the lyrics again:

    I never tire of being here

    Never suppressed by all my childish fears

    And though we come and leave

    I wish that we would never leave

    And our presence lingers here, and it’ll never leave us alone

    Some wounds won’t seem to heal

    Some pain is much too real

    There’s just too much that time cannot erase

    When you’d cry, I’d wipe away all of your tears

    When I’d scream, you’d fight away all of my fears

    A softspoken word echoes in my ears

    And it’ll never leave..leave me

    Your words all captivate me by their resonating light

    Unbinding me from the life I left behind

    My words attempt to rid you of your haunted dreams

    They help me find a new sanity in me

    Some wounds won’t seem to heal

    Some pain is much too real

    There’s just too much that time cannot erase

    When you’d cry, I’d wipe away all of your tears

    When I’d scream, you’d fight away all of my fears

    A softspoken word echoes in my ears

    And it’ll never leave..leave me

    We try so hard to change our pain into song

    And though I may be alone, you’re all with me all along

    Luna Lovegood

    I dreamed upon a star

    of a world that seems so far

    of a place that everyone had a face

    or that everything seemed to sine with a taste

    I dreamed of a place where nothing went wrong

    that innocence was a constant song

    of a place that crimes were very limited

    that people were always shy and timid

    I dreamed of a place where lies don’t exist

    that truth was truth on a spectacular list

    where love was so strong

    that every single person seemed to belong

    the day was sunny and night was clear

    that everyone held each other so close and so dear

    A place so far

    a place I dreamed

    that one day I’ll see

    A place I dreamed

    upon a star

    that just seems

    like a place so far


    MP- Very nice!!! Congrats on finishing. sounds great! U def have music talent Q: Are you harmonizing with yourself?


    Luna, beautiful poem! Such a place seems to be only accessible in dreams, but if people can really focus on these things, we can make it a reality. For the time being though, we have to make the most of the world we live in.

    SaysMe, thanks so much! Glad you liked it! Yep, I’m singing both the regular and harmony, though I’m aware I’m a bit off at times. But overall, I think it’s alright.

    Hope everyone’s doing alright.


    It IS alright! i was just curious :). Thought i was the only one who ever did that- my friends laugh abt it


    Luna that’s beautiful. It sounds like a beautiful world that we can only dream of. The place to create that world is in your heart. That’s the most vulnerable place on the body (IMHO) and the key is to create a beautiful place there because when life gets tough (and it will) you can always escape to that beautiful paradise (I’m envisioning a secluded area filled with waterfalls)

    Hope everyone else is doing ok, as I commented on MP’s song thread- I’ve been so busy with finals and have been neglectful here, but I’m keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers. Chodesh Tov.


    SaysMe, thanks! You sing also? That’s awesome! I love harmonizing when singing with other people, I always try to come up with new and interesting harmonies, sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t, but that makes it fun!

    NOMTW, thanks, hope all goes well! Looking forward to more posts from you after finals!


    nono, not real singing! just for fun! that time was to teach a group a song for a shabbos choir in HS. i wish i could sing, but don’t quite have the voice for it, tho it passes for a good kumzitz or shabbos zmiros- not completely tone deaf :), but i’m a big fan of harmonies

    NOMTW- Hatzlacha rabba!! Hope the stresses pass right over you!


    Gotcha, SaysMe.

    Hope all you guys are doing alright!


    Since tomorrow will probably be crazy hectic, I just want to wish everyone Chag Sameach! Shavous is a time of spiritual transformation, it is a time that hashem came down and crowned us as his chosen nation. It is my brachah to each of you that we all find inner peace within our hearts to heal, to smile and to love ourselves through the good times, the bad times and painful times so that we may serve hashem and keep his torah to our fullest potential.

    Keep strong!


    AMEIN! And gut shabbos and gut yomtov to all! Those who have posted recently and those hidign out- hope everyone is doing well! If not, post and get whatever you can off your chest and then enjoy your 3 day yom tov and relax! Hope its enjoyable to all!

    Luna Lovegood

    I want to wish everyone a chag sameach! Enjoy all the cheesecake:)


    Oh, I will


    Oh, I did.


    Hi everyone, hope you all had a wonderful Chag! Just wanted to quickly post to say that I had a holiday full of personal growth, both emotionally and spiritually, and that I’m doing alright thank G-d, so no one would worry about me. Hope you all are doing alright, too.


    Checking in to say hello. Y”T was nice (better than expected).

    SM- saw your post on the other thread… Hope things are a little better now and that tomorrow brings good stuff. *hugs*



    That’s great MP!

    I went on the scale this morning and was not happy with the post chag pounds, but hey I’ll get back on my horse this week. The workouts help me both physically and emotionally.

    SaysMe, I saw on another thread something about not being happy the whole yom tov, hope everything went down ok (or at least not up in smoke)


    hi all! thanks for the shoutout, kapusta and NOMTW. actually overall, yomtov was much better than i expected, and i was granted a special dose of positive attitude. I had fun, learned a bit, ate ate ate- but only overate a bit :), and played family games- YAY! i had one reallllllllly hard morning when i couldnt control and pretty much cried for an hr straight- thats what my other post was abt- but halfway through the day i had mostly bounced back, thanks to a looooooooooong walk in the hot weather. B”H it didnt rain, cuz i needed that!

    luna- i didnt make any cheesecake this year, and we only had 1 that i didnt like 😛 so cant say i did! but i’m gonna make yummy cookies today to make up for that :D. Did u have any really yum ones to share? how are you?

    MP- 🙂 emotionally AND spiritually is the best combo

    kapusta- so glad it was nice! and iy”H shabbos and yomtov should continue to exceed your expectations!

    NOMTW- so besides for food, how was shavuos?? 🙂

    ICOT, Syag Lchochma, think first, blabla, PE- hope you had a nice yom tov!

    Luna Lovegood

    SaysMe – I am fine thanks for asking. Y”T was ok. I had some great cheesecake 🙂

    I got to hang out with my sister and we had some good bonding time. Usually we can’t be in each other’s presence without he house exploding so it was nice that we managed to get along for the 3 day Y”T.

    Now I am back to school with finals set to begin 🙁 – I had better start hitting the books


    G’luck with those!

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