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- This topic has 58 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 5 months ago by Decency is Key.
October 6, 2020 8:29 am at 8:29 am #1907067torahvaluesoverpartyParticipant
I get it. President Trump is certainly not any sort of role model. He craves power. Biden acts more like a politician. Yes, if Biden would truly be running his own show as president, perhaps it wouldnt be that disastrous. But anybody who has been following for the past couple months understands that for various reasons, thats not the case. It would be pelosi, schumer, and even the radical left, AOC, IIhan Omar, controlling the government. They will pack the court, they will add states(in order to gain democratic senators. They will immediately bow to the mobs. They will immediately glorify what has essentially become a terrorist organization, BLM. So my question to our chavarim on the other side of the isle is; do you support all this? Do you support the burning looting and destruction that has taken over some cities? Have you donated to the Minnesota Freedom Fund(bailing out the violent thugs who have been “peacefully protesting” in riots across the country) promoted by Kamala Harris? Do you support the Democrats abusing their power to pack the courts and add states for senators? Are you ready to usher in the New Green Deal?
October 6, 2020 9:23 am at 9:23 am #1907184ubiquitinParticipant“So my question to our chavarim on the other side of the isle is;”
Here to answer all your questions!
” do you support all this?”
no of course not. I doubt anybody has ever supported “All” a politicain represents or supports.” Do you support the burning looting and destruction that has taken over some cities?”
no” Have you donated to the Minnesota Freedom Fund(bailing out the violent thugs who have been “peacefully protesting” in riots across the country) promoted by Kamala Harris?”
no” Do you support the Democrats abusing their power to pack the courts and add states for senators?”
Yes. After the blatant hypocrisy displayed by the Republicans in first saying Presdients shouldnt nominate (and refusing to hold a hearing for Garland) To quote Graham “”I want you to use my words against me. If there’s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said, ‘Let’s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination,’ “” after that blatant hypocritical power grab anything goes. abuse of power is a two way street.” Are you ready to usher in the New Green Deal?”
Yes. Much of this is standard in the civilized world.Let me know if you have any other questions
October 6, 2020 9:41 am at 9:41 am #19071911ParticipantThe YWN democrats are stuck in the 70s and think their party is still moderate. If they’ll defend Cuomo and de blasio, they’ll never get it.
October 6, 2020 10:21 am at 10:21 am #1907208Baal TeshuvahParticipantRepublican/Conservative here who will be voting for Biden. I don’t particularly support any of the things you mentioned (I think there are some merits to a “Green New Deal” but in a much different form than what is currently being proposed; for instance ending subsidies to the fossil fuel industry etc…). First of all our votes don’t exactly matter in New York. Second of all, when did the presidency become the be all and end all of American politics. Why can’t we focus our attention maintaining a Republican majority in the Senate or flipping the house? I am tired of the circus that has become American politics (admittedly this started before Trump, he has merely amplified it). Removing Trump is merely treating a symptom of a larger problem but that’s a treatment I am happy to prescribe. Just like Trump did not “make America unrecognizable” in four years as so many warned, neither will Biden and the “radical democrats”. For one thing, when you actually have power and the responsibility that goes along with that, you realize that some of the crazy things you said are unreasonable. So yes, I am perfectly happy to tolerate a Biden administration for four years (ideally while holding at least one house of the legislature). And in 2024, if Biden proves to be as disastrous as you expect him to be, I am sure we’ll all be happy to vote for Nikki Haley or whomever else the party nominates. And if the Democrats pack the courts, we’ll pack them right back.
October 6, 2020 11:00 am at 11:00 am #1907222Reb EliezerParticipantBiden said clearly that he does not support the Green New Deal as it is too expensive.
October 6, 2020 11:12 am at 11:12 am #19072351ParticipantBT you aren’t voting for Biden you’re voting for Harris and unchecked radical liberals.
October 6, 2020 11:12 am at 11:12 am #19072361ParticipantReb Eliezer you believe your career liar of 47 years?
October 6, 2020 11:40 am at 11:40 am #1907261jackkParticipantBiden never was and never will be controlled by anybody.
He will try to do exactly what his agenda is and what he has declared his policies are.
He will be the Leader of all Americans and not just the red states.
The allegation, without any basis, that he will be a puppet of 1 senator or 4 congressmen is comical.
It is the Fox news right who are grasping at straws to scare people away from voting for him. They have a few catch phrases that they repeat ad nauseum – like “Soros”, “Hunter” ” Trump did more in 47 months …”.
They already did this with casting him as a senile old man until the debate blew that up.
The prophecy that I saw a poster express on YWN, that he is going to die in 2 years is ridiculous and absurd.Although, in my heart, I would love for him to give the republicans some of their own medicine and show them what it means when you completely ignore the other parties valid concerns.
October 6, 2020 11:55 am at 11:55 am #1907263Reb EliezerParticipantI believe him more than the one who has lied over 20,000 lies thtoughout his presidency.
October 6, 2020 12:18 pm at 12:18 pm #1907266som1Participant“‘ Are you ready to usher in the New Green Deal?’
Yes. Much of this is standard in the civilized world”
here’s just a few parts of the green new deal thats not “standard in the civilized world”
-“Providing all people of the United States with – (i) high-quality health care; (ii) affordable, safe, and adequate housing; (iii) economic security; and (iv) access to clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food, and nature.”
-“Meeting 100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources.”
-“Upgrading all existing buildings in the United States and building new buildings to achieve maximal energy efficiency, water efficiency, safety, affordability, comfort, and durability, including through electrification.”
-“Overhauling transportation systems in the United States to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector as much as is technologically feasible, including through investment in – (i) zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and manufacturing; (ii) clean, affordable, and accessible public transportation; and (iii) high-speed rail.”FYI it seems you didn’t learn this in first grade but the government can’t just print out trillions of dollars it just doesn’t work like that
October 6, 2020 1:13 pm at 1:13 pm #1907283ubiquitinParticipantsom1
“here’s just a few parts of the green new deal thats not “standard in the civilized world…”
so sorry youve been tricked and lied to by republicans“(i) high-quality health care; ” – standard
“(iv) access to clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food, and nature.” – standard (surprised this is even controversial really your opposed to clean water and air now?)
” (ii) clean, affordable, and accessible public transportation; ” standard
“iii) high-speed rail. ” standard
and of the other items listed. although not (yet) standard all seem like excellent ideas and goals. Granted not feasible, but neither was a border wall with mexico. At least these are worthy goals.
“FYI it seems you didn’t learn this in first grade but the government can’t just print out trillions of dollars it just doesn’t work like that”
Mexico will pay for it.For space force, you found money in the budget but for “clean water” (your post) thats where you draw the line? spare me
October 6, 2020 1:52 pm at 1:52 pm #1907300yichusdikParticipantThe assumptions here are breathtaking.
I am Canadian by birth and a Permanent Resident in the US. I have been a conservative for almost 30 years, since shortly after I was old enough to vote. I’ve worked on conservative campaigns, raised money for conservative causes, lobbied on conservative and “republican’ issues in Canada and in the US, met with Federal and cabinet officials and representatives, Prime Ministers, White House staff, and and congressional reps on these issues. I’ve fundraised for conservative candidates, and knocked on doors with them in their districts. Does anybody here who screams MAGA at the top of their lungs have these experiences and credentials? Who are you to call me or the many like me a socialist? You haven’t done the work; You probably haven’t even bothered to vote half the time.
People like me feel that this President, though he has done several things that were good for Am Yisroel, is in almost every other respect unfit to lead. He has no moral code or compass. Take, for example, his opposition to abortion. Good. Nu, who here isn’t, in all but the most specific circumstances? AH. But he was OK taking the Regeneron drug last week, made from human fetuses. For him, experimentally and with anecdotal effectiveness, it was OK. But for others, the product of abortions? Nooooo.
He is supposed to be the commander in chief. I know many people who have served in the US, Canadian, Russian and Israel militaries. Many of these commanded troops, if even only a handful. Others were senior officers commanding thousands. Not a single one of them that I know would have endangered the lives of his troops for a photo op like the President did on Sunday to his security detail. Not one. Do YOU know anyone who has command who would?
He is a serial adulterer. Admitted fact. He is a liar to both the IRS and to his bankers; documented fact. He cheats people who have done work for him, all the time, and dares them to sue him – I heard this firsthand from a lawyer who worked for him who was IN THE ROOM when he did this. A frum lawyer, a baal tzedaka, a Republican and community leader who vowed never to work for him again.
He abandoned the Kurds to die at the hands of the Turks because the tyrant of Istanbul berated him. The Kurds, who fought and died beside Americans. Who are friends of Israel.
He has not said a word to the Russians about putting bounties on the heads of US soldiers in Afghanistan. NOT. ONE. WORD.
That’s the morality issue.
He doesn’t understand trade. He puts tariffs on materials that the US doesn’t make enough of to look tough to his constituents, but because US manufacturers have to import these (now more expensive because of those tariffs) materials to make their products, all he does is raise prices for Americans, while also inviting the inevitable counter-tariffs. He has done this repeatedly. For a conservative this looks and sounds like counterproductive socialist policy. And yet you support him. Mazel Tov. You understand trade even less than he does.
For someone who declared that he would hire only the best, He has had a revolving door of senior and cabinet level staff. If Rex Tillerson, John Kelly, HR McMaster, Jim Mattis, Gary Cohn, and John Bolton were so terrible, why on earth did this brilliant stable genius hire them? And if they weren’t (Including several of the most revered military officers of the last half century) Why did they quit?
And, finally, COVID. He created multiple superspreader events, for his own campaign and his own edification. He has endangered every employee of the white house. It is small and cramped in much of the west wing, with not very good circulation. I know, I’ve been there. Have you, dear critics?
Herman Cain.
One man. who was at the Tulsa campaign event, maskless as he was encouraged to be, a few days before testing positive. He died on July 30th.
209,000 more have died.
If I grant you that 99.9% of his actions on COVID were right (and I do not, but for argument’s sake, lets say I did), that leaves 209 dead who his wrong decisions killed. 209. So far.
Charles Manson killed 9 people.
Jeffrey Dahmer killed 17 people.
Ted Bundy killed 30 people.
Would you vote for someone who is responsible for 209 deaths he could have prevented, even if he didn’t kill them directly? Imagine someone who purposefully drove through 209 crosswalks again and again mowing down pedestrians each time. Perhaps not killing intentionally, but negligently driving that car.
Really, you’d vote for him?
Now, if there was a real Republican on the ticket, I wouldn’t even look at Joe Biden. And I worry about the left wing of the Democratic Party more than I have had to in the past. But he isn’t a socialist and if you paid attention at the Democratic convention, the Biden Platform that was adopted by the party rejected almost every significant socialist idea brought up. In fact, it was more pro Israel (surprising even me) than any Democratic platform in the last 30 years. And Kamala Harris among all of the other candidates aside from Mike Bloomberg and possibly Pete Buttigieg, was the most centrist and moderate, as far from Sanders et al as one could be in the party. You wouldn’t be able to tell, of course, if you just watch one sided news. (I watch or read Fox, CNN, Bloomberg and MSNBC). The spin is amazing.
As with most things, it comes down to not who you most want, but who will do the least damage. America is hemorrhaging. And conservatives like me can see it. I am neither a liberal nor am I “woke”, but there is absolutely no compelling reason to vote for Trump in November (including Israel; agreeing that he’s done good there, what can he realistically add that he hasn’t already done?) and too many reasons not to.
October 6, 2020 2:01 pm at 2:01 pm #1907304GadolhadorahParticipantSadly, its become impossible to engage in rational dialogue, if the question become either “who is better for the yidden” or the alternatives are framed in totally extreme terms with little basis in fact. As just about all of the “never trumpers” on this site have said in different ways, NO, Biden is not our ideal candidate and yes, there are growing numbers of extremists on the democratic side whose views are dangerous and generally rejected by the party mainstream. For many of us, its incredibly frustrating that our political system has become so polarized and incapable of pushing forward the “best” candidates both parties could offer. At the end of the day, we believe that the WH incumbent is so far over the line that it poses real threats to the viability of our democracy. I understand others see it exactly 180 degrees differently. I respect their beliefs but NOT the person they believe in.
October 6, 2020 2:05 pm at 2:05 pm #19073071Participantyichusdik Biden is putting on a good act now. He is a career liar and the radical left enemies are breathing at the gates. You have to be insane to give them power.
October 6, 2020 2:10 pm at 2:10 pm #1907309🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantGH- bravo! Waited a long time for that post. You made my day.
October 6, 2020 2:27 pm at 2:27 pm #1907312Baal TeshuvahParticipant1 – It’s truly incredible how people on this site, quite nicely embodied by you in your most recent post, in response to a very thoughtful and detailed argument from yichusdik invoke the bogeyman of the “radical left” as if that is the be all and end all of arguments. Perhaps that strategy worked in elementary school but it doesn’t (or at the very least it shouldn’t) work anywhere else. I admit I am concerned about the direction that the Democratic party is heading. But just as I scoff at the liberals who warn of the imminent descent of America into fascism and race war, I scoff at those on the right who warn of Biden and the other leaders of the Democratic party conspiring to turn America into the Sanders Soviet Socialist Republic.
October 6, 2020 2:29 pm at 2:29 pm #1907315charliehallParticipant“And I worry about the left wing of the Democratic Party more than I have had to in the past. ”
I am too. But I worry far more about Trump, for all the reasons you mention.
And I am worried about the future of Rabbinic Judaism. Like evangelical Christians, we are supporting massive, unprecedented immorality in the person of Trump. The rest of the world thinks we are hypocrites. And we are. 🙁
October 6, 2020 2:33 pm at 2:33 pm #1907318Reb EliezerParticipantBiden might become different when he becomes president, a safek whereas Trump we know who he is, a vaday. On this we say, ein safek motzei midei vaday, the vaday rules over the safek.
October 6, 2020 2:39 pm at 2:39 pm #1907320charliehallParticipant“He is a career liar”
No, that is Trump.
” and the radical left enemies are breathing at the gates.”
Actually most of the radical left is actually trying to sabotage Biden’s campaign. Briahna Joy Gray, David Sirota, Nina Turner, Rashida Tlaib — none have endorsed Biden and the first two have been attacking Biden almost nonstop for months. Cornel West and Michael Moore are claiming to support Biden but you would never know it from the way they talk — they blast him (accurately) for not being interested in their radical agenda.
Meanwhile, David Duke endorsed Trump. Again. So has Gavin McInnes, the holocaust denying anti-Semite who founded Proud Boys.
October 6, 2020 4:14 pm at 4:14 pm #1907343yichusdikParticipant“yichusdik Biden is putting on a good act now. He is a career liar and the radical left enemies are breathing at the gates. You have to be insane to give them power.”
Wow, 1, that is a well reasoned argument supported by facts. I guess I’ll change my mind now.
Could you, perhaps, address the issues I raised? Maybe the question about command, and endangering your troops. Or the one about COVID, even if only 0.1% is due to his lack of leadership. Or the morality issues? Maybe explain how his stable genius is helping the manufacturers who need aluminum, or the dairy farmers?
October 6, 2020 4:19 pm at 4:19 pm #1907346Ben LeviParticipantCharlie
Why were you not “worried” about rabbinic Judaism when Clinton was President?Nor does it pain you that somehow Clinton was actually a prime speaker at this years Dem Convention.
October 6, 2020 4:21 pm at 4:21 pm #1907348Ben LeviParticipantI also fail to understand why when Richard Spencer endorsed Trump it was National News and the story went on for days.
Now that he has endorsed Biden all we hear are crickets.October 6, 2020 4:22 pm at 4:22 pm #1907357Ben LeviParticipantAnd to Say Biden is not a career liar strains incredulity.
This is the man who was forced to drop out of running for President decades back because he plagiarized an entire speech.
He has claimed to have gone to college he did not go to.
He has claimed to have graduated at the top of class when he was at the bottom.
He has claimed to have been arrested time and again when it never happened.
He in fact excused himself at one time by stating that security did not let him go where ever he wanted and he considered that being “arrested”.
He claims to not want to ban fracking when he is on tape numerous times as stating he would go further then that.
His entire story about how & when he met his wife and have been proven completely false.
During the debate he expressly stated that his son was never paid 3.5 million by the wife of the Mayor of Moscow which even CNN was forced to admit is “not clear” at best, and is outright false by any reasonable examination of the evidence.
He claimed that he had no knowledge of the spying on the Trump campaign something that has been proven false by all contemporaneous records.
And some how when he lies at every appearance he makes it is excused as a “gaffe” while Trump is called a liar.
And Biden is not a career liar!?
October 6, 2020 4:25 pm at 4:25 pm #1907362Ben LeviParticipantGodolHodorah Do you realize what you wrote in one post?
You started
“Sadly, its become impossible to engage in rational dialogue, if the question become either “who is better for the yidden” or the alternatives are framed in totally extreme terms with little basis in fact”You ended,
“At the end of the day, we believe that the WH incumbent is so far over the line that it poses real threats to the viability of our democracy”.October 6, 2020 4:34 pm at 4:34 pm #1907365yichusdikParticipantBen Levi. It was a spencer troll (he’s done it before) and also immediately repudiated by Biden’s campaign. MAybe read the whole story, instead of the half Tucker Carlson wants you to read. That’s what I do when I see something that doesn’t smell right from the likes of Rachel Maddow. Don’t be a sheep and let someone else do your thinking for you.
October 6, 2020 4:59 pm at 4:59 pm #1907384Ben LeviParticipantI actually read Spencer’s tweets themselves.
Honestly Id did/do no know Carlson even reported on it.
October 6, 2020 5:01 pm at 5:01 pm #1907393Ben LeviParticipantAs for drugs created from human fetuses.
I do not know the particulars of this drug. But I can categorically state that if you will state that Trump is a hypocrite for taking such a drug you wind up in the position of stating that most Orthodox Jews who oppose abortion are hypocrites.
October 6, 2020 5:23 pm at 5:23 pm #1907418Ben LeviParticipantAs for Traiffs.
I understand Trade.
I own a business.
I manufacture products both here and in Asia.
Tariffs affected me negatively.
Yet while they did affect me and virtually everyoneelse in the industries I operate in negativley.
Virtually every person I deal with felt he was doing right by the country by putting them in place.Those who were in the fields in question ( which incidentlyy includes him as Trump has made numerous products in China) knew exactly the devastion that was wrough on Middle America by “experts’ version of free trade.
Yes there were materials not being produced here.
The factories that produced them were idle the towns that lived off them devastated, it was simply not cost effective to produce virtually anything in the USA.
Tariffs made them cost effective thereby allowing a manufacturing base to be recreated bringing back Jobs to the US and those materials could now be produced here.
October 6, 2020 5:28 pm at 5:28 pm #1907427yichusdikParticipantMost people in general are hypocrites. We are no different. But we don’t make public policy or state publicly that American women who (wrongly from the POV of orthodox Judaism) are following the law of the land and getting legal abortions should be punished (under what statute or law, federal or otherwise, I don’t know, but Trump said it in 2016).
Also, unlike Trump, most Orthodox Jews have a moral compass. When Trump was asked by Maureen Dowd in the Spring of 2016 if he’s ever been involved with someone who had an abortion, he refused to answer.
October 6, 2020 5:29 pm at 5:29 pm #1907426Ex-CTLawyerParticipantI posted over a month ago that I would not get involved in any of this CR back and forth about the election, as no one will be changing their minds based on the comments here.
My absentee ballot arrived today in the mail (they were mailed on 10/2 in my Connecticut town). I voted and have already deposited in the collection box at Town Hall.
I voted Biden.
I expect he will win my state.
Most of the arguing here is useless, as Biden will win CT, NY and NJ.Most members of the CR don’t live or vote in states that Trump may win.
I will make my comments about the election after voting has ended and the counts are in.
And, I don’t expect the voter fraud that the fool in the White House predicts. He is looking for any excuse fir being beatenOctober 6, 2020 5:29 pm at 5:29 pm #19074241Participantyichusdik this isn’t a chris wallace Biden tag team debate. A vote for him is a vote for the radical left. He is the Trojan horse. You’re the gullible America that fell for Obama as well.
October 6, 2020 5:29 pm at 5:29 pm #19074251ParticipantWhat did Biden do as VP when his ambassador was being killed in benghazi? Did you forget the 8 years of Obama? Who was his VP?
October 6, 2020 5:51 pm at 5:51 pm #1907437Ben LeviParticipantSo Yichusdik,
You are telling me that the reason to vote for Trump over Biden is because he would not answer a question Maureen Dowd answered him?
Or is it that i am supposed to respect Biden better because he admits that he will appoint Justices who will threaten my ability to earn a livelihood unlike Trump who will appoint Justices that protect my ability to be an Observant Jew in THE USA and ear a livelihood, but he will do it for the wrong reasons.
In other words vote Biden.
He is pro everything you are against and will implement it.
Hate Trump
He has pro the same values you have but secretly he agrees with Biden.
Yup that makes sense.October 6, 2020 9:45 pm at 9:45 pm #1907477som1Participant“People like me feel that this President, though he has done several things that were good for Am Yisroel, is in almost every other respect unfit to lead. He has no moral code or compass. Take, for example, his opposition to abortion. Good. Nu, who here isn’t, in all but the most specific circumstances? AH. But he was OK taking the Regeneron drug last week, made from human fetuses. For him, experimentally and with anecdotal effectiveness, it was OK. But for others, the product of abortions? Nooooo.”
him not taking the medicine wouldn’t make any less abortions its not like their forcing people at gunpoint to have an abortion for the medicine, people decide on their regardless of whether the doctors will cremate the fetus or use it for medicine! but nice try“He is supposed to be the commander in chief. I know many people who have served in the US, Canadian, Russian and Israel militaries. Many of these commanded troops, if even only a handful. Others were senior officers commanding thousands. Not a single one of them that I know would have endangered the lives of his troops for a photo op like the President did on Sunday to his security detail. Not one. Do YOU know anyone who has command who would?”
sorry you believe the fake story by the main stream fake news, early that day (way before the photo op,) it was ordered that the protesters be pushed back because it was to close to the white house and the secret service deemed it a threat. for some reason the the protesters were not pushed back and it was only realized once they were taking out the president for the photo shoot!!!! but nice try“He is a serial adulterer” uhhh no!!! but nice try anyway
“He doesn’t understand trade. He puts tariffs on materials that the US doesn’t make enough of to look tough to his constituents, but because US manufacturers have to import these (now more expensive because of those tariffs) materials to make their products, all he does is raise prices for Americans, while also inviting the inevitable counter-tariffs. He has done this repeatedly. For a conservative this looks and sounds like counterproductive socialist policy. And yet you support him. Mazel Tov.”
obviously you know zero about trade, because when you put tariffs on materials that are not produced much in the US then you force manufacturers to produce them in the US which is the whole point of the tariffs!!!! but still nice try“For someone who declared that he would hire only the best, He has had a revolving door of senior and cabinet level staff. If Rex Tillerson, John Kelly, HR McMaster, Jim Mattis, Gary Cohn, and John Bolton were so terrible, why on earth did this brilliant stable genius hire them? And if they weren’t (Including several of the most revered military officers of the last half century) Why did they quit?”
the fact that he fires them proves that he only keeps the best staff!! but still nice try“And, finally, COVID. He created multiple superspreader events, for his own campaign and his own edification. He has endangered every employee of the white house. It is small and cramped in much of the west wing, with not very good circulation. I know, I’ve been there. Have you, dear critics?
Herman Cain.
One man. who was at the Tulsa campaign event, maskless as he was encouraged to be, a few days before testing positive. He died on July 30th.
209,000 more have died.
If I grant you that 99.9% of his actions on COVID were right (and I do not, but for argument’s sake, lets say I did), that leaves 209 dead who his wrong decisions killed. 209. So far.
Charles Manson killed 9 people.
Jeffrey Dahmer killed 17 people.
Ted Bundy killed 30 people.
Would you vote for someone who is responsible for 209 deaths he could have prevented, even if he didn’t kill them directly? Imagine someone who purposefully drove through 209 crosswalks again and again mowing down pedestrians each time. Perhaps not killing intentionally, but negligently driving that car.
Really, you’d vote for him?
Now, if there was a real Republican on the ticket, I wouldn’t even look at Joe Biden. And I worry about the left wing of the Democratic Party more than I have had to in the past. But he isn’t a socialist and if you paid attention at the Democratic convention, the Biden Platform that was adopted by the party rejected almost every significant socialist idea brought up. In fact, it was more pro Israel (surprising even me) than any Democratic platform in the last 30 years. And Kamala Harris among all of the other candidates aside from Mike Bloomberg and possibly Pete Buttigieg, was the most centrist and moderate, as far from Sanders et al as one could be in the party. You wouldn’t be able to tell, of course, if you just watch one sided news. (I watch or read Fox, CNN, Bloomberg and MSNBC). The spin is amazing.
As with most things, it comes down to not who you most want, but who will do the least damage. America is hemorrhaging. And conservatives like me can see it. I am neither a liberal nor am I “woke”, but there is absolutely no compelling reason to vote for Trump in November (including Israel; agreeing that he’s done good there, what can he realistically add that he hasn’t already done?) and too many reasons not to.”
oh really trumps rallies killed people and was terribly evil but mass protests and riots encouraged by leftists like biden is perfectly fine!! uh no but nice tryOctober 6, 2020 9:45 pm at 9:45 pm #1907469som1Participantyou should learn to read without skipping words!!!!! read the words “providing all people of the united states with – (i) high-quality health care; (ii) affordable, safe, and adequate housing; (iii) economic security; and (iv) access to clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food, and nature.” take a look at your liberal run cities and all their homeless people and tell me its standard for the government to provide everyone with “affordable safe and adequate housing” or with ” access to clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food” i seriously think you should try first grade again
October 7, 2020 12:08 am at 12:08 am #1907536charliehallParticipant“its not like their forcing people at gunpoint to have an abortion”
The so called pro-lifers who support Trump would at gunpoint prevent women from having halachically mandated abortions — and have no problem with a thousand people a day continuing to die from COVID-19.
“it was ordered that the protesters be pushed back because it was to close to the white house and the secret service deemed it a threat”
Wrong. It was ordered that protesters be pushed back so that Trump could illegally seize the property of a church for a photo-op. Your synagogue may be next.
“obviously you know zero about trade, because when you put tariffs on materials that are not produced much in the US then you force manufacturers to produce them in the US”
Obviously YOU know zero about trade. That was literally Herbert Hoover’s idea when he signed the Smoot Hawley tariff bill into law. It brought about the Great Depression. It raised prices on imports, started a trade war, and reduced manufacturing. Trump’s tariffs have caused increased costs for American businesses and consumers and required a humongous bailout of farmers. And they caused US manufacturing to stop growing as our export oriented manufacturing sector was damaged by the retaliation that other countries took against the US.
Everyone loses in trade wars.
“the fact that he fires them”
He hired them.
“oh really trumps rallies killed people and was terribly evil but mass protests and riots encouraged by leftists like biden”
You are okay with Trump rallies killing people.
Biden does not support rioting and he has made that clear numerous times.
Regarding protests, it is a fact that the mass outdoor protests did not result in increases in COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, or deaths. It actually is one of the things that has proven that COVID-19 is not transmitted easily outdoors when people wear masks.
October 7, 2020 10:56 am at 10:56 am #1907683yichusdikParticipantI don’t even know where to start. 1, Som1, do you think we are all ignorant? I’ve been interacting with politicians for three decades. Of all persuasions. I’m neither a democrat, nor a socialist. I have voted for conservative candidates and will do so again when there is one to vote for. You think Trump is a conservative?
SOm1, your answer on trade is completely nonsensical. I don’t think you understand what you are talking about. For example, on Aluminum – the US does not have and cannot make the raw materials in anywhere near needed quantities. It is a raw material, a resource extracted from the ground. They can only get it elsewhere, primarily from Canada. But Trump saw fit to put a tariff on Aluminum from Canada, even though a) he just signed a new free trade deal OF HIS OWN MAKING with them, b) It will raise prices for US manufacturers of anything using aluminum, because Canadian producers aren’t going to just eat the cost increase, they will pass it on to the people who buy their aluminum, which now costs them more to export. And as the manufacturers in the US pay more, they will have to either raise their prices, or lose profit margins. which do you think they will choose? c) the countries who were slapped with arbitrary and useless tariffs have all established their own equal and retaliatory tariffs on US materials or goods coming in to their countries in response. So their economies are looking elsewhere to buy cheaper goods not affected by counter-tariffs, and US producers are selling less of their product to these countries. The net effect of Trump’s trade grandstanding costs American jobs, decreases American exports, increases the trade deficit he always complains about, increases prices for American consumers, contravenes his own trade agreements and thus reduces both sales and personal income taxes collected by the US government…Nothing about Trump’s trade actions as described is capitalist – it is interventionist policy, just like command economies in the 20th century used, to their detriment and ultimate demise. It does absolutely nothing to protect America, American jobs, American prices. It has embarrassed and likely hurt the reelection chances of republican governors across the country, whose state economies depend on Free Trade with their largest trading partner (for most of them, that’s Canada).
There simply isn’t any way to defend his actions on this that makes any sense. Please don’t embarrass yourself any further. Stop trying.
As I wrote and you both ignored, its not about Biden (who, for the record, condemned riots and looting, repeatedly, and even Trump doesn’t accuse him of being a socialist (just of being weak and thus potentially controlled by socialists – who couldn’t even manage to seriously influence their party’s platform at the convention, as powerful as they are). I don’t need to be convinced that conservative politics (for me, of the moderate sort) are better for all of us. Throwing mud at Biden is irrelevant to me – and to increasingly large numbers of the American electorate. I’m not basing my opinion on Biden’s strengths and weaknesses. I know he is not ideal. Its simply a matter of what a piece of work the President is, how he has failed the American people and betrayed its allies, how he has spread his immorality around him like a virus, how he shares no values with any competent military commander I have ever met or read about, and how his incompetence in handling COVID has cost too many lives.
October 7, 2020 11:14 am at 11:14 am #1907690ubiquitinParticipantRead every word
““providing all people of the united states with – (i) high-quality health care; (ii) affordable, safe, and adequate housing; (iii) economic security; and (iv) access to clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food, and nature.” ”
Each word sounds glorious! sign me up
Are you sure you arent campaigning for Biden?
Also, how do you keep bringing up “clean water clean air” Is that really controversial now? Does Trump oppose access to clean water and clean air? I know he opposes providing all with high-quality l healthcare , but I was not aware that clean water was controversial too . Interesting
October 7, 2020 11:25 am at 11:25 am #1907696Ben LeviParticipantWhile I admit to not having read the Green New Deal or caring much about it ( I tend to hold the view that the Orthodox Judaism is pretty specific about why the world was created and what our purpose here is and nothing that I have learnt yet includes environmentalism).
However what has been quoted is concerning to me.
Economic Security- Define that.Affordable,Safe, & Adequate houses- Define That.
High Quality Health Care-Define That.
October 7, 2020 11:51 am at 11:51 am #1907699Reb EliezerParticipantYou are responsible under baal taschhis to protect the environment given by Hashem to you.
October 7, 2020 9:26 pm at 9:26 pm #1907932Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@1
The ambassador killed in Benghazi was NOT VP Biden’s he served as the Ambassador from the UNITED States appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.
Vice Presidents have no real power except to break tie votes in the Senate.
If you wish to blame the then President, do so, but this attack is baseless and deflection,October 8, 2020 1:08 am at 1:08 am #1907973Ben LeviParticipantReb Eliezer,
Are you trying to make a joke?October 8, 2020 7:52 am at 7:52 am #1908072yichusdikParticipantI don’t even know where to start. 1, Som1, do you think we are all ignorant? I’ve been interacting with politicians for three decades. Of all persuasions. I’m neither a democrat, nor a socialist. I have voted for conservative candidates and will do so again when there is one to vote for. You think Trump is a conservative?
SOm1, your answer on trade is completely nonsensical. I don’t think you understand what you are talking about. For example, on Aluminum – the US does not have and cannot make the raw materials in anywhere near needed quantities. It is a raw material, a resource extracted from the ground. They can only get it elsewhere, primarily from Canada. But Trump saw fit to put a tariff on Aluminum from Canada, even though a) he just signed a new free trade deal OF HIS OWN MAKING with them, b) It will raise prices for US manufacturers of anything using aluminum, because Canadian producers aren’t going to just eat the cost increase, they will pass it on to the people who buy their aluminum, which now costs them more to export. And as the manufacturers in the US pay more, they will have to either raise their prices, or lose profit margins. which do you think they will choose? c) the countries who were slapped with arbitrary and useless tariffs have all established their own equal and retaliatory tariffs on US materials or goods coming in to their countries in response. So their economies are looking elsewhere to buy cheaper goods not affected by counter-tariffs, and US producers are selling less of their product to these countries. The net effect of Trump’s trade grandstanding costs American jobs, decreases American exports, increases the trade deficit he always complains about, increases prices for American consumers, contravenes his own trade agreements and thus reduces both sales and personal income taxes collected by the US government…Nothing about Trump’s trade actions as described is capitalist – it is interventionist policy, just like command economies in the 20th century used, to their detriment and ultimate demise. It does absolutely nothing to protect America, American jobs, American prices. It has embarrassed and likely hurt the reelection chances of republican governors across the country, whose state economies depend on Free Trade with their largest trading partner (for most of them, that’s Canada).
There simply isn’t any way to defend his actions on this that makes any sense. Please don’t embarrass yourself any further. Stop trying.
As I wrote and you both ignored, its not about Biden (who, for the record, condemned riots and looting, repeatedly, and even Trump doesn’t accuse him of being a socialist (just of being weak and thus potentially controlled by socialists – who couldn’t even manage to seriously influence their party’s platform at the convention, as powerful as they are). I don’t need to be convinced that conservative politics (for me, of the moderate sort) are better for all of us. Throwing mud at Biden is irrelevant to me – and to increasingly large numbers of the American electorate. I’m not basing my opinion on Biden’s strengths and weaknesses. I know he is not ideal. Its simply a matter of what a piece of work the President is, how he has failed the American people and betrayed its allies, how he has spread his immorality around him like a virus, how he shares no values with any competent military commander I have ever met or read about, and how his incompetence in handling COVID has cost too many lives.
October 8, 2020 11:36 am at 11:36 am #1908114se2015Participant( I tend to hold the view that the Orthodox Judaism is pretty specific about why the world was created and what our purpose here is and nothing that I have learnt yet includes environmentalism).
לעבדה ולשמרה
Midrash says that Hashem showed Adam all of the trees in Gan Eden, told him all this beauty was created for Adam, and warned him to not destroy His world because if he did no one would repair it after him.
Learnt something.
October 8, 2020 11:50 am at 11:50 am #19081221ParticipantCTL well what did he do to help? Nothing.
October 8, 2020 11:52 am at 11:52 am #1908123Ben LeviParticipantYou are aware that Chazal all over the place say that refers to Torah and Mitzvos.
In fact Chazal are pretty specific it cannot mean literally since Adam did not need to do physical labor before the Aveira.
October 8, 2020 12:56 pm at 12:56 pm #1908154Reb EliezerParticipantWe are not suppose to throw a rock in a well or step on a piece of bread because we are denying the good He bestowed on us. Similarly by destroying the envirinment we are denying His good.
October 8, 2020 12:57 pm at 12:57 pm #1908134se2015ParticipantAnd yet this statement of chazal interprets it with respect to Adam’s responsibility to the physical world. You can pick and choose which statements of chazal you disregard, but don’t say it isn’t there.
October 8, 2020 12:58 pm at 12:58 pm #1908136se2015Participantרְאֵה אֶת מַעֲשֵׂה הָאֱלֹקים כִּי מִי יוּכַל לְתַקֵּן אֵת אֲשֶׁר עִוְּתוֹ (קהלת ז, י״ג) , בְּשָׁעָה שֶׁבָּרָא הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא אֶת אָדָם הָרִאשׁוֹן, נְטָלוֹ וְהֶחֱזִירוֹ עַל כָּל אִילָנֵי גַּן עֵדֶן, וְאָמַר לוֹ, רְאֵה מַעֲשַׂי כַּמָּה נָאִים וּמְשֻׁבָּחִין הֵן, וְכָל מַה שֶּׁבָּרָאתִי בִּשְׁבִילְךָ בָּרָאתִי, תֵּן דַּעְתְּךָ שֶׁלֹא תְקַלְקֵל וְתַחֲרִיב אֶת עוֹלָמִי, שֶׁאִם קִלְקַלְתָּ אֵין מִי שֶׁיְתַקֵּן אַחֲרֶיךָ
October 8, 2020 6:00 pm at 6:00 pm #1908343Ben LeviParticipantI do not really know your point
Correct, Any Yeshiva Bochur knows that because it’s quoted in half the shmuessen on Bereshis, and Chazal explain that as going on Torah & Mitzvos.As for picking and choosing Chazal.
You are aware that a pretty big difference between Orthodox Judaism & other streams?
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