Are we praising the same people we are shocked by?

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    How many people do you know that are so proud of the achievements of the IDF? Of course, they are defending Jews and killing terrorists. But how many of us go beyond just that, idolizing theses same people that would beat the ______ out of you and I if we stepped into Meron today? I lived in Israel, I saw the police and border police brutality. If you saw that video, of that policeman pushing an old man to the floor, he could hardly move after that, doesn’t your blood boil? And don’t think that police is one thing, but IDF is something else. They are all massively prejudiced against you and I. They would smash your head open, too. They would choke you, too. If you gave them the excuse.
    I think it’s time we stopped playing both sides of the game. Yes, the soldiers put their life on the line for Jewish people. But you, as a religious Jew, are an object to be smashed and kicked, given the chance.


    First of all the OP is using the standard logic common among anti-semites. If some Jews did something wrong then it must be that the “Jewish community” is guilty of it.

    Secondly, no, my blood does not boil after seeing someone who you can be almost certain was aware that he should not be there walk into a crowd of police in riot gear getting knocked to the floor. Where else in the world would a frum person do something similar? You act like an idiot you get treated like one. The fact that people like him went to Meron shows that even they with all lack of respect for the law and safety they do not believe that you a religious Jew, are an object to be smashed and kicked, given the chance. Otherwise they would have stayed home.

    You provide zero evidence to say the police and the IDF are all the same. But I’ll end with this thought. even a Rosha like Achav was praised by Chazal for self sacrifice in a battle to save others. Even though he was told by the novi not to engage in that battle to begin with


    I am not “idolizing” the IDF / Israeli Army.

    I simply have gratitude for soldiers who save Jewish lives 365 days a year,
    and risk their own comfort and their own health their own lives to do that.

    What does Sanhedrin 37A say about someone who saves the life of ONE Jew?

    Maybe — just maybe — if religious Jews showed more thanks and praise
    for soldiers who defend Jews, and maybe if religious Jews
    stopped spitting on soldiers, and stopped attacking soldiers,
    and stopped criticizing soldiers,
    then maybe soldiers would stop hating religious Jews.

    Religious Jews cannot spit on soldiers, and attack soldiers,
    and criticize soldiers, and then act surprised
    when some [not all] soldiers hate religious Jews.


    Zionism is idolatry. Idolatry is not rational. This praising and even worshiping the Zionists is also, of course, irrational.


    How about going an extra kilometer and avoid having mishtara deployed to confront you when they have an enemy to fight or maybe get a day off… it is the least you can do especially if you claim learning full time (except when going places you should not)


    100%, but nevertheless meron was closed due to sakanas n’fashos, and although I agree the police were over aggressive, it was that or having meron packed with hundreds of thousands of people, and considering its up north, if just one rocket would have c”v landed near there, there would have been a mass stampede, unparalleled to 3 years ago c”v


    the vast majority of the Israeli chilonim are animals. now sometimes animals are useful but they remain animals nonetheless. Yes those ppl should not have gone to meron as it is a sakana but to push an old man and kick women like they did is a move done only by animals


    unfortunately, you are right. 🙁


    @justask why cant jews learn how to follow the law


    > . Yes those ppl should not have gone to meron as it is a sakana but to push an old man

    Not commenting on your otherwise vile language, and not condoning police behavior also, but mi tzad hadin, a man putting himself in sakana gets malkus and that is what he got min hashamayim, and putting others, police, in the same makom sakana is really a rotzeach and probably loses protection min hashamayim, so he should accept the yisurin he suffered like r Eliezer did after he led to an arrest and murder of a yid, who turned out to be deserving the punishment.


    The fear was that Hezbollah could take advantage of the mass gathering and shoot rockets toward Meron, something they have done before. If that were to happen, the consequences could’ve been devastating, causing massive deaths and injuries.
    It is undoubtedly sad to see an elderly person so bloodied. But that doesn’t obscure the fact that were something to happen, he would have had far more blood on his hands than the amount of blood he lost because of the scar on his forehead.
    An elderly man like him makes an impression on others, causing them to imitate him and follow in his footsteps. If any of those who were inspired by him to break the law and go to Meron were to be killed or hurt by Hezbollah rockets, he would have been complicit in their deaths.
    So, the scarred forehead is sad, but the bloody recklessness is outrages.

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