Anybody know any False Prophets?

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    In this weeks Parsha we are told that if Navi says to serve avodah zara, and even manages to do a Nes to prove it, we should not be swayed.

    Anybody know if this ever happened? Did somebody ever actually do a Nes and attempt to convince the Jews to do avodah zara?


    Didn’t Yushke do some magical stuff to attempt to prove himself and convince Yidden? (Which is why the Beis Din said he was chayiv misa.)

    I know this isn’t exactly what you asked about, but thought it to possibly be tangentially related.


    This really belongs in the rants section but I’ll put it here. I think some of those who peddle cures, segulos and yeshuos for a few dollars call into this category.


    Didn’t Yushke do some magical stuff to attempt to prove himself and convince Yidden? (Which is why the Beis Din said he was chayiv misa.)

    Dunno, did he? Is this documented anywhere?

    Also, did he ever say to serve a”z? I thought he just claimed to be Moshiach, and the whole shituf thing only started after his death.


    I think the Gemorah says he did kishuf or used the Shem Hameforesh to do super natural things.


    people who rant the magic segula ring or magic segulah cloth etc…. if you do this & this, is what we call magic prophecy which is pure avoda zara & is going against Hashem & trust in Hashem. still have even %1 doubt? then you are doubting Hashem & your trust in our loving father Hashem which is not a pure yid & is also chayav misa for believing in another G-D

    1)start working on yourself on putting your trust %100 in Hashem & turn straight to Hashem in your times of need.
    2)Make a daily learning seder of Sefer Chovos Halevovos (duties of the heart) which will change your life to the better by a lot & bring you closer to Hashem & start seeing Hashem with an open eye how everything is actually coming directly from Hashem & EVERYONE else doing it are just Hashems messengers.


    ☕️coffee addict

    also in this category is a navi that is a proven navi and changes to A”Z as in the case of the navi sheker that invited the other navi to eat by him (can’t remember names sorry)


    There are multiple false prophets mentioned in Tanach. See, e.g., Yechezkel 13, condemning the false prophets and Melachim Aleph 22 in which Achav gathers many neviim that give a false prophecy that he wants to hear.

    And you don’t get to be a navi in the first place until you successfully pull off a neis or an accurate prediction. On the other hand, I don’t know if there are any (beyond the nevei ha’baal but they didn’t pull of a real miracle) who were advocating avoda zara.


    Actually Yes! A number of years ago someone confided in me that he thinks he might be Eliyahu Hanavi due to the amount of Yissurim (suffering) he endures.


    False profits? That would be Bernie Madoff.


    joseph smith?

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