Anxiety-And Symptoms

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    As I said above, no 2 people are alike and therefore generalities that “medication is inappropriate for long-term use” are quite dangerous. There are many forms of anxiety and the length of time a person needs med’s varies for each individual case, and as such needs to be defined by the mental health professionals (MD’s and counselors). The main thing we should be concerned with is that “2cool” can be treated properly and get back to healthy functioning. Let the doctors decide the “how’s” and “how long’s”. I definitely agree that talk therapy is a vital component of treatment, but the facts are that there are subsets of population for which talk therapy alone is insufficient and require complementary medication treatment even long-term.


    has anyone tried neurofeedback? supposedly it does something with a brain scan, and sends the necessary brain waves into your brain that youre lacking and make you anxious?


    Simple relaxation will do… 🙂


    Im suffering from irregular heart beat due to anxiety-( kinda like panic attacs!!) and i have special pills!!!!!

    am yisrael chai


    please also try yoga, meditation, & aerobic exercise in addition to the pills.

    Feel better!


    Having some anxiety issues right now. What do people do when it gets to the point where it’s hard to breathe and e/t feels shaky?

    I technically have meds to take for it but that would mean telling s/o in my family that I need it and I’m not ready to do that.

    I’d rather a more practical way to get through this. Any ideas?


    happiest: I’m very sorry to hear that. I think the saddest part is that you are uncomfortable sharing it with your family, who are the people we are supposed to be comfortable relying on, no matter what.


    @popa- I guess you’re right about that. I am not comfortable sharing it with my family. It is unfortunate but that is the life that I am living right now and have to make do with it.

    am yisrael chai


    Try journaling right now. Write w/o thinking, just whatever comes out.

    You’ll be amazed.

    CR 1

    Its funny that this thread popped up now, bec i have been suffering for occasional anxiety for a while and last week I had two days where I was so anxious that I was gonna go get help however that would require me to tell my family so i decided to push it off, now i feel better but i def could have taken a pill then.

    does anyone have worse anxiety when its hot and sunny outside or is it just me?


    Writing is good, because you are venting your feelings, or it might be better NOT to think about what is triggering your anxiety and just try to relax and concentrate on your breathing. In that case put on some relaxing music (yes even in the 9 days, it will only be for a little while), sit in a comfortable chair near a fan or a/c vent so there is air in your face and just listen to the music and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in deeply through your nose, count to 5 and then breathe out slowly again through you nose. Don’t talk, don’t try reading, just listen to the music and to your breathing until you are totally relaxed and in control.


    To anyone who needs help: please get it. Iy’H after you do you will then be in a place to help others with your (let’s hope!) positive experiences.

    As an aside, anxiety, diarrhea, and tremors are classic symptoms of hyperthyroidism. If there’s not prior history of anxiety, ask your dr. for a full thyroid panel.


    tzippy -“for a full thyroid panel.”

    You don’t need the full panel – TSH is good enough.

    CR 1

    I would get help however im not very fond of taking medication so for now ill eat it, i do try natural remedies but that is very time consuming so i don’t always get around to it..

    i dont know what people with anxiety do… im still trying to figure it out


    Health, TSH is enough to screen for hyperthyroidism. It’s never enough to treat it since TSH can stay suppressed for quite some time.

    And it’s never enough for hypothyroidism. Google “The TSH Wars.”


    tzippi – Why don’t you admit you were wrong? You said if s/o has anxiety they should check out their thyroid with a full panel. This is unnecessary for screening purposes. Nuff said.

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