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    Does anyone experience weakness in there legs and light headedness when they have anxiety?


    Don’t worry about anxiety.


    Are you also hyperventilating? That could explain the light headedness.


    Question is, what came first? Did tiredness/lack of sleep come first? If so, expect a tired and lackluster day. Just try to do what you have to, and know that once you sleep you can exxpext to feel good and fulfilled. Not prior to that


    Yes. Do you know any breathing techniques? If you do, try them. They’ll probably help you relax a little.


    When I’m anxious, my knees feel like they’re tied into a million knots. Oh, and the lightheadedness is totally normal while having an anxiety attack. You ok??



    I dont know why but that tot worked..


    Whhhaaaa??? Another poster trying to steal my identity?


    yes! i have very bad anxiety too. i see a therapist for it and its B”H working wonders!

    here is a breathing technique i learned:

    think categories:

    for example lets say u watch tv. think of your favorite show or shows. then think what abt those shows u like. before you know it, you’ll be done!

    when i get atttacks i think im gonna pass out or my stomach starts burning or chest pains. u just have to remember nothing is wrong with you you are just experiencing an anxiety attack. this is what works for me. i try to stay away from the meds. i have them in case i need…


    yogibooboo – If you have long term anxiety, like OCD, you should be on meds. Not the benzos, but the SSRI’s!


    If you have long term anxiety, like OCD, you should be on meds.


    have you tried seeing a therapist?

    always here

    smartcookie~ I KNEW you were gonna go nuts when you saw that new poster’s name!!! (‘smartlittlecookie’)… there oughta be a law!! ;-O


    “yogibooboo – If you have long term anxiety, like OCD, you should be on meds. Not the benzos, but the SSRI’s! “

    health- I do not have OCD. Psychs try to say all these things to you to think you have stuff to get you onto meds. But, I will not give into that! I know I have an anxiety problem which I am dealing with by NOT being on meds! I see a therapist which I am B”H thrilled with! That’s called getting help…not medicine!


    yogibooboo – If you can manage without meds, fine. But a lot of people who have long term anxiety, need the extra boost of meds. The psychiatrists that I know, don’t prescibe unnecessary meds.

    always here

    I have been told by many people that I am such a different person, (for the better), since I went off anti-depressant & anti-anxiety meds 2 years ago that I had been on for too many years.


    “martcookie~ I KNEW you were gonna go nuts when you saw that new poster’s name!!! (‘smartlittlecookie’)… “

    me too. 🙂

    i guess everyone likes your name, smartcookie. maybe you should make a list of other good user names they can choose from – creativity is a gift that apparently not everyone has. 😉


    You can try One Brain.


    When you are having an anxiety attack, and your heart is palpitating, and your mind is racing thinking of ALL your problems at once, thinking of ALL the bad things that MAY happen, that could happen…

    Take a deep breath, let it out slowly and then keep repeating to yourself over and over and over…

    Ain Ohd Milvado

    Ain Ohd Milvado

    Ain Ohd Milvado

    Internalize that the reality IS that Ain Ohd Milvado – i.e. HaSh-m is in control of everything, EVERYTHING.

    HE will take care of you and get you through all current and future crises just like He has gotten you through until now.

    SAY it. BELIEVE it.

    It’s TRUE.


    SC: Don’t worry, unless there’s another late night scuffle here in CR, the OP will probably not use this name. This was before make-up


    No fair 🙁

    always here

    rebbitzen~ I was in Israel for 4 months, & had only brought enough meds for 2 months. when I saw I was running low, I took them less often, to stretch them out longer. I was on them for probably over 15 years easy.

    my brother-in-law, in Israel, was the one who commented the most on how different I am: he said I used to be sorta blabby (talkative) & spacey, but says now he really likes me. 🙂

    of course it’s more advisable to go off of them under a doctor’s supervision. g’luck.

    I still occasionally get a bit anxious & take a little xanax.. probably not even once a month.

    Once in awhile, I get a little down,(not any more ‘blue’ than a regular person), but I deal with it, & it passes.


    Reb – “anxiety and depression”

    A lot of times it goes together, but not always!

    always here

    sorry to say, but the CR has me feeling anxious from some of the thread postings today 🙁

    I’m goin’ to youtube to watch some Rebbishe mitzvah tantzes… that’ll calm me 🙂

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