Antisemitisim In 2009

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    How worry should be about the antisemitisim in these days, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina and the U.S. (Miami)


    I have nothing to add as MM, GAW, & mybat, have covered the bases.

    Daven to HB”H,

    passports etc. ready to go

    not get too comfortable, Galut


    My father always had all of our papers ready in case we had to flee the country, but in these days we really do not want to go away, we feel comfortable and we do not want to let go of our material posessions, it is a problem, in Venezuela were antisemitisim is very open these days the jews do not want to leave. What should we do about it? They do not want to let their properties go to waste. It used to be the ideal place to live but now with Chavez it is very scary and we see people are still there.Isn’t it scary.


    I’ll suggest that one should be more worried about anti-semitism in Brazil and Argentina (where they have the descendants of Nazi’s who fled europe) and Venezuela, where they are led by ahmadinjead’s buddy, than in the United States, where there may be plenty of anti-semitism, but there are also better legal protections.


    Just a guy, I think that the point is even in the US we shouldn’t let our guard down and we shouldn’t put our faith in the government.


    Wow, what a serious topic i think every goy is a little antisemetic deep down even if they deny it.


    Just-a-guy. I think a jew should be worry about antisemitism any place in the world the laws are man made and people could always change them. Why do you feel so secure in the United States? I think you trust the legal system too much and never forget a goy is a goy. In the United States they found a lot of nazis as well after War World II. Do not fool yourself.


    Just-a-guy, I think with what is going on recently in the world. Especially with the media terrified to call this recent terrorist act in Ft. Hood for what it is, and bowing to the Jihadists, I’d be very concerned as a Jew in this country. Yes, so B’H there has been minimal Anti-Semitism, and we have to be very thankful that we have the USA to live in, and we can vote and go to schools and not be discrimantated against. but Anti-Semitism is out there!! When I think of Crown Heights, when Dinkins was in charge and didn’t do anything and let the rioters do what ever they wanted. The Police were scared to act. Things like that make you realize, that one shouldn’t feel too comfortable in Golus. Don’t ever let your guard down and rememeber that we are in America temporarily and this is not the true home of the Jews.


    Mazca- why did you ask a question asking for people’s opinions if you don’t want answers. You asked, I gave an opinion, and now you misattribute thoughts I have to myself.

    Since you ask why do I feel so secure in the United STates, I’ll answer again.

    First, I never said I feel so secure. Please show me where in my short post I did. You asked about Venezuela, Brazil, Aregentina and the U.S. and I said that I think its better in the U.S.

    Why do I think that? Well, we’ve had large communities of Yidden flourishing for years, we have Yidden (maybe not your kind of Yidden, but Yidden nonethteless) in prominent powerful political positions and throught private industry. Prominent Members of the U.S. Senate, house of representatives, U.S. Supreme Court are Jewish. How about in Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina.

    If you don’t want to hear anyone’s answer, why ask a question.


    Mybat- where did I say that we should be comfortable and flaunt anything? The original poster asked about Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela and the U.S. and I said I think the U.S. is better than the first three. That doesn’t mean the U.S. isn’t golus, or that Jews here shouldn’t be vigilant, it just addresses the initial post.

    Do you disagree?


    Just-a-guy I do not desagreed with you that maybe in the U.S. a person feels safer but like mybat said in Latin America there are a lot of very powerful and influencial jews as well. But if we really want to be truthful even EY has a problem with antisemitisim. I ask the question even though I have a lot of thoughts in my mind because I like the challenge. We really including myself should try to be more humble a little hard in these days since we live in a very, very materialistic sociaty and we do not want to show less. The more the better. Is that correct?


    Mazca- I can no longer follow your train of thought vis a vis materialsitic society and whatnot.


    Just-a-guy You cannot follow my train of thought, fine with me. What is your train of thought? Please clarify it.

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