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- This topic has 229 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 13 hours, 32 minutes ago by SQUARE_ROOT.
January 29, 2025 8:30 am at 8:30 am #2357425SQUARE_ROOTParticipant
I did NOT write this letter or any part of it.
I do NOT know who wrote this letter.
I just copied it from www (dot) matzav (dot) com.==============
Dear Matzav Inbox,
I have absolutely no problem with anyone holding a shitah that is anti-Tzioni.
I understand fully the perspective of those who oppose the medinah.Every individual and kehillah is entitled to their views on this matter,
and we should not forget that there are many legitimate reasons
to question or oppose the modern state of Israel and its government.This is a topic that has many layers.
We must be able to have these discussions, respectfully and thoughtfully.However, what I cannot tolerate, and what I am calling out in this long overdue letter,
is when this anti-Zionist stance ceases to be a viewpoint or a political position,
and instead becomes the very foundation of someone’s Yiddishkeit.There is a great difference between holding an opinion about the medinah
and allowing that opinion to consume and define your entire avodas Hashem.When opposition to the medinah and the Israeli government transforms
into the entire essence of one’s Yiddishkeit, something is terribly amiss.Then it is no longer simply about politics or ideology.
It actually becomes a warped form of Avodah Zarah,
where the focus is no longer on serving Hashem,
but on serving an anti-Tzioni agenda.Yes, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
And for those who have fallen into this trap, how is it that every drasha,
every event, and every conversation somehow
revolves around the same refrain of anti-Tzioni sentiment?Is that your whole avodas Hashem?
How is it that every shmuess, every message,
and every teaching is framed through the lens of opposition to the medinah?When one’s Yiddishkeit is entirely defined by this opposition,
we must ask: Are you still serving Hashem?Or are you now serving your anti-Tzioni views,
as if they were the central aspect of our Torah observance?Let me be clear:
When the agenda of opposition to the medinah infiltrates every aspect
of avodas Hashem, one is in danger of losing sight of what is truly important.When you are teaching 5-year-olds this type of stuff
on an equal footing with Torah and mitzvos,
you have gone off the plantation.It is no longer about serving Hashem through the Torah and mitzvos,
but about serving an ideological position.And once that happens, one is no longer engaging in avodas Hashem
as the Torah teaches us, but is rather caught up in a false religion,
one that elevates these views above the true avodah of a Yid.I implore my fellow Yidden to call this out for what it is and what it has become.
Never lose sight of the fact that our true identity as Yidden
is not defined by one specific ideology,
but by our connection to Hashem, His Torah, and His mitzvos.Sincerely,
A Yid Who Has Had EnoughSOURCE: Matzav Inbox: “When Being Anti-Tzioni Becomes Your Avodah Zarah”
2024 December 24 www (dot) matzav (dot) com==============
In Brooklyn there is a yeshivah for Baalei Teshuvah where
the FIRST lesson the students learn is to HATE “The Zionists”.Why should that be the FIRST lesson they learn?
I was once lectured about the evils of “The Zionists” by
a very new student from that yeshivah, who was so new
that he did not yet know how to recite Shma Yisrael.
When I tried to change the subject, he refused to stop.January 29, 2025 4:42 pm at 4:42 pm #2358103somejewiknowParticipantresponding to the original article:
Your first mistake is “Every individual and kehillah is entitled to their views on this matter”, that is not true, that is not Torah, and that is not Yiddishkeit.
Ever Jew is obligated to keep the Torah and the Torah’s rejection of Zionism is a refection of fundamental of Yiddishkeit. By relegating the issue to one of “minhag hamakom” or even worse “opinion” is to completely miss the point of what is so evil about Zionism.
Beyond that, I don’t know who you are referring to that makes this specific battle against Amulek the complete totality of their yiddishkeit. Certainly there are askanim and the like that make this battle their life focus, but I don’t see a broader trend of it being a focus any more than the battle against Reform or Xtiantiy or Sha”tz in his day, yemach shemo.
Responding @square_root ,
what BT yeshiva is so anti zionist?January 30, 2025 4:26 pm at 4:26 pm #2358228Chaim87Participant@somejewiknow,
“the Torah’s rejection of Zionism is a refection of fundamental of Yiddishkeit.”That is a false statement. You are peddling your own ideals thats you made up based on your artificial goal posts. No its not a fundamental. According to some gedolim it was against the torah. According to others it was what the torah wanted. And so yes “Every individual and kehillah is entitled to their views on this matter based on their gadol”.
Don’t you start with me who the gedolim are because we went through this and they are many. No they don ‘t need to write or publish sefarim altough there are. Their actions suffice. And yes they are gedolim too. And yes Harav Kook ZL was a tzadik yesod olim who the chafetz chaim zl held of in great esteem. You can gladly go down this route again. But I won’t stop correcting your fake news.
Lastly, the idea that even if you believe zionsim is not founded in our torah but that its “fundamental”? Really “fundamental”? why exactly is it relevant today? In the 1940’s especially after the war you had people who bounced between satmar and mizrachi at once? he had to steer them in the right direction. But today how many satmaras or charedim become mizarchi? To say that this is like Fundamental after the state is already around for 80 years and it is what it is? It seems just more like part of being a cult to hock about zionists? Its has no relevanace.
January 30, 2025 4:26 pm at 4:26 pm #2358240Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantsome > Ever Jew is obligated to keep the Torah and the Torah’s rejection of Zionism is a refection of fundamental of Yiddishkeit.
You might have been exposed to very partisan info at some point, but you participated in several discussions here where you were exposed to a number of sources that show there are a number of Talmidei Chachomim that hold, to a different degree, pro-medina views – and you continue repeating that there is only one position. Maybe “Zionism” is a loaded term, so that you can easily say it refers to specific anti-religious views and activities and rightfully reject them, and then, mistakenly, mis-apply this disapproval to kosher Talmidei Chachomim. The other alternative is more disturbing – that someone with reasonable Jewish education and can not be classified as tink shebanishba can reject Torah authorities who happen to disagree with him.
January 30, 2025 4:27 pm at 4:27 pm #2358321HaKatanParticipantImagine if a large percentage of Jews were R”L L”A believers in Jews for J. Of course, Jews who claim fidelity to only G-d would be absolutely horrified and would need to drill the point that it is not at all okay to also be a believer in Jews for J.
Now, in reality, Zionism is infinitely worse. Zionism is heretical, in addition to being idolatrous (like Jews for J), and is also a replacement ideology for Judaism. Yes, given that Zionist propaganda and idolatry is so utterly pervasive, it is of utmost importance to be crystal-clear and strong that Zionism (the indefensible idolatry and heresy that you routinely attempt to defend here) is absolutely treif.
January 30, 2025 4:27 pm at 4:27 pm #2358624besalelParticipantvery good point. the anti-zionists feared not becoming their worst enemies from the moment that they preach.
January 30, 2025 4:27 pm at 4:27 pm #2358659DuvidfParticipantThe tragic status of the Jewish nation today regarding the Beis Hamikdash;
100% pray for it
50% are secular and have little or no interest in it.
45% are religious but adopted to some extent or another Satmar ideology that it can only be achieved through 100% super natural means.
5% are ready to do whatever is necessary to actually rebuild the Beis Hamikdash any way possible.
The Sefer Hachinuch counts rebuilding the Beis Hamikdash as one of the 613 commandments, he writes the commandment is binding when most of Klal Yisroel lives on their land. Acc. to the official numbers of Jews in the world today we are pretty close if not their already.
At one of the Otzma Yehudi rallies Rabbi Dov Lior encouraged the group not to worry about their popularity as also in Yetzias Mizrayim it says וחמושים עלו בני ישראל ממצרים only a small fraction merited to leave as the others were not worthy…
By Mechiras Yosef and the Meraglim the Majority were wrong and the minority were right…
Avraham Avinu was a Yachid vs many as was Moshe Rabenu, Yosef Hatzadik, Dovid Hamelech, Yirmiyah Hanavi, Yeshaya Hanavi, Mordechai Hatzadik, Matisyahu Kohen Gadol and more…
At the end of the day in the Torah we find being afraid to conquer Eretz Yisroel is the sin of the Meraglim, going to conquer when it is not the time is the sin of the Maapilim. What it all depends on is if Hashem is commanding to do it now or not.
The fact that we have no system of appointing legitimate Rabbis to a Sanhedrin or some sort of supreme Rabbinical court is the main churban of our times. All we have are way to many groups each claiming they and their Rabbis are the truth and all the others and their Rabbis are invalid.
January 30, 2025 4:27 pm at 4:27 pm #2358701please and thank youParticipantWhen opposition to the medinah and the Israeli government transforms
into the entire essence of one’s Yiddishkeit, something is terribly amiss.Then it is no longer simply about politics or ideology.
It actually becomes a warped form of Avodah Zarah,
where the focus is no longer on serving Hashem,
but on serving an anti-Tzioni agenda.I agree…and would say the same about Zionists.
January 30, 2025 7:54 pm at 7:54 pm #2358759besalelParticipantI dont get hakatan. no one disagrees that the zionists were not good jews. but they no longer exist. and look what they left behind. the jews who came to this country by and large became goyim. soemthing like 75-80% are either complete goyim or will be within a generation or two. the ones who went there stayed jewish, with few exceptions. and since they remained jewish they are still there to come back to hashem unlike the american jews who are now, with some exception, goyim and gone. and we see every day the jews in israel come back in greater and greater numbers. so cant we agree that israel was a net benefit to the jews?
January 30, 2025 7:54 pm at 7:54 pm #2358772Chaim87Participant@please and thank you
Point well taken except on the Zionist end by definition that means you live in EY and participate in Israeli life On the other hand if you are anti zionist it should not define you. Being anti zionist should just mean you mind your own business and just don’t get involved. It doesn’t require actions like being pro zionist is. So there when you allow it to define your life its a cult. And that’s kind of the crux of my old argument. The pro zionist gedolim didn’t need to write sefarim or defend it. Their voice was heard via actions. being zionist is about actions. The anti zionists were the ones who yelled alot because betzem there are no “actions” for an anti zionist. Henceforth to be anti zionist you write sefarim and yell. Still not an excuse to let it obsesss you. Nor can I understand why its vital to be anti zionists todayJanuary 30, 2025 7:54 pm at 7:54 pm #2358780Yserbius123ParticipantI think the BT yeshiva that opens up with anti-Zionism has a point. For most non-frum Jews, Zionism is synonymous with Judaism. It’s a huge part of their way of life, if they choose to follow the non-frum Jewish movements. If they are completely secular, they probably think that Zionism is something intrisic in frum Yiddishkeit They may be aware of people like Neturei Karta but (like most of us) consider them to be fringe radicals. So disavowing people of a deeply entrenched notion could be a pretty top priority, especially when they start going to shul and are mystified at the complete lack of even a Magen David anywhere.
January 30, 2025 7:54 pm at 7:54 pm #2358787anon1m0usParticipantThe problem with people commenting here on Zionism is they really have no clue what it is, or means besides what they parrot from people who also have no clue.
The Zionism today is NOTHING what Hertzel envisioned. If you are not a Zionist and living in Israel, you should leave. You don’t belong there, it is not your land ( until Moshiach comes, not do you fight for it.
January 30, 2025 7:54 pm at 7:54 pm #2358831SQUARE_ROOTParticipantIn his previous comment, HaKatan said that “Zionism is infinitely worse” than Jews for J____.
I have 20 years of fighting against Jews for J____, with approval from
prominent Orthodox Rabbis, and I am expert in their wicked apikuris beliefs.
I also had successes in saving Jews from converting to their wicked apikuris beliefs.Anyone who says that Zionism is worse than Jews for J____,
that person does NOT KNOW what he is talking about.If you do not believe me, then you can ask Rabbi Tovia Singer
or Rabbi Michael Skobac of Jews For Judaism.Every time HaKatan attacks “The Zionists”, the ONLY thing
he succeeds in accomplishing is making Jews hate each other.
This is true of all the anti-Zionists on this web site.The anti-Zionists on this web site continue to assume that
all Zionists are secular Jews, which is not even close to the truth.The anti-Zionists on this web site continue to ignore
the existence of 80 hesder yeshivahs, where the students
spend half their time studying Torah, and the other half
of their time working to defend the Jewish people and
the Jewish land from our genocidal terrorist Amalekite enemies.The anti-Zionists on this web site continue to ignore
the existence of 80 hesder yeshivahs, because those
hesder yeshivahs prove that it is possible to serve in the Israeli Army
and also study Torah and also pray with a minyan
and also remain faithful to Orthodox Judaism.Without THE ZIONISTS, there would be
approximately 3 yeshivahs in all of Eretz Yisrael.
Count them: 1, 2, 3.January 31, 2025 9:33 am at 9:33 am #2358858ZSKParticipantAgain, both of you are utterly clueless. For the millionth time, Zionism today is not ZIonism from almost 100 years ago. It is certainly not the same as RZ. It’s a real חבל the two of you can’t seem to grasp these two very simple facts.
Also, do you believe in שיבת ציון? Oh, you do? Then guess what? You’re a Zionist. End of discussion.
January 31, 2025 3:35 pm at 3:35 pm #2358957Chaim87Participant@ZSK,
You have a point but a few things.
1) Zionism of 100 years ago was mixed to. There were many gedolim and chashuva yidden who did indeed hold of having our own land in EY even before moshaich. Mizrachi was even part of agudah at one point. No torah jew held that its an excuse to forsake our torah and become not religious. And then the question became how much to cooperate with secular forces who were using it as an excuse to say we cvs don’t need the torah. Many of the gedolilm like the imeri emes zl and others were upset at R Kook Z”L for that cooperation. They weren’t upset about his ideal that we should have a homeland in EY. But then there were other gedolim who were against both ideologies such as the Stmar reba, R Elchanon and Brisker rav zl
2) Zionism of today. Today we shifted to a “post zionist” scoiety. Many years ago the jewish observer published an in-depth discussion about this. In that society, the modern day seculars aren’t saying oh if we have a homeland we don’t need to stay frum. And they aren’t trying to make you not frum. They are simply not religious. The only true Zionists left are the frum ones who used their mesora of their very chushuva rabbonim to continue the idea that its a mitzvah to do yishuv EY. Its almost like the torah part of zionsim is the same as 100 years ago while the secular part fell away.February 1, 2025 9:34 pm at 9:34 pm #2358981somejewiknowParticipant@ZSK you seem to be blind to the fact that my (our?) stance on the Torah’s rejection of Zionism is referring to today’s reality not what was. The so called “RZ” are worse than the secular zionists because the rebellion against Hashem is that much more blatant and intentional.
It’s bad enough when a person calls “Reform” a “Jewish” religion, it’s worse when that person wears a kapel.
February 1, 2025 9:34 pm at 9:34 pm #2359143HaKatanParticipantbesalel:
I don’t get why people make up nonsense. Of course the Zionism of a century ago still exists. The Zionist “State” is exactly that: Zionist.
Read their official platforms, their IDF training manuals, look at what goes on in their schools, etc. etc.And look at how the Zionists are fighting like never before against the chareidim including the yeshiva students whom the Zionists want to convert from Judaism to Zionism by forcing them into the Zionist army.
Zionism is idolatry and heresy. Read Rav Elchonon, the Chazon Ish, the Brisker Rav and all the others (not to mention the Satmar Rav) who wrote about Zionism, including well after the “State” was founded.
February 1, 2025 9:35 pm at 9:35 pm #2359156HaKatanParticipantZSK:
Chazal’s dictum of “Kol HaPosel…” comes to mind.
The “Religious Zionism” is actually much worse today than it was a century ago because they are the most fanatical and idolatrous Zionists, much more so than their co-religionists the secular Zionists because the “Religious” ones superimpose the Zionist idolatry and heresy onto, liHavdil, the Torah.Your last statement is silly. By your “logic” we are all CH”V “messianists”, as in Jews for J, because we all believe in Mashiach.
Zionism means, at a minimum, the idolatry and heresy that Jews are a “nation” – as opposed to the truth that we are a religion only – and the big Zionist lie that the Zionist “State” represents Judaism and the Jews. No, believing in שיבת ציון does not at all make one a Zionist. Why do you write things to confuse innocent people?February 1, 2025 9:35 pm at 9:35 pm #2359169HaKatanParticipantChaim just posts the thing over and over no matter what anyone writes.
A machaa must be made over his statement about gedolim wanted a “homeland” in E”Y. Ch”V, as that is against the Torah. E”Y is not a homeland. It is a powerful tool that could be used to grow closer to Hashem and perform mitzvos there that cannot be done elsewhere. It is not a “homeland” like the Zionist claim.
This nonsense about post-Zionism is just that. Rav Chaim pointed out that while people like this poster think that the Zionists shmad in order to get a State (which is terrible in and of itself, of course), the truth is that the Zionists need a State in order to shmad. The evil Zionists are actively doing so today, even more so than in the past, like in the drafting yeshiva students and in their overall war on G-d and His Torah including denying their citizens even the very basics of Judaism like shema yisrael…
Rav Elchonon and others wrote that “Religious Zionism” is the same idolatry as their secular counterparts but that the “Religious” ones mix in religion to that idolatry. No, there is no mesorah for “Religious Zionism”, and you cannot bring any sefarim that support your heretical claim. Zionism of all stripes is idolatry and heresy, as our gedolim have consistently noted for over a century, regardless of how much or how at all they dealt with the Zionists pre-State and post-State.
February 2, 2025 11:20 am at 11:20 am #2359315anon1m0usParticipantHakatan-;you sound like a raving lunatic. It seems you are ignorant of what Zionism is today and especially religious Zionismm. Your definitions are antiquidated that even Rabbi Elchanon would laugh at you. Since you do regard him as your authority, it’s funny how you don’t even listen to him. He also forbade his students from going to America or England and informed them to all stay in Europe. Where are you currently living? If it’s not Poland, you are an apikoris for speaking sheker of our rabbanoim and twisting their words to meet your narrative. You are worse than a Zionist!
February 3, 2025 12:12 am at 12:12 am #2359403Chaim87Participant@HaKatan
you do the same posting the same 3 gedolim who were anti Zionist. Many many were pro Zionist.To start with with R kook zl was a Gadol in his own right. The chafetz Chaim held him in high esteem. He walked out on the convention in 1924 when they bashmutzed him and refused to return. R Kook helped the chafetz Chaim write a Sefer after his father in law who assisted was nifter. These are hard facts.
Even the imeri emes who penned his famous letter wrote how R kook was holy and that no one should belittle him. We also know that R kook talmidim were R elyshav and R shloma zalman.
Adding to R kook supporters and those who held of Zionism were R isser zalman zl whose some became the head of hesder, the Nazir, r tzvi pesach frank.
We also know that R shraga feviel made a bracha when the state was founded. The saduguyra rebe fered tish on Yom hatzmut. The hystina was openly mizrachi. The shtefenshta Reba who talmdim were the skulner and ribnitza had a picture of hertzel in study. The ponvitcha rav raised a flag every year on yom hatzmut and by the punvitich groundbreaking ceremony had all the secular Zionist mks.
We also have a few teshuvas from very esteemed rabbonim pro the state.You post classic yeshivish hot headedness PR. It’s very in style to think like this today as that side won over the yeshiva world. (Maybe pun intended) . But it’s fake news and far from the truth. The truth is it was a dispute among gedolim and both have a makor in our Torah.
P.S. re Zionists today, keep on drinking the propaganda kool aid . That everyone is out to get us. Maybe just maybe today’s Zionists are not religious and don’t get the Torah vs out there to shmad us. And they don’t want us to become irreligious by joining the army. They just want us to be similar to hesder who produce very holy Jews learning Gemara in Gaza and being moser nefesh to
Put on teflin with two hands chapped off and on a wheel
Chair. Is that shmad in your eyes? I get the other side and why it may not be ideal for all charedim. But to say that the Zionists only want shmad?? Think rationally and snap out of your bubble.February 3, 2025 12:12 am at 12:12 am #2359406Chaim87Participantanon1m0us
Hkatan refuses to see all the hesder boys being makabel Shabbos in Gaza . The syuim they make. Listen to the shailas R Asher Weiss shlita gets from them that makes you cry. Are these reform Jews? It’s so silly narrow minded .February 3, 2025 12:17 am at 12:17 am #2359692Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantI see what comes out of these discussions: we need to separate between views of 50-100 years and current matzav.
There were widely diverging views 100 years ago and whatever views they were, we are not able to make judgment on them, when what is history for us, was an unknown and uncertain future for them. And their views and actions fashioned the today’s situation, whether for better or worse. Same, as some say, that Vilna Gaon put herem on chasidim – are chasidim today avdei avoda zara? some say, that is because Gaon brought them to senses. Not trying to divert the thread, just bringing an analogy.
So, when we discussing today’s world, we need to recalibrate to what exists today. Anti-religious Zionism, judging by votes and polls are a minority in EY. Another large group is “traditional” and large religious group that did not exist (in numbers like now) 100 years ago.
February 3, 2025 12:19 am at 12:19 am #2359707HaKatanParticipantanon1m0us:
“Kol HaPosel…”You are being motzi laaz on Rav Elchonon. He never forbade moving to America. He advised against doing so via the agency of specific “Modern Orthodox/Religious Zionist” “yeshivas”, and instead advised doing so via Torah VoDaath.
February 3, 2025 12:20 am at 12:20 am #2359710HaKatanParticipantSQUARE_ROOT:
I just noticed the end of your comment where you hilariously claimed that, if not for the Zionists, there would be only three yeshivos today in the territory controlled by the Zionists in and around the holy land.First of all, Mashiach would have come by now, if not for the Zionists. See the Satmar Rav’s Divrei Yoel on VaYechi and also the Brisker Rav in his biography books. Second, if not for the Zionists, who fight G-d, His Torah and His people, there would obviously be far more yeshivos there, just as there has been an explosion of new yeshivos in the rest of the world.
It’s pathetic how Zionists are so attached to their idol that they lose all sense of logic.
February 3, 2025 8:15 am at 8:15 am #2359799yankel berelParticipantSatmar rav vayechi is daat yachid.
Rov minyan ubinyan of gdolei yisrael disagreed with him on most of his rabid anti zionist views.Some say that even he himself sometimes overstated his own shitah , because of the hurricane of Zionism after the war.
Now that we are much further from the war and the allure of Zionism lost most of its appeal, we don’t need this extreme rhetoric which was used in those times.People like you, tend to view the world through this one dimensional Lense, and therefore your picture comes out crooked and unbalanced.
February 3, 2025 8:53 am at 8:53 am #2359819☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantRov minyan ubinyan of gdolei yisrael disagreed with him on most of his rabid anti zionist views.
Only in how to deal with the reality of the State of Israel, not the actual hisnagdus.
See R’ Reuven Grozovsky’s בעיות הזמן. (He is referring to the נטורי קרתא of his day, not to be confused with the contemporary clowns/reshoim who stole the name).
See also the Steipler’s letters (קרייינא דאיגרתא)February 3, 2025 11:23 am at 11:23 am #2359848Menachem ShmeiParticipantThe tragic status of the Jewish nation today regarding the Beis Hamikdash…
Duvid, you are displaying one of the very issues of Zionism.
Rambam rules that Melech HaMoshiach will build the Beis Hamikdash before Kibutz Goliyos, no posek argues with him.
Others say the Beis Hamikdash will descend from heaven.
No posek rules that Yidden, on their own, while still in golus, should begin building the Beis Hamikdash.
February 3, 2025 11:24 am at 11:24 am #2359858Chaim87Participant@HaKatan
Do you know where the name Torah vodaath comes from? It was a mizrachi yeshivah in Europe. Its head was Rabbi Rineas. If R Elchnon ZL was Ok with it then despite his opposition to zionsim he didn’t really feel it was kefira. Furthermore, R sharga Feivel Z’L was very zionsitic. I heard from eyewitneses that he made a bracha when israel obtained its statehood.. The holy Satmar reba zya was upset about it. If Torah vodaath is your ideal, then you have are pro zioniists.Of course you quote from holy sources. And to be clear if anyone would say that being anti zionist is bad or against the torah, I’d yell at them too. However, that doesn’t make pro zionsit anymore less part of our torah. There are two sides with very big tzadikim on both sides. Its like any other dispute such as litfaks vs chasdim, R yakov emdin vs R Yonasn eibshitiz etc. All sides are holy. But as R hutner use to say about Briska Rav, the torah wasn’t given on har grezim
February 3, 2025 12:49 pm at 12:49 pm #2359899Chaim87Participant@ DaasYochid .
It hard to play a numbers game and say whether it was “rov” or just many. Yes in reality there are 3 sides,
1) Totally opposed to cooperating with a state even after the fact.
2) Opposed to Zionism but once its here cooperate. (General todays and the past 50 years agudah shita)
3) Pro Zionism and founding a state of our own but anti being secular. This had many gedolim in its side too. After the state was founded and this question was no longer relevant a large chunk of this group folded into the group #2 above (agudah) while a few went to mizrachi. Today this is no longer a discussion but many in this group that joined agudah. A prime example is the rizyna rebas who were all clearly in this group. Today Boyan, sadigyur, bahush, hystain, Shtefnesht etc are all mainstream agudah.So yes R Reuvain and probably R Aron too were against the idea of having a state. But for example R Aron Z”L father in law R isser Zalman was very pro Zionism and was an extremely close friend of R Kook Z”L. in fact R Aron’s brother in law took over as RY of Hesder after R Kook Z”L.
All this is to say that all 3 sides of the debate are holy. As you note, the 4th side which is todays crazy NK is not holy.
February 3, 2025 6:22 pm at 6:22 pm #2360113somejewiknowParticipantfor anyone reading this. there are many liars about our Torah, and there is no countering opinion against the many Gedolim who spoke against Zionism and their evil State. The Brisker Rav was not a “daas yuchid”, the Steipler Geon was not a “daas yuchid”, the Chazon Ish was not a “daas yuchid”, Rav Elchnon Vaserman was not a “daas yuchid”, the Satmar Rav was not a “daas yuchid”, rav yosef chaim zonnefeld was not a “daas yuchid”, the baba sali was not a “daas yuchid”, the toldos aharon rebbe was not a “daas yuchid”, rav amrom blau was not a “daas yuchid”, the munkatcher rebbe was not a “daas yuchid”, etc etc etc
Bottom line, there is no source for any “shita” that kashers the ideology or the actions of ZIONISM TODAY. This is all clear and obvious to anyone who looks to the Torah and the thousands of seforim that have been published in our long history as the source of Truth the source of our masorah.
There is no leader in klal yisroel who can point to any source in our Torah that is a different shita than the clear psak as laborsly spelled out in the sefer Vayoel Moshe. No one has every published a challenge to that sefer, as it has been well endorsed by every Gadol who has seen it and spoken about it.
February 4, 2025 9:02 am at 9:02 am #2360146Chaim87ParticipantTo those reading this ;
1) yes it’s true anti Zionism isn’t a dad yachid but there were many many others who held Zionism has roots in our Torah.
2) There is no such rule or goal post that one needs to write or publish sefarim to refute another gadol. One can also commit actions that display their difference of opinion. And that stands just like publishing sefarim. In fact you only to publish a Sefer if you are anti Zionism. Because there is no action that you can take that displays anti Zionism other than writing a Sefer. The deeds of many pro Zionist gedolim are enough to prove that it has a source in our Torah.
3) There are actually a nice few pro Zionist Torah publications as well. Although yes as noted in #2 there are more anti because that’s the only way to express your viewBottom line there are many holy gedolim pro Zionism
February 4, 2025 9:06 am at 9:06 am #2360152Chaim87ParticipantIt’s also important for the audience to think about the following . Can anyone deny that many hesder boys are fine frum Jews? Maybe even our hero’s at times? Have all seen the syuim they make while fighting in Gaza ? The davening while fighting ? The Shabbos etc? Many of us have heard R Asher Weiss cry over the questions he receives from these soilders such as one with no hands who wants to know how to best put on tefiln. I ask you all are the not Torah Jews? How can one say that there anyone who believes in Zionism is a kofer after looking at them?
One more thing , how many reform Jews kept the Torah after 3-4 generations? How many conservatives? How many who followed shabasi tzvi ? Now how many mizrachi are frum 3rd generation?
Again I dare anyone to deny that these hesder boys aren’t good Torah Jews. One can say it’s still not our mesora or that it’s not for charedim. But to say they are less Jews ???
February 4, 2025 9:10 am at 9:10 am #2360178pure yiddishkeitParticipantThe ignorant, one sided and extreme left or similar comment should not even be answered, a waist of mental space taken up in our brains.
Just lets say it straight and simple:If you stop pandering around touting stupid zionist kefira to the point that zionism is YOUR only form of “judaism” (in inverted commas), than that will take away the need and chashivus to be preoccupied with bringing out and displaying anti zionism.
If the symptoms of the zionist cancer keep coming back, we need to keep dealing with it, so that the zionist cancer doesn’t totally ravage the Yiddishe nation.
Don’t like it?
where did you get that “zionism” is the only form of the mizrachi religon? I see chaylim writing sefarim on gemara, making syumim, learning torah and davening and putting on teflin in the most harshest situations? I’d venture to say more than you or I would do. That means there is more to their religon than zionism. You made this up that all they do is preach zionisim all day.And the way you start by calling it “stupid zionist kefira” is a lie too. R Kook Z’l was no kofer. And the list of gedolim who supported zionsim isn’t kefira either. Its not a cancer and the overwhelming majority don’t make it their only form of religion. (maybe a few crazy hilltop youth)
February 4, 2025 4:43 pm at 4:43 pm #2360570HaKatanParticipantChaim87:
You’re reaching new lows attempting to defend the indefensible.
The name being the same as Rav Rhines’ yeshiva doesn’t change that Zionism is treif and Rav Elchonon did not allow emigration to a spiritual makom sakana but held that YTV was not a spiritual makom sakana.No, there is zero source for Zionism having its roots in Torah CH”V. That’s simply absurd.
You wrote:
“Can anyone deny that many hesder boys are fine frum Jews?”Yes, all the gedolim, from Rav Elchonon to the Brisker Rav and all the rest denied exactly that, despite your inability to read their plain text stating exactly that. Rav Elchonon, for example, wrote that “Religious Zionism” is A”Z and religion “biShituf”. That’s exactly what it is, no matter how many siyumim they make. That’s the sad reality.
But you know better than all the gedolim.
February 4, 2025 4:43 pm at 4:43 pm #2360573HaKatanParticipantyankel berel:
Why do you write foolishness? “The allure of Zionism has lost its appeal.” Really? Mizrachi and “Religious Zionists” worship this molech god with human sacrifices even more fanatically than do their secular counterparts. It has not lost its appeal, unfortunately. And on this very board you have people claiming that they are good frum Jews just like anyone else. Many Jews unfortunately believe the Zionist lie that Jews are a “nation” like all other nations and that the Zionists represent that mythical nation. That itself is a tragedy, even without all the Zionist shmad and other Zionist attacks on G-d, His Torah and His people.And as Daas Yachid pointed out, the Satmar Rav was not a “Daas Yachid” re: Zionism except for specific measures including not visiting the kosel and Israelis not voting in Israeli elections.
February 4, 2025 6:34 pm at 6:34 pm #2360695DuvidfParticipantMenachem shmei —- The Chinuch writes the mitzva to build the Beis Hamikdash is when most of the Jewish nation are living in Eretz Yisroel today we are either there already or pretty close. The Rambam writes very clearly noone knows exactly how things will play out until it will happen. You are simply fabricating halachos in the name of “poskim” according to your own whim.
February 5, 2025 8:40 am at 8:40 am #2360887Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant> Many Jews unfortunately believe the Zionist lie that Jews are a “nation” like all other nations and that the Zionists represent that mythical nation
I think there is some confusing conflation of terms here. First “zionists” = non-religious people who were in power in early Israel. True. Then, everyone who cooperated in any way with those “zionists” are also called “zionists” and thus are equally treif. So, if a governor of NJ visits Lakewood NJ, now all rabonim, H’V, are guilty of the governor’s corruption?!
where do religious zionists say that Jews are “like other nations”?! I am not a bokeh in R Kook, but I was reading R Soloveitchik lately who was sympathetic to Mafdal, and he is in no way approving of such approach. To the opposite, he quotes Israeli minister on US TV in the 1950s who talks about “trusting Arab youth” and “British ministers” and recording a sarcastic remarks of a non-Jewish friend – “I would rather put my trust in G-d of Israel” …
February 5, 2025 8:41 am at 8:41 am #2360889Chaim87Participant@ HaKatan
so answer the question,
Are you saying that all these mizrachi Soilders who we see learning bhasmada and mesarias nefesh, the ones who call R Asher Weiss crying because their hands are chopped off but they want to put on teflin; are they all not holy fine Jews? That will be a yes or no. No speeches. Answer the question. I want you on record.February 5, 2025 8:41 am at 8:41 am #2360890Chaim87Participant@HaKatan
Anti zionism is not a das yachad but not ALL gedolim hold like that. You are outright lying and I won’t stand for that.Yes there is a source for Zionism in our Torah. 1000%.
Yes there is a source against Zionism too.
Both are true. That’s an undisputed fact. You are brainwashed and lying.Back to my other comment , do you deny that the idf Soilders mesiras nefesh made them holy Jews ? Yes or no
February 5, 2025 2:02 pm at 2:02 pm #2360994somejewiknowParticipant@Chaim87
I’ll jump in to answer your question: being in the IDF does not automatically make someone holy. Fighting wars against the non-Jews does not make someone holy. Instead, the Gemara says that doing such things causes, G-d forbid, more bloodshed.Sacrificing your son to Molech doesn’t make someone holy, not even the son.
While, I cannot claim to know the din v’cheshbon of any specific person, we are obligated to make presumptions and certainly generalizations based on the external observation, especially when dealing with heretical groups and ideologies. So, anyone who is wearing the modern blue-and-white flag of Amulek in their fight against Hashem in IDF garb is certainly not a “holy fine Jew”.
February 5, 2025 5:20 pm at 5:20 pm #2361257Chaim87Participant@somejewiknow,
Agree being in the IDF certainly doesn’t make one a tzadik. But lets say someone is in the IDF yet they are moser nefesh to do mitzvas and observe our torah. Are they not a tzadik? It sounds like you are saying no since they should have never joined. Therefore despite being so moser nefesh they aren’t holy? I just want to get that on record so everyone can see what radical you are. That would a yes or no. Is someone whose hands are chopped off but in the IDF who is moser nefesh to put on teflin a tzadik? yes or no?“Fighting wars against the non-Jews does not make someone holy. Instead, the Gemara says that doing such things causes, G-d forbid, more bloodshed.”
So what should we have done on oct 8? Not fight back?
Furthermore, lets just clear the air many psokim hold we don’t pasken like that gemara which is an aggaduata. Furthermore, the gemara of 3 shavous only applies to when the umas haolim (goyim) don’t attack us. It doesn’t apply when we are attacked by them. This is the torah response and yes there are gedolim who were pro zionist who answered that.Just to recap: There is a source in our torah for Zionism. There are lots and lots of gedolim who approve of Zionism. Of course nay gadol is anti being secular. And just so that everyone sees Mr somejewiknow says that IDF solders who are moser nefssh to learn torah, daven and do miztvas are not holy because they put themselves in that danger. You all heard it. Now the audience can decide
February 5, 2025 5:20 pm at 5:20 pm #2361263HaKatanParticipantChaim87:
Rav Elchonon and all the gedolim wrote that “Mizrachi”/”Religious Zionism” is idolatry (and heresy). That makes the answer to your question obvious, despite your refusal to accept the Torah’s indisputable view, as written above: while these particular ones may be very well-meaning, they are of course not “holy fine Jews” if they violate the inviolable prohibition of A”Z. What kind of silly question is that?And, again, no there absolutely nowhere in the Torah that allows for any form of Zionism, as the gedolim wrote and as should also be obvious to any Jewish child untainted by Zionist idolatry.
February 5, 2025 5:20 pm at 5:20 pm #2361264HaKatanParticipantAAQ:
The confusion seems to be yours. Zionism did not stop in 1948 or even 1967. Zionism is what drives the Zionist “State”. Its parliament members speak about whether something they are debating is or is not Zionist. Etc.February 5, 2025 5:20 pm at 5:20 pm #2361265HaKatanParticipantChaim:
Back to your other question:
Of course the “mesiras nefesh” of Zionist soldiers does NOT at all make them holy. What kind of silly and heretical question is that (it’s because of Zionist idolatry, of course)? One has zero to do with the other. The Torah defines what is and is not holiness. IDF service is the exact opposite of holiness, of course.February 5, 2025 5:20 pm at 5:20 pm #2361269HaKatanParticipantChaim:
There is zero source for Zionism in the Torah, as mentioned. Other than people whom the gedolim recognized as deviant, and who anyone with half a brain should realize the same, there is no sefer that comes close to claiming any such thing. But the greatest gedolim vehemently condemned the obvious heresy and idolatry that is Zionism. Period.Your stories about some Rebbe making a party on some day or whatever are totally irrelevant. There is zero Torah authority that permits Zionism, which should be obvious to any thinking Jew.
February 5, 2025 5:21 pm at 5:21 pm #2361298Chaim87Participant@somejewiknow
I will also point out that Both r Elishayv and Rabbi Yosef zl paskned during the yom kippur war that those fighting are participating in a “mlechmes mitzva”. What the means exactly or its context can be debated. But one thing is clear. The leading torah posekim did NOT believe that this was akin to sacrificing your son to the moelch. Maybe learning torah is even a bigger michems mitzva But the fact remains that those who chose to fight are doing good in the torah’s eyes based on their clear paskFebruary 5, 2025 8:23 pm at 8:23 pm #2361324Chaim87Participant@HaKatan
“Rav Elchonon and all the gedolim wrote”“Rav Elchonon ” yes “ALL” no. Thats a lie you made up. I pointed to many gedolim who held and wrote differently,
And, again, there are many sources in the Torah that allows for forms of religious Zionism, You are lying.Your stories about some Rebbe making a party on some day or whatever are totally irrelevant.
Nope its very relevant. It proves that there is a source from our torah. Actions matter. You know what else is relevant, And its not “some rebbe” The ruizyna rebas were holy people just like Satmar. No different.
R Kook Z”l, R Elyshaiv who obviously felt there is a place because he worked for them, R shloma zalman, R Isser Zlaman Meltzer. You know whats alos releveant? Actions taken by R sharga Feivel. Punvitcha Rav and many others that were openly pro zionsim
Sefraim written the Seridei Eish,
During the Holocaust, Rabbi Ziemba realized the urgent need for a Jewish homeland.
In 1942, in the Warsaw Ghetto, he publicly declared support for Zionism, saying that Jews needed their own state for survival.
Rabbi Menachem Kasher RY in ger and close talmind of the Imeri emesFurthermore, we have teshivas from the steipler, R chatzkel and letters from R Aron Lieb that anyone not learning should fight in the IDF. Indeniable letters. Again that means its not kefira and forbidden.
I could keep on going. Yes in your mind. Only R elchnaon and satmar reba are gedolim. But oo bad You have no right to make these things up. Yes all the others I mentioned are gedolim and YES ACTIONS MATTER too.
Zionsim has a clear torah path
February 5, 2025 8:23 pm at 8:23 pm #2361326Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantChaim, interesting, could you quote more from that psak?
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