Someone explained to me that it’s based on the fact that they hold that tefila without kavana is not considered tefila at all. The reason they daven late is so they have more time to prepare and have kavana when they daven since otherwise it’s not considered davening.
Some chassidim, such as Breslovers, are makpid about davening before zman tefilah. Rebbe Nachman taught that it was important to abide by every word of the Shulchan Aruch. For that reason, when the Chofetz Chaim’s son became interested in chassidus, he counseled his son to associated with Breslovers.
Chas vi’shalom to suggest that one does not have to comply with the clear-cut halacha of sof zman krias shema.
That being said, I will echo the sentiments that Meno expressed: It sounds like the OP of this thread is more of a cat than a housewife, in the famous moshul of the Ponevezher Rav.
We are exhorted not to use the Torah as a קרדם לחפר – we certainly shouldn’t use it as a weapon to bash people as part of a non-li’shaim Shamayim agenda.