Anniversary ideas

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    basyechida nomore

    My anniversary is coming up and since I’m somewhat unoriginal when it comes to celebrations and gifts, I could use some help. Any suggestions?


    Buy your husband a necktie. But, really, celebrating a wedding anniversary is a goyishe zach, not a yiddishe zach.


    Can you tell us anything about him that might help us with coming up with ideas?

    The Wolf


    Staten Island Ferry and that Kaiten Sushi place is an idea. I have not been in NYC for a while, do they still have the kosher dinner cruise?

    The little I know

    What makes a wedding anniversary into a goyishe zach? If it provides an excuse for couples to celebrate their bonding and connection, it generates the ahavas ish ve’ishto that Shlomo Hamelech considered a metaphor for ahavas Hashem. It is a wonderful thing for couples to rekindle their love for each other. Perhaps it would be nice to find excuses for such events to be celebrated more than once per year. Think what it would do for their shalom bayis, and what it could model for their children.

    basyechida nomore

    Farrocks, I disagree. There’s no reason why two people can’t celebrate a major milestone in their life.

    Wolfish, all I can say is that he’s not material. He wouldn’t enjoy a tie like farrocks suggested or a watch, wallet, etc.

    qsman, we don’t live in NY.


    Wolfish, all I can say is that he’s not material. He wouldn’t enjoy a tie like farrocks suggested or a watch, wallet, etc.,

    That’s not much to go on. Does he have any hobbies? Is there something that he can use professionally? Or would he prefer to have just some quiet quality time with the two of you (i.e. out on a date)?

    The Wolf



    Then it seems like you should buy a sefer or set depending on your budget that he would really enjoy. Maybe ask his chavrusa?

    basyechida nomore

    Wogashlfish, you’re right, that wasn’t much to go on. He loves a mental challenge, and is a sports fan. Otoh, he’s a big fan of quiet quality time too.

    WIY, when I wrote he isn’t material, I didn’t mean that he wouldn’t appreciate something gashmyus. What I meant was that he wouldn’t appreciate expensive or extravagant gifts.

    basyechida nomore

    Sorry about the typo. I meant “wolfish” and not wogashlfish.


    basyechida nomore

    Well you sorta missed the Thanksgiving sales but either way you can see if theres a clothing item he needs that will fit the budget. Maybe get him a sweater or tie that was mentioned. Buy what he needs before extras…

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