- This topic has 55 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 5 months ago by WIY.
October 6, 2010 12:28 am at 12:28 am #592536I can only tryMember
There has been some lively debate on this topic on the main page.
What do you think?
1) Cuomo
2) Paladino
3) Undecided
4) Depends on…
What issues is your decision based on?
(I’ll chime in with my preference later)
October 6, 2010 12:36 am at 12:36 am #699532myfriendMemberCarl Paladino, hands down.
Why? Cause I’m a Torah Jew, and that rules out baby killer toeiva-supporting Andy.
October 6, 2010 1:30 am at 1:30 am #699533rebdonielMemberI am voting for Paladino. I also voted for him in the primary.
Why? Because I believe in limited government, cleaning up corruption, and voting someone who is grounded in a Torah perspective on abortion and homosexuality. I hold by the shitas of HaGadol R’ Avigdor Miller, who was very clear that we cannot support politicians who oppose our pro-life values, and ipso facto, he paskened that the right party for us to vote for is the GOP. Cuomo is not only pro-abortion and pro-toeva, he also ran the most corrupt HUD under Clinton, lawsuits alleging racism and sexual harassment were filed against him (http://www.adversity.net/fed_stats/HUD/huddocs/3gaffney_cuomo.htm), and and he is all around no good, just like his father. Paladino’s remarks about the dictatorial, pro-toeva, Sheldon Silver were perfectly warranted. He never said that he hated the Jews or that all Jews were like Yemach Shemo. He said that Silver was, and this was for rhetorical fluorish. We Jews frequently insult each other as well. Insulting a very corrupt man who happens to have Jewish parents is not anti-semitism. Silver is out for himself, as evident in all of his self-serving wheeling and dealing that cost the state and city big time. We need a change in Albany, after a governor and then the inept Paterson. I wish Paladino, O’Donnell, Sharron Angle, John Gomez, Fran Becker, and all other Republicans running hatzlacha rabba.
October 6, 2010 2:55 am at 2:55 am #699534charliehallParticipantPaladino’s position on abortion is NOT the Torah position, but that of the Catholic Church, which would have women die rather than permit an abortion. At least that is what his campaign web site seems to say.
October 6, 2010 2:59 am at 2:59 am #699535charliehallParticipantrebdoniel,
When did motzi shem ra on a Jewish public servant become mutar?
Regarding Paladino’s values, he has a long history of distributing pornographic emails. Do you think that is consistent with Jewish values?
October 6, 2010 3:01 am at 3:01 am #699536HelpfulMemberCH: Every sheigitz does porn. What else is new? Check out the reason why Cuomo got divorced. Its a lot worse than that.
And what the media plays up about Paladino, being angry and bombastic, politicians {which Paladino is not} are worse.
And Silver IS a disgrace with his full support of toeiva, abortion-on-demand (incl. third trimester), against yeshiva vouchers, etc.
Paladino will VETO toeiva marriage, if Shelly Silver pushes it through the Assembly, unlike Cuomo.
October 6, 2010 3:07 am at 3:07 am #699537charliehallParticipantI personally will be voting for Andrew Cuomo. He has the character and personality to get along with people, something that has been badly missing in Albany since his father left office. Paladino has clearly demonstrated that the only thing he can do is deliver mean insults. And Paladino has been stupid enough to tie himself to Yehudah Levin who tried to get us to support Patrick Buchanan HaRasha. Cuomo, on the other hand, will be able to work together with the legislature to solve New York’s fiscal problems.
Furthermore, many of Paladino’s policies are stupid. For example, he wants to cut an eight figure amount from NY Medicaid which is the one of the best health insurance programs in America. As a result, lots of poor Jews will no longer have health insurance and about half the hospitals in NYC will close, putting tens of thousands out of work and making it impossible to deal with any kind of epidemic. And he claims to want to cut taxes while creating a very expensive school voucher program that would cost billions. That kind of fuzzy math is what got the state into the fiscal mess it is in in the first place! The only good thing is that should he somehow get elected, he has offended so many people that none of his programs will get enacted.
October 6, 2010 3:19 am at 3:19 am #699538popa_bar_abbaParticipantReasons to vote for:
Paladino- represents a much closer view to ours on issues of morality, foreign affairs, israel, taxes, safety, terrorism, law and order, religious freedom, immigration, and more.
Cuomo- will give us money, free health care, food stamps, etc.
October 6, 2010 4:28 am at 4:28 am #699539oomisParticipantI don’t want either of them. But what other choices do we have?
October 6, 2010 12:35 pm at 12:35 pm #699540rebdonielMemberThe Torah does not allow abortion under any circumstances for goyim. (see Maseches Sanhedrin 57b). It is allowed for yidden, although when it comes to policy decisions in a mostly goyishe country, if we want to think of the torah approach, we have to think what the halacha is for goyim. That is why the pro-life position is consistent with halacha. Situations in which the “life of the mother” is threatened to the point of abortion being necessary is a rare occurance these days, as medicine has advanced greatly, into areas such as maternal-fetal medicine, obstetric medicine, etc. A goy who aborts is considered chayav misa even. This is according to R’ Unterman, R’ Miller, Reb Moshe, and many other sources. Paladino is not perfect, and has skeletons in his closet, but it is not my place to judge whether or not he is a good Catholic. The question is who has better policies for those of us who pay taxes, are committed to strong values, etc. It is a no-brainer- Paladino .
I don;t know about you, but I like keeping the money I make. If taxes were cut, remember, we could all give a lot more tzedakah to acheinu bnei yisroel in need.
And you should have some kavod hatorah. It is RABBI Yehuda Levin. The man is a mentsch and is on the nesius of the Igud HaRabbonim of America. His actions are a kiddush hashem. He is also a talmid chacham. (I have spoken to him on several occasions, and it is obvious when you speak to him that he knows shas well).
October 6, 2010 1:33 pm at 1:33 pm #699541charliehallParticipantrebdoniel,
You didn’t finish the sugya to which you refer! At the bottom of Sanhedrin 59a there is an unqualified unopposed statement that there is nothing prohibited to Noachides that is permitted to Jews. The difference is that Noachides can have more stringent penalties (for example, Noachides can administer a death penalty for abortion or theft).
October 6, 2010 1:37 pm at 1:37 pm #699542charliehallParticipantrebdoniel,
The money you make is not yours. It belongs to HaShem.
And is Silver not a frum Jew because he doesn’t wear is tzitzit out? How do you know that he wasn’t told by his rabbi not to wear a yarmulke in public? I’m aware of other Orthodox public figures who are not rabbis that they MUST not wear a yarmulke because people might think that they are a rabbi and that their public statements might mistaken for halachah. Furthermore, in most of Europe, even the most frum Jews don’t wear yarmulkes. Two summers ago I visited two European capitals and the only Jews I ever saw with a yarmulke were tourists from America like myself. In fact, one of my rabbis went out of his way to forbid me from thinking negatively about European Jews who did not wear yarmulkes.
October 6, 2010 1:40 pm at 1:40 pm #699543charliehallParticipantrebdoniel,
The word rabbi means teacher and carries with it an implication that the person is suitable for leadership. I realize that Levin got semichah from somewhere, but anyone who would try to get Jews to vote for a vile anti-Semite like Buchanan is no rabbi — definitely no leader! No matter how much Shas he may have learned, unless he had done tshuvah for trying to mislead the Jewish community he is not be be followed.
October 6, 2010 4:30 pm at 4:30 pm #699544minyan galMemberHelpful: You said “Every sheigitz does porn. What else is new?”
I am just reading this thread out of interest in what NY residents think the issues are. I don’t live in NY or even in the US. However, remarks like yours are derogatory to say the least and at best, are generalizations. I suppose that you can speak for every gentile in the world. Yes, they are gentiles, not goyim, which although is a Hebrew word, has a negative connotation in English – same as shiksah. There are many moral, upright people in the world and not all of them are Jewish. It is careless remarks like yours that do much to promote anti-semitism.
October 6, 2010 4:38 pm at 4:38 pm #699545SJSinNYCMemberI used to be friends with Mario Cuomo. Does that count?
October 6, 2010 4:45 pm at 4:45 pm #699546squeakParticipantMario Cuomo, Al Gore, wow. You sure know how to choose ’em.
October 6, 2010 4:56 pm at 4:56 pm #699547arcParticipantReb Doniel, knowing shas doesn’t qualify you to decide he knows it based on a conversation.
Minyan Gal in the orthodox world sheigetz and shiksa aren’t as negative as you say it is. (I don’t think you’re assertion is wrong though).
October 6, 2010 5:35 pm at 5:35 pm #699548rebdonielMemberI have spoken with him in learning quite a few times. He is a talmid chacham and someone to be respected on that basis.
Others who have learned with him know that he knows shas cold.
Tosfos to Sanhedrin 59a (DH ???? ????? ??????? ???
says that even though a yisroel is patur for killing a fetus, he is nevertheless not permitted to do so.
The Koach Shor says that by Bnei Noach, there is no heter to abort, even to save the life of a mother. Rambam, he says, does not allow for this, and he notes that the Minchas Chinuch adds that a Ben Noach may not violate any of the sheva mitzvos to save a life.
There are several other examples of instances where it seems Noachide law is stricter than Sinaitic law- yefes toar, stricter standards for theft (albeit due to different social standards, notes Rashi), etc.
The point is that we do not hold like the Gemara for halacha le maaseh. The poskim more or less do hold that there is a stricter standard involved for Noachides than Jews on this matter, and this has obvious poltiical ramifications for Jews voting in a majority non-Jewish society. It is not as intuitive as a claim as one would think.
Pointing out the faults of a politician who is Jewish is not loshon hara. It is making the obvious known.
October 6, 2010 5:48 pm at 5:48 pm #699550YW Moderator-80Memberim not from NY
i havent been following this
can some enlightened posters please tell me if this thread is full of Loshan Ha Rah?
October 6, 2010 5:51 pm at 5:51 pm #699551arcParticipant“Pointing out the faults of a politician who is Jewish is not loshon hara. It is making the obvious known.”
It seems like you’re justifying but is this halachacly correct?
R’ Yehuda Levin may know shas but too often he argues with the mainstream.
October 6, 2010 5:58 pm at 5:58 pm #699552charliehallParticipantrebdoniel,
R. Ovadiah Yosef paskens that a gentile may have a therapuetic abortion within the first three months of pregnancy to alleviate a non-fatal illness.
Although some poskim have compared abortion to murder, that analogy just does not fit with our mesorah. For example, Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli, Rabbi Eliezer Waldenberg, Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik, Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, and Rabbi Levy Yitzhak Halperin all have permitted aborting a fetus with a genetic defect. No Christian pro-lifer would ever countenance such a thing! My wife once referred a patient with an ancephalic fetus for an abortion. It was not even a shilah.
October 6, 2010 7:07 pm at 7:07 pm #699553rebdonielMemberIt just happens thta you decided to quote evry posek maikil on this issue and ignored shitos that are more machmir (Reb Moshe, R’ Menashe Klein, R’ Isser Yehuda Unterman, Behag, and the list goes on and on). We can go on and on all day like this. You hold your way and I hold mine.
October 6, 2010 7:08 pm at 7:08 pm #699554rebdonielMemberSomeone recommending that abortion is chayav misa al yedei shamayim according to some mekoros.
October 6, 2010 7:11 pm at 7:11 pm #699555arcParticipantDoes anyone have anything to add besides the abortion issue?
October 6, 2010 11:04 pm at 11:04 pm #699557I can only tryMemberFor what it’s worth:
I agree with “Moderator-80” 100%
Although I don’t shy away from political debate, and find differing points of view interesting, we should never let it get heated to the extent that insults are exchanged among the debaters, loshon hora and motzi shem ra are spoken, or avak nivul peh and improper topics are brought in to the discussion.
I think almost everyone here has already decided which way they’re voting; the purpose of this thread wasn’t to convince anyone which way to go (if that was the intent my opinion would be on top), but rather to hear different perspectives.
October 6, 2010 11:13 pm at 11:13 pm #699558myfriendMember(I’ll chime in with my preference later)
Has the time yet arrived? 🙂
October 7, 2010 12:09 am at 12:09 am #699559Dave HirschParticipantThis is one of the many reasons I’ll be voting Paladino:
October 7, 2010 12:32 am at 12:32 am #699560rebdonielMemberGood for you, Mr. Hirsch
October 7, 2010 1:18 am at 1:18 am #699561mw13ParticipantThe following has brought to you by from the Main Page (MP?) by YWN Radio:
(Tuesday, October 5th, 2010)
Carl Paladino, the Republican nominee for governor, drew criticism from Democrats Tuesday for calling the Democratic leader of the State Assembly a criminal.
He then accused Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver of stifling legislation that would presumably hurt his legal practice, Weitz and Luxenberg.
Paladino previously compared Silver to the antichrist and said the speaker deserves to paraded in a Roman cage on his way to the Attica Correctional Facility.
Cuomo said state ethics laws are weak, but affirmed that Paladino should show evidence before accusing Silver of breaking the law.
[Silver is]
Neither Cuomo nor Koch are close allies of Silver, making their defense of him particularly striking.
Doesn’t sound like the kind of guy I want running NY…
October 7, 2010 1:23 am at 1:23 am #699562I can only tryMembermyfriend–
B”n tomorrow, if this thread is still open and I have the time (not a given). I won’t have any great chidushim, simply my choice and my reason(s) for it.
Dave Hirsch–
That was well-written enough to be on the main page as an editorial.
October 7, 2010 1:36 pm at 1:36 pm #699563Dave HirschParticipantThanks @ ICOT. ‘I’ can only try… The rest is up2 Y.W. Editor.
October 7, 2010 4:43 pm at 4:43 pm #699564Dave HirschParticipantKarl Rove asserted the claims I made above in his weekly op-ed today in the WSJ. Democrats and ‘Poisoned’ Politics – Incumbents launch personal attacks to divert attention from the economy’s poor performance (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703735804575535701710358606.html).
Here’s yet another reason why Paladino will get my vote:
”’Like a bat out of tax hell”’
(Opinion by Patrick McIlheran for the Journal Sentinel)
They speak a different language in New Jersey, really.
New Jersey’s governor, Chris Christie, stopped by Waukesha the other day to stump for Wisconsin’s Republican candidate for governor, Scott Walker, and he was explaining the value of being direct when negotiating with political opponents. One cannot, he said, merely tell foes what they want to hear.
Frank discussion? Straight talk? Yeah, something like that. Said Christie, “If you don’t want to be on the team, you bet I’m going to take a bat out and hit you.”
Christie talks that way, which is why in 10 months of being governor, he’s become a YouTube star via clips of him confronting hecklers. What has made him a star among conservatives is that he has tamed powerful public-sector unions whose pay and benefits were driving New Jersey’s cost of government far beyond taxpayers’ toleration. He talked big, followed through and won.
This is cheery news for many places, including Wisconsin, where public-sector pay is above that of the private sector and benefits are far above. For one graspable instance, state law here requires public employees to contribute something toward their retirement; in reality, taxpayers are compelled to cover this for them. This is so absurd that in a Refocus Wisconsin poll in June, 73% of union households said this should change. It’s good to hear someone who might know how.
We and Jersey reached this pass not because public employees are greedy. They aren’t. They just took the offered deal. Were your boss to say you could get premium-free health, free pension, high pay and ironclad security, of course you’d take it. I would.
Nor is it because unions are greedy, exactly. Their purpose is to maximize what members get, and they’re doing it. Where they can be faulted is that they’ve become huge players in politics, electing the officials with whom they bargain.
The main fault lies with those elected officials. They have, over decades, tended to give in, buying themselves peace with taxpayer money. Both Republicans and Democrats have been among the spineless.
This is why Christie’s been a sensation. Certainly it must be surprising, even in New Jersey, to hear a governor evoking that scene in “The Untouchables.” One hastens to add that there’s no sign Christie ever actually struck anyone with a bat or anything, though fact-checkers may yet dig up some Little League mishap. Presumably, voters know it’s metaphor. His approval ratings are, depending on the poll, either even or, at 57%, rising.
The really shocking thing is to see an official, especially a Republican, who is forceful in driving a hard bargain with taxpayers’ money rather than caving the moment someone says he’s mean. Christie could do this in part because New Jersey governors are powerful and he has the personality. But those aren’t prerequisites, Christie insists. His success is duplicatable.
“This is all working through the legislature,” he said, “a Democratic legislature, I might add.” That body approved Christie’s package of 401(k)-style plans, employee contributions, an end to double-dips and other good sense even as unions howled in mass protests. The bat Christie took out was his power of persuasion.
You persuade, he says, by telling cold truth. His state was going broke. He said so, repeatedly and to all. You can’t have voters look you in the eye, he said, and wonder whether you’re just placating them. They must hear that when government labor is costly, less essential service can be afforded by taxpayers’ finite wallets.
This must be duplicated, Christie said, because having enough fiscally conservative governors could pressure Washington into reform. He’s touring to support like-minded candidates such as Walker, he says, because if fiscal conservatism ever had moment, it’s now. “It’s put up or shut up time for the Republican Party,” he said.
It is so for the whole idea that we can govern ourselves at reasonable cost. Unless fiscal conservatives who are willing to push hard on labor costs and spending make it into office, the public sector will ever more resemble a racket existing chiefly for the enrichment of public servants. Self-government cannot withstand that.
”’I’d like to see the same bat in Albany – Paladino promised it would.”’
October 7, 2010 4:57 pm at 4:57 pm #699565fabieMemberReb Daniel –
Thanks for posting the material you did, especially concerning Rav Avigdor Miller ZT”L. Your haskafas here on right on.
October 7, 2010 5:11 pm at 5:11 pm #699566rebdonielMemberThank you fabie. R’Miller zt’l was a gaon in hashkafa and torah, and his recommended spiritual hanhagos really make a person feel close to HaKadosh Baruch Hu. Many yidden and even goyim have benefitted greatly from his teachings. We need a gadol b”yisroel like him once again.
October 7, 2010 5:14 pm at 5:14 pm #699567YW Moderator-80Memberi listen to his tapes every day
how fortunate i am to have been blessed to learn from him
October 7, 2010 5:26 pm at 5:26 pm #699568arcParticipantI tried hinting to my wife that I want the R’ Miller shiurpod but at $1800 it’s a little too much.
October 7, 2010 5:31 pm at 5:31 pm #699569YW Moderator-80Memberall of his tapes (a couple of thousand anyway) are available as free mp3 downloads here:
at least they were a year ago
i dont know if the status has changed
October 7, 2010 5:41 pm at 5:41 pm #699570fabieMemberOh, Mod, that was a good link. I’m downloading now.
October 7, 2010 5:50 pm at 5:50 pm #699571YW Moderator-80Memberif you are now looking for an mp3 player this is an excellent one
October 7, 2010 6:25 pm at 6:25 pm #699572fabieMemberThe program doesn’t work too well for me. It keeps on closing down.
October 8, 2010 1:27 am at 1:27 am #699573I can only tryMemberWhy?
I believe Paladino hurts decent Republican, conservative, and religious candidates, and the damage would be worse if he gets elected.
Reagan, Giuliani, George W. Bush and others have been slimed as right-wing kooks, yet went on to do well in office.
Ads which implicitly said that Barry Goldwater, and later, Reagan, would start a nuclear war were aired.
Chris Christie, who seems to be a decent, fiscally conservative Republican, was also slimed as a right-wing radical.
The Tea Party movement is being unfairly dismissed by much of the media as a bunch of angry right-wing religious nuts and kooks.
-Gus Savage
-David Duke
-Cynthia McKinney
-and others of their ilk.
October 8, 2010 12:07 pm at 12:07 pm #699575I can only tryMemberThanks to those who took the time to post their opinions on this.
You’ve clearly given your positions some thought, and the reasoning behind your opinions was explained clearly and well.
(I should have been posted this with my previous comment)
October 8, 2010 10:33 pm at 10:33 pm #699576so rightMembercharliehall, you have no justification referring to HaRav Yehuda Levin shlita, a talmid muvik with the backing of Hagadol HaRav Avigdor Miller zt”l, without his title. Especially after your protestations when the title is stripped of someone who truly doesn’t deserve it, such as Avi Weiss. Such hypocrisy is astounding.
October 9, 2010 5:27 pm at 5:27 pm #699577fabieMemberThings seem to be getting hot in the Coffee Room. Maybe we should all cool down!
October 11, 2010 12:09 am at 12:09 am #699578myfriendMemberPaladino will be on the front-page of ALL the papers tommorow, covering Paladino’s visit to Rabbonim in Williamsburg at the hall of HaRav Yechezkel Roth shlita’s Beis Kenesses.
Paladino denounced the “dysfunctional homosexual” lifestyle in a speech at the shul. The liberals are all up in arms against Paladino. The media is all over this.
October 11, 2010 2:01 am at 2:01 am #699579charliehallParticipantso right,
Rabbi Avi Weiss demonstrates against anti-Semites. Yehuda Levin tries to get us to elect them to public office. ‘Nuf said.
October 11, 2010 2:05 am at 2:05 am #699580so rightMemberHaRav Yehuda Levin shlita had the support of the gedolim (i.e. R. Miller zt”l) to support his presidential candidacy. Avi has been condemned by the Gedolim for breaching Orthodox Judaism.
October 11, 2010 2:15 am at 2:15 am #699581arcParticipantso right, Yehuda Levin had puppetdino refer to 2 more accepted gedolim without the title rav. he isnt deserving of the title.
being a talmid muvhak doesnt make you worthy of a title.
October 11, 2010 2:21 am at 2:21 am #699582so rightMemberarc, that’s a fabrication on your part.
Here is the transcript of what Paladino said:
Paladino a) called them Rabbis and b) said they were misled regarding John Heyer’s support for toeiva.
October 11, 2010 3:32 am at 3:32 am #699583arcParticipantwhere did you get the full transcript from? I stand corrected on that point assuming (I do) it’s true.
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