And so it begins…

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  • #1307081

    From Arutz Sheva:

    UK threatens to close Jewish school for not teaching LGBT agenda
    ‘All equalities are equal, but some are more equal than others’: LGBT agenda tops parents’ and schools’ right to choose 1st grade studies.
    Chana Roberts, 28/06/17 08:02

    A private haredi school with 212 students in northern London is in danger of being ordered to close after it failed its third inspection since February 2016 last month.

    The school, which teaches haredi girls ages three to eight, was reported as not giving students “a full understanding of fundamental British values” because they do not teach the LGBT agenda.

    Jewish law prohibits the homosexual act and only recognizes a marriage between a man and woman as a legitimate way to build a family.

    According to the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services, and Schools (Ofsted), the girls “are not taught explicitly about issues such as sexual orientation. This restricts the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development and does not promote the equality of opportunity in ways that take account of differing lifestyles.”…

    Elsewhere in the report, the school, which belongs to the Vizhnitz hasidic sect, was praised for its high quality of education


    If that’s a fundamental British value, Britain is young.


    I belive in the UK , the government pays the tution for yeshivas (As they do in most European countries)

    If you take the money, you have to obey the rules as they make them

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Where did the government get the money from?

    catch yourself

    They got the money from taxes, which they have the right to collect. Having collected the money, they have the right to allocate it as they see fit.
    Does the UK have something similar to the first amendment to the US constitution, which guarantees freedom of religion?


    They didn’t merely threaten to defund the Yeshiva. They threatened to close down any Yeshiva that doesn’t promote toeiva to 6 year olds through 12 year olds, as an equal and valid lifestyle (regardless of who funds the Yeshiva.)

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    They got the money from taxes, which they have the right to collect.

    Who gave them the right to collect taxes?


    “This restricts the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development …”

    Ironic, isn’t it.


    Everyone who wants vouchers for Yeshivas needs to look at this and see what can happen

    When the government gives you the money, they have the right to dictate policy.

    Dont like the policy, dont take the money


    There is no written constitution in the UK, it is an implied constituion (Whatever that means)


    Joe -“They threatened to close down any Yeshiva that doesn’t promote toeiva to 6 year olds through 12 year olds, as an equal and valid lifestyle (regardless of who funds the Yeshiva.)”

    And this will happen here in the US & in Canada too!
    I can’t understand how Frum people voted for libs/democrats.


    ZD, the government claims the right to dictate the educational curriculum and policy even for children who attended private yeshivos that take zero money from the government.


    the UK is not the US and in the US the laws regarding private schools vary from state to state


    ZD -“the UK is not the US and in the US the laws regarding private schools vary from state to state”

    So every state will promote the LGBT agenda!


    Most US states and European states claim the right to set minimum educational requirements even for children attending private school with no state funding.

    That, potentially, could include demanding toeiva be taught to little children as a normal lifestyle.


    Thanks to the new administration, the U.S. government’s “war on religion” seems to be ending. A recent Presidential executive order and a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision are strong indicators that the tide is changing in favor of religious practice.



    In the state of Texas , it is against the law for the government to interfer with private or home schooling

    NY of course is different than texas and is stricter in these laws


    Joseph, it’s not a problem in NY. Yshivad already get away with not teaching significant parts of the secular curriculum


    LC: But in theory even in NY, under current law, the government can come swooping in demanding that certain subjects be taught. Even in private schools that take no government funding.


    ZD -“Health
    In the state of Texas , it is against the law for the government to interfer with private or home schooling
    NY of course is different than texas and is stricter in these laws”

    Stop living in your dream world! All you need is the SCOTUS or the States’ Supreme Courts to say those laws are illegal. Like they did with the banning of Gay marriage!

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