For years I have given as mishloach manos to rabbanim a bottle of wine and some other prepared package of candy and the like. I cannot imagine that the rav wants or needs all this, so I was wondering if anyone has suggestions of what would be a more meaningful shalach manos for a rav.
A small bottle of wine or sparkling grape juice, a bag of nuts, and a fruit, which I put into a cardboard Chumash-shaped bencher box one year. If you know they will eat your baked goods, then throw in some home-made hamantashen.
Has anybody ever drank sparkling grape juice willingly?
I think the only reason it even sells is because it has a niceish bottle. But I don’t know if it is possible to even drink. I wonder if you can be yotze mishloach manot with sparkling grape juice. I know that there Are shitos that say you cannot be yotze with water.
Honestly, I do not think Rabbeim are paid enough for what they do According to your assertion from Long island, which is probably very correct assertion, then why aren’t we giving Matonos loEvyonim to the Rabbi instead of Shelach Monos? Certainly they don’t need 200 bottles of wine & grape juice, but may well need the money.
Exactly correct, that is what we do. We give a fairly large check with a bottle of wine to the Rabbeim that we wish and a smaller check to Tomchei Shabbos.
Personally, I like giving to those I personally and know they could use a bit of help.