An Apology

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    Letakein Girl

    Hi there,

    Over the last few days, the cr has gone from being a place for people to have fun in, have intelligent discussions, and analyze the world’s issues :), to a confrontational mess. And I’m afraid I had something to do with that. As wise Little Froggie said, a person’s character can be discerned by the way s/he treats others, and the way I’ve treated some people here made me come to some unpleasant realizations about myself.

    I sincerely regret attacking Vayoel/Viyoel/ whatever other usernames this guy has. I had no right to attack him or his personality. I really hope you can forgive me, Vayoel. I acted in a most immature manner, and I am ashamed. You are a tzelem Elokim, which makes you a very, very special person.

    I really hope the cr goes back to the way it used to be- and soon!

    Wishing you all a g’night,


    bp yidd

    Lg vayoel forgives you don’t worry but only if you can forgive him I want to apologize to all those I offended in any way


    Oh wow! I’m impressed!

    Letakein Girl

    Of course I forgive you!

    and viyoel too. But I still haven’t dropped the Me, Myself, and I theory. 😉

    bp yidd

    I can’t confirm or deny it because I would get banned 😉

    bp yidd

    @lekatin girl I’m really touched by this honestly I would never have the courage to do it it really impresses me you have no idea

    Letakein Girl

    And I’m really impressed by your apology.

    It must have been so hard for you to post that- from what I’ve seen, it goes completely against your personality. Hashem is shepping nachas right now. 🙂

    bp yidd

    When someone says a heartfelt apology when there not obligated to that I’ve never seen I’ve been on the web for a while and this is by far the nicest thing I have ever read I’m different in real life btw just sometimes when I know there are no consequences I act a little stupid I admit that


    When things are anonymous, it’s easy to loosen and do what we want. But that’s not the person we are. It’s good to imagine what people would think if they saw us. 🙂

    Little Froggie

    LG: I certainly did not mean you. You add much, though I’m not following posts and threads. To me you come across as a genuine, right-side-up teenaged (correct me if I’m wrong) bas (hope so) Yisroel. Not complicated, convoluted, complex personalities, ideas or ideals. You may have tangled (a teeny bit), BUT THAT’S PURELY NORMAL, you (as opposed to me) are human.

    Another point I’d like to make is that sometimes one stranger will engage another in not so healthy convo… Again, I’m not sayin… just it’s better to be aware.. safe.. when someone acts a bit too…(stick in your own words).. it’s safest to stick to your gender and age group, though the Resident Bubbies and Rebitzens here have much to offer.

    bp yidd

    What sm29 said

    bp yidd

    @sm29 u said what I meant just In better English


    Letakein, you are awesome for making such a forthright and honest declaration.

    Dont beat yourself up because being on a computer, as well as driving a car, are known for influencing people to not censor themselves like they “normally” would. And people having a wide array of emotions and feelings, tend to act on them more easily in those two situations.

    Give yourself credit for making a wonderful correction that took courage and showed you do believe in doing the right thing.

    As you may know: A tzaddik falls down seven times, and gets up eight. And it is in the fact that they got up, is what makes them a tzaddik.

    bp yidd

    Lg is a tzadeikes even if I can’t agree with her usually

    Letakein Girl

    Wow, thank you so much, bp yidd, LF, and BTGuy!

    As my subtitle says, I am a work in progress, and your encouragement gave me the chizzuk I need to keep trying to become the person Hashem wants me to be.

    Thank you!


    Nice, people!

    bp yidd

    Lg VM agrees with my

    Posts btw this is one thing

    I’ll never forget and probably say over as a nice story one

    Day to my kids m”h

    bp yidd

    I tried making my own apology thread it didn’t work out so well….

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