always here and Syag…

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    I don’t either like the other thread so I figured maybe we could have a little party here. Seriously, the CR has changed over the time I’ve been here but its changed a lot more in a very short month or so. I don’t believe AYC is a stalker but I also need to give credit to the mods for doing what they need to to keep this place safe (the other opinions on that thread are a different story). Anyway, this is my request for you to avoid that thread if you feel its necessary but to please stay. I really hope the whole thing goes away soon and this place can go back to the place that it used to be.



    thank you kapusta.

    I also felt this place started to attract one too many shady and creepy characters that ruin the serene, enjoyable mood the CR was created for.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Kapusta – Wow! To be called on by one of the famous and beloved posters! Thank you! I myself was wondering why I don’t just scan through the titles looking for safer and friendlier ground. I brought some chocolate chip cookies to share, what should we talk about?

    always here

    kapusta~ thank you for your calming, reasonable words.

    I still believe in am yisrael’s innocence, but I really havta force myself to stay away from those aggravating threads.

    now I almost wish I had gotten one of those cheap tickets to Israel that was mentioned in a thread here in the CR; my DH got one & is going for a month.

    as it is, I haven’t been posting much lately… just lurking (almost trembling to use that word). I feel there are a few too many young’ens posting. (I’m the one who suggested a ‘cocoa room’ .. we surely can forget about that now!!).

    so thanks again & what can I bring to the party? I don’t do cleanup, lol 😉


    Can i come too? ill bring the pretzels and mustard.

    always here

    of course, Goq! (altho’ kapusta’s the hostess)… you’re always a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day 🙂


    awww ty always that is so nice, i always look forward to your saicheldik approach to things.


    by one of the famous and beloved posters!

    Wow, what did I do to deserve that?! Thank you!

    I brought some chocolate chip cookies to share, what should we talk about?

    You have chocolate chip cookies! Whats better to talk about than chocolate chip cookies?! Are they chewy? Mmmmmmm.

    always- I don’t remember when the cocoa room idea came up but I agree with you. There is one poster who has given out a lot of info (mostly little stuff) who I’m sure I know, and who else has access to the info…?! I can’t imagine how it could reasonably be done anonymously but I’m all for it. As for the party, bring yourself and your favorite food. 🙂 Have you ever tried virtual cleanup, btw? Its awesome.

    Goq- Glad to have ya!

    And I guess I should say I’m making this my early or late birthday party (not gonna say which) so if this thread can stay nice and fun, great!! Please pick up a birthday hat at the door.

    BH, you’re invited too 🙂


    🍫Syag Lchochma

    I have to laugh when people from NY say they recognize someone in the CR cuz when I ask NY friends about someone I know from their neighborhood – by name – they usually don’t know them. ( Cuz it’s such huge communities)

    I really like chewy cookies and always apologize to the kids when I leave them in too long and they get hard. What I didn’t know was that they liked crispy better! Go figure.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    I’m sorry Goq – I forgot there was a man here. Let me talk about something else. . . So anyways, I was fixing the blade on my lawn mower when my beer spilled all over my pocket sized gemara . . .


    LOLOL syag, and a happy early or belated birthday to kapusta!!!!!!



    …I really hope the whole thing goes away soon and this place can go back to the place that it used to be.



    Lol, Syag!

    Thank you, Goq. 🙂

    Boy, this is turning out to be some party…


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