It’s to expose the person’s immune system to a controlled amount of the virus or bacteria so that the immune system learns to fight the disease naturally, without antibiotics! It’s like homeopathy, but it doesn’t get stronger when diluted.
uhhh no. in the olden days when people came in contact with a virus it was not a controlled amount, therefore their immune system couldn’t stand up to it…
Great idea! The problem is that if we just give someone an infected blanket or something, they might not catch the disease. What effective and efficient way is there to deliver such a controlled virus?
If my post was unc;lear, I think that vaccines do exactliy this. We inject some bacteria to wake up the anti-bodies and fight the desease when it arrives.
Actually, in the really old days people who worked with cows would contact a benign version of cowpox which was uncomfortable, but manageable. Unbeknownst to people, cowpox was similar enough to smallpox that they would be immune to it. So cow farmers and dairy maids had a much greater survival rate than most others during epidemics.
Um.. RB, Your description of “natural” disease prevention is basically a description of vaccination. – controlled exposure to pathogens to stimulate the immune system to create antibodies that provide resistance to said pathogen.