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- This topic has 334 replies, 51 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 9 months ago by rabbiofberlin.
June 19, 2013 4:59 pm at 4:59 pm #962006gavra_at_workParticipant
gavra- it’s a lot easier to have a halachik marriage by mistake, than it is to have a halachik divorce.
And? Change the law so that mistakes don’t happen. A simple solution would be to require a double ring ceremony.
June 19, 2013 5:37 pm at 5:37 pm #962007zahavasdadParticipantFrankly sometimes is not even Halacha, Its just presentation
A Chiloni just might feel more comforatable with a Rabbi who speaks Hebrew with an Israeli Accent as opposed to a Yiddish accented hebrew. And the Hebrew accented on might speak to them in a matter they are accustomed to in their venacular. (as opposed to constantly quoting posukim and talking indirectly)
June 19, 2013 5:38 pm at 5:38 pm #962008rabbiofberlinParticipantDaasYochid: I am not sure why you consider the election of a Chief Rabbi- or any rabbi, for that matter- a halachic matter? Most of the reasons are subjective, not objective.
PopaBarAbba- You may say that everyone agrees to what I wrote, but that is not the case. Continually, you hear that it is “daas torah” about a subject and therefore, not to be disputed,making our Rabbonim infallible- which they are not.
zahavasdad- it is not stretching the halacha to be “meikel’ in matters of mamzerus. It is the halacha: “mamzerus vadai omar rachmono velo mamzerus sofek”. Only the certainty in cases of mamzerus is accepted.If there is a doubt about mamzerus, you rule that is not mamzerus.
June 19, 2013 5:42 pm at 5:42 pm #962009popa_bar_abbaParticipantPopaBarAbba- You may say that everyone agrees to what I wrote, but that is not the case. Continually, you hear that it is “daas torah” about a subject and therefore, not to be disputed,making our Rabbonim infallible- which they are not.
No, I have never heard that definition of daas torah except by people like you who are making fun of it. It is a pretty classic strawman.
But I have heard people repeatedly say that things which are within the Torah’s purview are still somehow outside of the rabbonim’s purview. For example, a poster on this board recently said:
DaasYochid: I am not sure why you consider the election of a Chief Rabbi- or any rabbi, for that matter- a halachic matter? Most of the reasons are subjective, not objective.
As if the post of chief rabbi is not related to the Torah, and as if the Torah would not determine who ought to be the chief rabbi. It’s just like strawberry or vanilla yogurt.
June 19, 2013 6:24 pm at 6:24 pm #962010benignumanParticipantOn the issue of who is a Gadol:
I think that “Gadol” is short hand for “Gadol BaTorah u’Mitzvos.”
If a person is fluent in Shas and Poskim and has demonstrated the ability to be maiven davar m’toch davar and apply his (or her) learning to real life situations, then that person is a Gadol baTorah.
If a person is meticulous in mitzvah performance, both bein adam l’makom and bein adam l’chaveiro (and l’atzmo), if he (or she) is constantly searching out mitzvos, then that person is a Gadol baMitzvos.
However, practically speaking a person will not be, and should not be, considered a “Gadol” until he (or she) is accepted as a Gadol baTorah u’Mitzvos by other people.
June 19, 2013 6:28 pm at 6:28 pm #962011rabbiofberlinParticipantpopa-bar-abba-You are being facetious, aren’t you? You never heard of anyone asserting that “daas torah’ is infallible and we ust followe it? We must live in on different planets!
And you will have to show where, amongst all the many volumes of halacha, is there a direct instruction how to elect a rabbi ? Clearly, such a person needs some qualities but do you have any source that tells me whom to elect?
Classic strawmen cna be attributed to your writings too…
June 19, 2013 6:40 pm at 6:40 pm #962012popa_bar_abbaParticipantpopa-bar-abba-You are being facetious, aren’t you? You never heard of anyone asserting that “daas torah’ is infallible and we ust followe it? We must live in on different planets!
Correct. I have never heard such a notion except by people like you for the purpose of making fun of people like me.
Seriously: Do I frequently mislead you about what I think? If I thought that, would not readily admit to it? Give me some credit here please.
And you will have to show where, amongst all the many volumes of halacha, is there a direct instruction how to elect a rabbi ? Clearly, such a person needs some qualities but do you have any source that tells me whom to elect?
Oh no you don’t. A minute ago you clarified that you think anything controlled by the Torah is within the rabbonim’s purview. That cannot mean only things which have specific guidelines tailored to that circumstance since that is not true even in halacha.
But sure, there are plenty of sources I can point to with guidelines. There is plenty of guidance on what the qualities of an appointed rav should be. What planet do you live on?
June 19, 2013 6:49 pm at 6:49 pm #962013gavra_at_workParticipantBut sure, there are plenty of sources I can point to with guidelines. There is plenty of guidance on what the qualities of an appointed rav should be.
As said before, the position of “chief Rabbi” is mostly political, with all of the patronage that goes along with it. Appointing a Rov of a city is an entirely different scenario.
What planet do you live on?
The Disc, on top of four elephants carried by the great A’tuin. Where the sun revolves around the Earth, as Da’as Torah has declared, and so it was.
(you ask a question like that, this is the answer you get).
June 19, 2013 7:04 pm at 7:04 pm #962014Shopping613 🌠ParticipantWOW 107 posts in 1 day…is that like a record?????
June 19, 2013 7:07 pm at 7:07 pm #962015🐵 ⌨ GamanitParticipantgavra- And? Change the law so that mistakes don’t happen. A simple solution would be to require a double ring ceremony.
The traditionalists would never agree to that. They do have issues with following halacha sometimes, but they never want to break tradition .
June 19, 2013 7:15 pm at 7:15 pm #962016rabbiofberlinParticipantpopa-bar-abba:
Wel ,we do live on different planets. All I have heard for decades is “the “gedolim say so-therefore we must follow them.” and always in matters that are not within the purview of halacha. And I did NOT say that anything controlled by Torah is within the purview of rabbonim. First of all, what does “anything cotrolled by the Torah’ even mean? For me, that only applies to halachic matters,not to matters where I can have a mind of my own. (see recent controversy of the Israeli draft).
And, lastly, why do you keep on saying that I am making fun of people like you? Where did I say that?You are entitled to your opnion-I just don’t have to follow it.
BTW_of course, there are sources for what kind of qualities a Rav or Shochet or teacher must have. However, they tend to be subjective, not objective.
June 19, 2013 7:22 pm at 7:22 pm #962017gavra_at_workParticipantThe traditionalists would never agree to that. They do have issues with following halacha sometimes, but they never want to break tradition .
How about having the ceremony on a pitched roof with a fiddler balancing on top?
Equality (or claims of such) will trump tradition in their minds.
June 19, 2013 7:24 pm at 7:24 pm #962018popa_bar_abbaParticipantOk, so your distinction then is that you only should listen to rabbonim about things that are objective, but not things which are subjective.
What do you mean by objective and subjective? Do you mean that there is a right and wrong answer? Do you mean that people might reasonably disagree?
The recent controversy on the Israeli draft is obviously objective in that there is a right and wrong answer. But reasonable people could disagree about it.
Most halachic questions are also subject to the same dynamic.
June 19, 2013 7:28 pm at 7:28 pm #962019mddMemberROB, I am sorry to repeat it,but if you learn more Gemorah and Poskim you’ll see that many of the things you think of as mili de’alma are not that — there are Halachos and Hashhkofos about them. Do you really think that election of a Chief Rabbi who is going to pasken shailos and supervise marriages, kashrus, mikvaos etc. is in mili de’alma categery? Are you saying this with a straight face?
Secondly, I do not believe Poskim are infallible, but I also think it is wrong for a layman or half-layman to reject their opinion casually because he doesn’t like it (without very solid proofs).
June 19, 2013 7:38 pm at 7:38 pm #962020🐵 ⌨ GamanitParticipantHow about having the ceremony on a pitched roof with a fiddler balancing on top?
Equality (or claims of such) will trump tradition in their minds.
I’m not sure equality would do it. Maybe pretending it was always tradition would.
June 19, 2013 7:40 pm at 7:40 pm #962021just my hapenceParticipantGAW – Archdeacon Vorbis reliably informs me that the world is a sphere, and, after much persuasion, I have admitted to this. The truth in this case really did hurt…
P.S. The Turtle Moves!
June 19, 2013 7:56 pm at 7:56 pm #962022gavra_at_workParticipantGAW – Archdeacon Vorbis reliably informs me that the world is a sphere, and, after much persuasion, I have admitted to this. The truth in this case really did hurt…
P.S. The Turtle Moves!
Until the turtle smashes someone in the head. Then everyone sees the truth, and the entire edifice falls apart.
The Archdeacon has no clothes.
June 19, 2013 8:14 pm at 8:14 pm #962023rabbiofberlinParticipantpopa -bar -abba: can you tell me what “objective” response you have to the recent controversy about the draft? The irony here is that the only halachic sources are PRO- draft! (See gemoro sotah and rambam). Halacha has nuances-clearly- but you have a foundation(shulchan aruch) upon which to base your assumptions!
to mdd: Within your words, you answered yourself the question: these are HASHKOFOS, not HALOCHOS. Do you believe that “torah im derech Eretz’ (RSR Hirsch way) was against halocho? certainly not! Yet, the hungarian rabbonim (and today, the Israeli chareidim) are dead set against such a derech. It is a HASHKOFO, not a halocho.
As far as questioning the Poskim, I, for one, will not question a psak halocho of the great Poskim unless I have some solid other sources. It would be outrageous for me to dispute, for example, R”moshe piskei halocho- although other Poskim may disagree.
However, I feel quite comfortable in taking a different view about Zionisnm for example. This is not a halachic question (as much as Satmar would like it to be)and I free to follow my own inclinations, especially as I can find support in other Gedolim!
As far as the Chief Rabbi, if his piskei halocho make sense, then what is the problem? You may disagree and you can follow whomever you want to ,but in halacha ,there are solid parameters to follow.
June 19, 2013 8:22 pm at 8:22 pm #962024popa_bar_abbaParticipantpopa -bar -abba: can you tell me what “objective” response you have to the recent controversy about the draft?
Of course not. I have no clue what you mean by objective.
Zionisnm for example. This is not a halachic question (as much as Satmar would like it to be)and I free to follow my own inclinations, especially as I can find support in other Gedolim!
You are confusing and conflating issues. Of course if there are competing gedolim you should follow your own. But the mere possibility of a machlokes in something doesn’t mean that you should just do whatever you personally think and ignore any and all advice from gedolim.
June 19, 2013 8:52 pm at 8:52 pm #962025rabbiofberlinParticipantpopa-bar-abba-Your comments do confuse me. I wrote that in ‘milei d’alma’ one is not obligated to follow a Possek- to which you replied that all things in life should be subject to Torah decisions, from which I demurred,asserting that obligations only count in the hahacha sphere. Now, I am not sure what you are advocating. For example, the recent draft controversy has evoked sayings of “jaharog ve’al jaavor” in resisting the laws. Do yo uconsider that objective? And must I follow this reasoning?
Zionism is another historic example- Some gedolim consider it “jaharog ve’al jaavor’ (see Brisk) Is that a halachic ordinance that I must follow??
I would submit that in both these instances, the halachic basis is virtually non-existent and i can follow my own feelings on this.
June 19, 2013 9:10 pm at 9:10 pm #962026popa_bar_abbaParticipantI am definitely no longer following this conversation at all. And I don’t know what you mean by mili d’alma, since apparently my former understanding was incorrect and you really mean “subjective”.
If you’d like to discuss this, probably what you should do is define mili d’alma, in an abstract way, and if you still mean “subjective” you should define that term also in an objective way.
June 19, 2013 9:32 pm at 9:32 pm #962027DaMosheParticipantNow let’s get back to the RCA and Chacham Ovadia.
popa, do you still shudder about the RCA, having decided to be dan l’kaf zchus that the letter referred to those who assaulted the Rav at the wedding, and not Chacham Ovadia?
Mods, do you still think it was a chutzpa, or did you come around to that way of thinking as well?
And what about the member of the Moetzes who can’t win in Beis Din because he’s a lo tzais dina?
June 19, 2013 9:47 pm at 9:47 pm #962028popa_bar_abbaParticipantpopa, do you still shudder about the RCA, having decided to be dan l’kaf zchus that the letter referred to those who assaulted the Rav at the wedding, and not Chacham Ovadia?
I have not decided to be dan l’kaf zchus. I think that explanation is very distant, and the fact that they have not apologized and clarified that to be the case says to me that it is incorrect.
I am highly troubled by this. Very highly.
June 19, 2013 10:19 pm at 10:19 pm #962029HaKatanParticipantROB, you’ve already been proven wrong about your idolatry of Zionism. This does not mean you can’t live in Israel, but the halachos against Zionism are very much real, contrary to Zionist fantasies.
And it’s not just Brisk and Satmar. Rabbi Reisman, as published on the front page of the Flatbush Jewish Journal, a while back, said that the gedolim held that the founding of the State did not change the halachic problems with Zionism and the State due to the 3 Oaths, etc.; what changed is the tactics of working either with Zionism or outside it, depending on your view.
But no objective Rabbi argues against the clear reality that Zionism was and is treif and shmad. Read Rav Elchonon’s Ikvesa DiMishicha and read Zionist history going back past the last century up until today. It’s clear to those not pocheis al shitei haSiifim.
I recently saw an article from a Rabbi who works with one of the “Frum” programs in the IDF and he admitted that the IDF is not a place for a frum kid who is “on the derech”, regardless of gender. That, too, is certainly a question of halacha, though it’s not that much of a question since the Chazon Ish and others forbade it for both boys and girls.
From a cursory reading of your posts, keeping in mind that you are a Zionist, it seems your entire halachic compass is way off, which is why PBA’s discussion with you is not going anywhere.
But you can go back to the Rabbi Dov Lipman thread and re-read, if you’d like. As you said there, nothing will convince you to give up your eigel, but you can re-read it anyways.
June 19, 2013 10:44 pm at 10:44 pm #962030rabbiofberlinParticipantHaKatan! you are always good for a laugh. You would probably bring in your hatred of Zionism if we would discuss how to cook cauliflower.AS said previously on many occasions, I am not going to discuss this matter as opinions are well settled.
In truth, I am not sure what Popa says,either. In very simple language, “milei d’alma” means matters that do not appear in the shulchan aruch and that any opinion thereof is “subject” to the person’s feelings and opinions,rather than hard facts in halacha.
June 19, 2013 11:26 pm at 11:26 pm #962031popa_bar_abbaParticipantIn very simple language, “milei d’alma” means matters that do not appear in the shulchan aruch and that any opinion thereof is “subject” to the person’s feelings and opinions,rather than hard facts in halacha.
So you think that anything which does not appear in the shulchan aruch is subject to the person’s feelings and opinions.
Ok, I certainly disagree with that, and certainly my opinion is not a new idea. I haven’t the slightest idea why you think that anything the mechaber did not write about is therefore subject to a person’s own feelings and opinions.
It doesn’t even make any sense. If you concede that it is something that the Torah wants you to act a certain way, then why would your own opinions be relevant?
June 19, 2013 11:41 pm at 11:41 pm #962032☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantPopa, quick! Before your edit window expires, add the
!June 20, 2013 1:02 am at 1:02 am #962033rabbiofberlinParticipantpopa-bar-abba: In other words, you don’t allow people to have any brains when deciding what to do with their lives? By definition, if it is not in the shulchan aruch, we do not know what the Torah tells us to do and, ergo, it is subject to our feelings and opinions.
June 20, 2013 1:14 am at 1:14 am #962034popa_bar_abbaParticipantBy definition, if it is not in the shulchan aruch, we do not know what the Torah tells us to do and, ergo, it is subject to our feelings and opinions.
So you’re talking about things that the Torah does not expect us to act a certain way?
I’m just trying to clarify what you are talking about. That is, are we talking about things that the Torah expects you to act a certain way, or not. And we seem to be going back and forth, with you keep responding to me in a way that makes me think you mean the other way.
June 20, 2013 1:27 am at 1:27 am #962035Ben LeviParticipantrabbiofberlin,
Actually the ruling of “Yahrog V’al Yavor” disallowing people to go to the army is very much a Halachic Ruling.
The Gedolim who ruled as such made their feelings known quite clearly they feel that thethe underlying reason is cause to declare it a “Shas Hashmad”.
Now the classical case of “shas Hashmad of “araksa d’misana is
something that you would feel has noting to do with halacha, it was merely a mode of dress. Yet Chazal make plain that Shas Hashmad refers to everything.
Now of course you disagree with the Halachic reasoning of the Gedolei Yisroel, however instead of admitting as such you chose to say that it’s a political statement instead of admitting this is Rav Shteinman’s halachic take on the matter.
June 20, 2013 2:32 am at 2:32 am #962036Sam2ParticipantBen Levi: While ROB is not correct in much of this thread, you are not right in your last post either. The shoelace case was Davka a case where it was Halachically relevant. See Rashi there.
June 20, 2013 3:35 am at 3:35 am #962037charliehallParticipant“Stand up to these 3 people who run the RCA and say: Not in my name.”
Do you really think that Chacham Ovadiah was justified what he said about Rabbi Stav?
If so, please explain what Rabbi Stav has done to justify being likened to an idolater.
If not, please state precisely what should have been done to counter.
June 20, 2013 3:38 am at 3:38 am #962038charliehallParticipant“The Chief Rabbis is for the Chilonim and the government not for the Charedim”
If that were really the case, the charedim would not be trying to influence the election for Chief Rabbi.
June 20, 2013 3:49 am at 3:49 am #962039benignumanParticipantIs Shas Hashmad an objective state? Does it depend on a declaration of the Chachomim? Does it need both, akin to tzaras in a house?
What if some poskim say a situation is not Shas Hashmad, are you required to listen to those poskim because we are meikel by sakanas nefashos?
I pose the following hypothetical: The Chief Rabbinate outlaws kitniyos on Pesach. Anyone caught eating or cooking kitniyos on Pesach goes to jail for a year. Is this Shas Hashmad for Sefardim? Are they required to eat the kitiyos and go jail?
June 20, 2013 3:51 am at 3:51 am #962040benignumanParticipantCharliehall,
What the RCA did, in general, was fine. The only problem was with the way the letter was worded and structured. If the letter separated out Chacham Ovadia from the thugs at the weddings, we would not be upset.
June 20, 2013 12:55 pm at 12:55 pm #962041charliehallParticipantIt should be note that Rav Lichtenstein is supporting Rabbi Stav’s candidacy for Chief Rabbi, as reported right here on YWN:
June 20, 2013 1:27 pm at 1:27 pm #962042popa_bar_abbaParticipant“Stand up to these 3 people who run the RCA and say: Not in my name.”
Do you really think that Chacham Ovadiah was justified what he said about Rabbi Stav?
If so, please explain what Rabbi Stav has done to justify being likened to an idolater.
If not, please state precisely what should have been done to counter.
And this is precisely the type of the reaction I am talking about. Instead of addressing the issue: that is, that even if Chacham Ovadia was completely wrong that it is still outrageous to speak about him like that, you just go back to what Chacham Ovadia said, as if that somehow justifies any possible reaction.
Yeah, I’m not too impressed.
June 20, 2013 1:34 pm at 1:34 pm #962043rabbiofberlinParticipantBen Levi: We have a Rambam, Rif, Shulchan Aruch and more. Please show me where the bill for drafting some yeshiva bochorim is considered “shaas Hashmad”. As I said, the halachic rulings on this (gemoro Sotah and Rambam) are PRO-draft! Just because somenone says it is “shaas Hashmad’ doesn’t make it so.And you are correct in saying that I do not accept that description of the situation,regardless who said it.
Sam2- what did you find wrong about my postings?
popa- At this stage, I have no idea what you mean. As I said, many things are covered by shulchan aruch. Many are not. In the latter case, you may feel that you have to act in a certain way and that is fine. But this is not halacha, it is hashkofo and is not binding.
June 20, 2013 1:49 pm at 1:49 pm #962044popa_bar_abbaParticipantpopa- At this stage, I have no idea what you mean. As I said, many things are covered by shulchan aruch. Many are not. In the latter case, you may feel that you have to act in a certain way and that is fine. But this is not halacha, it is hashkofo and is not binding.
So the code word is hashkafa now? And the definition is anything which Rav Yosef Karo didn’t put in the shulchan aruch? So the halachos of ????? are hashkafa and are not binding? I guess that explains why many of you are so comfortable with heter mechira.
You aren’t saying very good. I’m not sure I believe you actually have a consistent and sensical division between what you consider voluntary and what you consider binding; and I’m pretty sure that even if it was internally consistent that I would consider it apikorsus.
My division is that there are things where the Torah expects you to act a certain way and things where the Torah does not care what you do. Regarding the things that the Torah expects you to act a certain way, it is appropriate to take advice from the experts in that field (Torah).
June 20, 2013 2:13 pm at 2:13 pm #962045oomisParticipantIs not all this topic L”H???
June 20, 2013 2:31 pm at 2:31 pm #962046popa_bar_abbaParticipantIs not all this topic L”H???
No, this is important. If I am even the only person in the world who will stand up for kavod haTorah, so be it. But I will stand up.
June 20, 2013 2:39 pm at 2:39 pm #962047Sam2ParticipantPBA: If you were the only person, then you’d probably be wrong in your assumption that what you’re doing is standing up for Kavod HaTorah. But that’s irrelevant. This discussion, as is, should have died after it was clear the letter never should have been made public. You can create a new thread to decry the other tangential points brought up in this thread.
June 20, 2013 2:44 pm at 2:44 pm #962048popa_bar_abbaParticipantPBA: If you were the only person, then you’d probably be wrong in your assumption that what you’re doing is standing up for Kavod HaTorah.
But that’s irrelevant. This discussion, as is, should have died after it was clear the letter never should have been made public.
I don’t agree. For two reasons:
1. It shouldn’t have been said in private either.
2. Where is the apology and retraction? There is none. You know why? Because their constituency doesn’t care. And then they wonder why their congregants don’t listen to what they say.
June 20, 2013 2:53 pm at 2:53 pm #962049rabbiofberlinParticipantpopa- we disagree. The border between halachic matters and non-halachic matters can be hazy but many things are very obvious. Why it should be ‘apikorsus’ escapes me.
Btw- shemita is well covered in the Rambam and has many halachic ramifications. Heter mechira is a legitimate halachic tool, so , for the ones who accept it, it is fully allowed by halacha.
June 20, 2013 3:18 pm at 3:18 pm #962050popa_bar_abbaParticipantpopa- we disagree. The border between halachic matters and non-halachic matters can be hazy but many things are very obvious. Why it should be ‘apikorsus’ escapes me.
You refuse to present any definition of what your distinction is beyond “what is in the shulchan aruch”, which is obviously not a distinction, since even shemita is not in the shulchan aruch. (Your response that it is in the Rambam is troubling–you are aware that the Rambam is not part of the shulchan aruch, yes?)
And of course it is apikorsus if you deny entire parts of the Torah since they happen to not be published by the mechaber.
Look, we can reasonably and legitimately disagree on what things are things that the Torah expects you to conform your behavior to a certain way. But I don’t see you doing that.
(You realize of course that we’ve circled around to agreeing that we should listen to rabbonim about things that are mandated by the Torah, and we just disagree now (if we even do) about what is mandated by Torah.)
June 20, 2013 3:31 pm at 3:31 pm #962051Lakewood FellowMemberWhy can’t we as people who respect Talmidei Chachomim accept that it isn’t our place to stick our heads into a fight between people who clearly outrank any of us in terms of Torah Learning and helping the Klal.
I don’t think the majority of people here would dare say their own opinion on the fight between Yaavetz and Rav Yonantan Eybshutz (and yaavetz said things WAY worse about RY”E then Rav Ovadia did about Rav Stav)
Why do you think it is Ok to insert personal opinions on private letters between Rabbonim? If you are Israeli just quietly vote for who you want and if you aren’t try not sticking your head were it doesn’t belong in any way…
June 20, 2013 3:36 pm at 3:36 pm #962052popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhy can’t we as people who respect Talmidei Chachomim accept that it isn’t our place to stick our heads into a fight between people who clearly outrank any of us in terms of Torah Learning and helping the Klal.
I generally agree with that.
I don’t think it is applicable in the current circumstance. If this letter had been signed by Rav Schechter I would certainly not be making threads like this. (And of course you know why it wasn’t–he would never say something like this.)
June 20, 2013 3:43 pm at 3:43 pm #962053zahavasdadParticipantWho votes for the Chief Rabbi is it a public election or is it voted on by the Kenssett or some other body?
June 20, 2013 3:49 pm at 3:49 pm #962054Lakewood FellowMemberPoppa,
It was a private letter between big Talmidei Chachomim. It should never have been made public and it isn’t our place to comment on it.
June 20, 2013 3:58 pm at 3:58 pm #962055Lakewood FellowMemberAs an aside the Oi Limie Shlamdo Torah part of the letter is clearly going on the Bochrim who attacked Rav Stav at Rabbi Rabbinowitz’s Daughter’s wedding.
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