A Moment of Unity: YU & Telshe

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    It didn’t get any air time in the Yeshivish News space, but R Willig RY RIETS gave a Hesped for R Ausband ZT”L RY Telse Alumni Riverdale. People from the Riverdale community speak of the reverence the 2 Manhigei Hador had for each other, despite leading Yeshivas having 2 different approaches.


    Quite a few RY in YU were from Telz. Like Dr BR and Harav Volk and so many more. Also Rav SS gave shiur for at least one zman. Now YU is essentially Brisk like all other Yeshivas.

    Sam Klein

    Klal yisroel needs ful time and pure unity of loving Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov. Do you think its possible for Hashem to send Mashiach today when the Sinas chinam today is worse than when the second Bais hamikdosh was destroyed because of sinas chinam? We need to resolve and restore our Ahavas chinam today immediately to show our loving father Hashem that we are deserving of Mashiach already bkarov.

    It doesn’t matter what kind of news they are from Democrats to NK to reform etc…. we all need to return to loving unity to be deserving for the coming of Mashiach. The world with Mashiach coming can’t exist with the current Sinas chinam today.

    May we all do Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov

    May his neshama have an Aliyah and what a major loss to klal yisroel


    1, +1


    It is sad that such a wonderful show of respect and admiration for the niftar by a rav with an entirely different hashkafah is itself newsworthy but in a time when we desperately need achdus within klal yisroel it certainly warrants recognition.


    It’s not unity of Telz and YU, of course. YU is treif, of course.

    That Telz allowed a RIETS rabbinic faculty (can’t call him “Rosh Yeshiva”, because that title is applicable only to a Yeshiva, not to anything in YU) to be maspid Rav Ausband has nothing to do with YU.



    What if chas veshalom, in the Olam HaEmet, you are taken to task for shmutzing Rabbi Willig? Could you not have expressed yourself without the loshon hora, sinuh, vitriol and hate – just in case there is a slight possibility that your opinions turn out to be wrong?


    If you listened to his hesped, he made it clear that he was being maspid as the Rav of a shul in the host community and as a neighbor.


    @hakatan, crawl back into your sewer


    Way to slander Rabbanim and others who are not of your ilk during Elul. (Sarcasm)


    I am not emotionally disturbed by the new lows by someone with such name, but I am just curious what are mod standards.
    I attended a shiur by R Willig and his lomdus is outstanding. What makes name-calling him ok here, while not others? Jst trying to understand the standard, maybe I need to go back to reading the rules of the site, maybe it says something there?


    Much of this talk about Achdus is just talking. In practice it’s, “I can’t work with people from a different group.” Or “My kids can’t be exposed to kids from a more modern family.”
    It’s always excuses. As Gadol said it’s sad this is even newsworthy.
    I read a story from someone who attended a Levaya. The Niftar was a Centrist Modern Orthodox Jew who ran the Religious Zionists of America for decades. He helped found a Modern Orthodox, Coed, Ultra-Zionist day school.
    Who gave the hesped? The Ruv of Agudah!!!
    The Ruv said, “Mr. X and I had differing opinions on many issues but I held him in great regard.”
    The Ruv of Agudah being Maspid the President of Mizrachi.
    That’s what true Achdus looks like.


    I was reading over Hakatan’s comment. I don’t see where he denigrated Rav Willig. I see he differentiated YU from REITe and he does not hold YU in high regard. He also, correctly, stated that Rav Willig was not mastoid as a YU representative, rather as a close neighbor and local Rov in whose shul the RY gave shouting and encouraged and increased the amount and level of learning. Which is what Rav Willig said in his hesped. As well as specifically thanking Rav Ausband, the Rebbitzen and the Ausband children for the tremendous impression they had on the Willig children.

    What I do see are the YU crowd up in arms about Hakatan’s opinion of YU and then completely misrepresenting what Hakatan said because they cannot argue with what he actually wrote.


    Should we laud and applaud potential achdus between the Orthodox and Conservatives (and/or Reforms), too?

    I’m sure everyone’s in favor of such beautiful achdus.


    You don’t discuss theology, argue Halacha or sit on a Bais Din with the Conservative or Reform.
    But when it comes to working together to make the community better or stronger you most certainly should work with them.


    “Should we laud and applaud potential achdus between the Orthodox and Conservatives (and/or Reforms), too?”

    Yes, when it comes to existential matters and physical security of yidden in EY and throughout the world. There are times where speaking with a single voice is crucial. That doesn’t negate the reality of real and substantive disagreements on matters of hashkafah.

    Honest spirit

    To me the gedolei yisroel of the more modern world like Hagaon Rav Herchshel Shachter Hagaon rav nochum rabinovitch are not respected enough in our world (I am in a yeshivish kollel)

    The idea to totally divide kelal yisroel and that is the right thing כאילו רח”ל is the tremendous sheker of our dor. Kelal yisroel and toras yisroel go together (to even compare these גדולי צביקה עולם to conservative is a total עם ארצות)

    Tzadik in Peltz

    Rav Gifter attended RIETS,


    Rav Brudny stands up for Willig. he’s a talmid chacham. not sure why this would be big news tho?


    Good to see that the only defense is to double down on insults.

    I am curious is it a personal issue or there are actual rabonim that equate mo talmidei chachamim with conservatives?


    besalel and others:
    In no way did I denigrate him, nor did I intend to. Please read what I wrote, instead of falsely accusing (during Elul).
    Thank you.

    Sam Klein

    If we really wanted Mashiach already to come then everyone would just put aside their differences and stand together as one loving nation and do the required serious teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation that Hashem is waiting for and if we really were YEARNING FOR MASHIACH then we would be willing to do anything to help bring Mashiach already which right now the top two things holding back Mashiach from coming is the serious teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation which would remove the current state of sinas chinam we are currently in that is worse than when the second Bais Hamikdosh was destroyed because of it and the second most important thing almost all of klal is missing today is the TZIPISA LEYESHUA the YEARNING FOR MASHIACH, let’s face ourselves with full honesty. Are we truly YEARNING for Mashiach in today’s generation? We all know the true answer, we’re so happy living today in the generation of technology and planes where a person can run his entire life live locked up in his room running a multimillion dollar business…….. When we start to YEARN for Mashiach already then Hashem will send mashiach immediately.
    Let’s face the truth instead of living in denial, if we really were YEARNING for Mashiach then just one day a year of Tisha B’av the day we mourn the destruction of the Bais Hamikdosh we would beg Hashem WHOLEHEARTEDLY for Mashiach, but what are we doing? We’re all looking at our clocks for chatzos so we can go back to sitting on the couch from the floor, if we were seriously mourning the Bais Hamikdosh for serious
    teshuva kinnus and tannis, we would throw away the couch and even tell Hashem we’ll fast a full extra day from when the fast is over tonight and not from now chatzos, all that were begging Hashem for us to send mashiach already and rebuild the Bais Hamikdosh.

    May we start doing our own Hishtadlus above that Hashem is waiting for so Hashem can send mashiach already bkarov.


    With ALL due respect to the two Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshivah, and all the posters, the discussion is NOT really one of two haskafos. If it were, then surely both “sides” should and would be given equal respect. When one “side” claim certain simanim and seifim in Shulchan Aruch and conventional peak don’t apply, the two “parties” (tarti bi’mashma) are no longer equal. Kisui Sa’aros, shoke bi’ishah tefach, ta’aroves (e.g. “negiah,” chibuk vi’nishuk, kol ishah, mechitzah, etc.), aliyah li’har ha’bayis, teaching Gemora to women, joining organizations with conservative and reform leaders, etc. We are not dealing here with a machlokes Tana’im, Amora’im, Rishonim, or Achronim.


    I disagree with K. The facts on the ground are that chasidic college kiruv organizations do use conservative professors on their Beis Din . Especially Ivy Leagues.


    Rav Willig spoke as a close personal friend and local Rov. Rav Ausbund did not give any haskomos to YU or their shitos – very much the opposite. Trust me, my husband and family knew him well. What we can learn from the relationship that Rav Ausband and yblch”t Rav Willig had is that you could befriend and even become bffs with someone who you don’t agree with hashkafakly. My husband watched them interact and dance together by Rav Willig’s grandson’s chasuna a few nights b4 the petirah, and he shared this with me already then. Rav Ausband actually sat at a table with the Willig children and grandchildren and they hung on to every word he spoke. yz”b


    HaKatan, peddle your unintelligent shmutz elsewhere. I would suggest you seek out Rav Willig to ask for mechilah. Otherwise, your gezar din might be not to your liking.


    “People from the Riverdale community speak of the reverence the 2 Manhigei Hador had for each other”

    I *personally* observed that when R’Ausband visited R’Willig’s shul, which was often.


    UJM- I wouldn’t compare the Yeshivish velt making shalom with YU (or even Dati LeUmi) to making shalom between the Orthodox and Conservative/Reform. I would compare it to making shalom between the Misnagdim and the Chasidim.


    If I am. not mistaken the RY RMG learned in RIETS before he went to Europe. He was a talmid of Rav Paleyeff from the Bronx. Anyone remember?


    @in peltz “Rav Gifter attended RIETS,”

    He also attended public school, therefore?


    Tzadik in Peltz:

    Rav Gifter condemned YU.



    Did you share your original thoughts with him? Like how “the torah sometimes doesn’t know the difference between male and female, so gender fluidity is perfectly fine”, you dumb putz?

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