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- This topic has 31 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 3 months ago by smartcookie.
December 5, 2010 5:20 am at 5:20 am #593325msseekerMember
Dear sisters and brothers, please open your hearts to my heartfelt words.
While on a visit to Israel, I had the pleasure to meet Yenty Markowitz, a lovely woman whose name you may have already heard. I saw her in a wheelchair, her foot grotesquely twisted, a tired smile on her sweet face, cradling her newborn infant.
Yenty has been cruelly tortured on an obviously trumped-up charge by Hadassa Hospital based on a non-existant “mental illness” dubbed Minchhausen-by-proxy and used by UK doctors whenever they botched up a case. (see M.A.M.A., a website started by moms whose families were ruined by this bogus diagnosis.) Yenty is a loving mother of (formerly) happy kids, as anyone who knows her or them can attest (and I asked many of our mutual aquaintances both here and in Israel). Chaim, the sick child she supposedly starved, is doing fine now that he is out of the doctors’ clutches, where he was used as a guinea pig. Nevertheless, she was cut off from her kids, not even being allowed to speak to them over the phone! Please, how could this gentle mother abuse her kids OVER THE PHONE? Can she take the food out of their mouths?
At the birth of her youngest child, Yenty herself was botched up by the epidural, which left her paralyzed from the waist down. Most women with this condition recover within six months, but Yenty is nowhere near recovery, and I’m convinced it’s because of the awful emotional pain she is going through. Her mother told me there is a specialist in Europe she wants to see, but she is not allowed to because she was sentenced to house arrest for five years!
If the social services are so concerned about her kids being abused by her, how can they trust her with this baby? Can’t you tell it’s all a hoax? Are you willing to have the pain of this bleeding mother’s heart on your hands? How much does one woman have to suffer? If she is mentally ill, why was she incarcerated in a most cruel fashion in her fifth month of pregnancy? Please do something before the horrors are evident on her homesick kids who are being abused by the State in a horrifying manner.
(My name, town, state)
December 5, 2010 2:01 pm at 2:01 pm #714892HelpfulMemberWell written, msseeker. Every word is true, and indeed an understatement.
Thank you on behalf of Klal Yisroel.
December 5, 2010 4:01 pm at 4:01 pm #714893smartcookieMemberI’m just hoping your words are true and she isn’t abusive. Just because she’s a Heimishe woman doesn’t mean she’s mentally ok.
Are you absolutely positive that the children are happy? Neighbors can be deceived as the kids might be too frightened to reveal that they’re unhappy.
Also, how do you explain what happened to that 3 year old child whom she’s supposedly starved?
I hope these accusations are all false, but if there’s any truth to them, then it’s a big problem which must be taken care of.
P.S. My heart goes out for her that she stayed paralyzed from the birth. This is really sad and I hadn’t heard about it before.
December 5, 2010 4:30 pm at 4:30 pm #714894Pashuteh YidMemberOh no, the kannaim are rehashing the sheker and foolishness of last summer. Recall that the baby had a miraculous recovery as soon as he was taken away from his mother. Chareidi patients saw her removing feeding tubes and grabbing away his food. Hadassah is one of the premier medical institutions, and the doctors on the case were frum and well-educated.
Please, enough with the nonsense. Reread my comments on the main board at the time.
December 5, 2010 5:29 pm at 5:29 pm #714895msseekerMemberThank you, Helpful. My goal was to start an e-mail campaign. I’m sure the well-meaning Hadassah ladies here would never agree to such cruelty. Who knows how much suffering ?”? there is in Israel and in chu”l because of this forgotten victim of the State. Her husband, always a shy and gentle man, is devastated. Her 70+ YO mother takes care of her. The couple with the baby live in an ancient, moldy room below her mother’s apt. with no phone connection. Even a cellphone won’t work there. If Yenty wants to make a call, she has to roll herself out of her hovel. Every meeting with the kids, every phone call, is fraught with so much difficulty from the Social Services, she often can’t even get thru to them. Her mother, who used to be a lively, happy-go-lucky sweet bubby, was here recently to raise funds, and right before she left she broke down crying so hard a stone could melt.
ANd remember, this is the second case in Israel. The first was Vales, a young father whose son died from neglect in the hospital and he was arrested for killing the child. Since he was the father and not the mother as in Yenty’s case, he was advised to cooperate, sit for a few years, and get it over with. What was the result? Yenty. Don’t let them get away with murder again. ?? ????? ?? ?? ???!
December 5, 2010 10:04 pm at 10:04 pm #714896charliehallParticipantI don’t know any specifics of this case, but the msseeker is incorrect when he says Munchausen by proxy is “non-existant”. My wife saw a very sad case of it a number of years ago.
December 5, 2010 11:58 pm at 11:58 pm #714897msseekerMemberAgain, if the social services are so concerned about her kids being abused by her, how can they trust her with this baby?
Again, why isn’t she allowed to see the top specialist in Europe in this field? Have they no heart?
Again,if she is mentally ill, why was she incarcerated in a most cruel fashion in her fifth month of pregnancy?
Answer: They just wanted to shut her up so their disgusting experiments on little Chaim will remain unknown. And you’re buying into this obvious hoax?! Are your anti-chareidi, pro-Zionist sentiments so strong as to overwhelm common sense?
BTW, wasn’t Hadassah one of the hospitals where so many Yemenite “sick” children mysteriously “died”? And where exactly were so many niftarim cut open and their organs stolen? Be proud, Modern Chareidi Zionists! Kol hakavod to Hadassah!
December 6, 2010 12:02 am at 12:02 am #714898msseekerMember“Recall that the baby had a miraculous recovery as soon as he was taken away from his mother.”
The baby had a miraculous recovery as soon as the scared doctors, found out by the “starving” mother, stopped their experiments. Yeah, as soon as she found out her toddler was receiving the strongest anti-cancer chemo recomended as a last resort for adults only, the kids recovered. Miraculously. He’s now an adorable, healthy 4 year old but his mother is not privileged to see him. At least he’s being raised by his aunt, not like the Yemenite children who were sold to childless couples, often goyim.
December 6, 2010 12:14 am at 12:14 am #714899msseekerMemberDr. Hall, I’m not a doctor. I reported what I read on M.A.M.A. and ?????? ???? ???. If it does exist, Yenty is certainly not suffering from it. She was a popular girl, a happy wife and mother, and visibly loved by her children who jumped on her when they saw her and cried when she left.
December 6, 2010 12:48 am at 12:48 am #714900smartcookieMemberThe Vales case didn’t sound too good. For some reason I believe the father was guilty. A child doesn’t get bruised and bitten and then dies from thin air.
What a sad story.
December 6, 2010 3:52 am at 3:52 am #714901charliehallParticipant“I’m not a doctor.”
Please do not make unsubstantiated claims. As I said, I know nothing about this particular case, but the condition you describe is real (although rare). To say it is non-existent is the height of irresponsibility and causes me to doubt the remainder of your facts.
December 6, 2010 4:20 am at 4:20 am #714902so rightMemberDecember 6, 2010 4:45 am at 4:45 am #714903smartcookieMemberMsseaker- these conditions usually happen to perfectly normal people. It’s not her fault Nebach. She’s a sick woman and she needs mental help, not jail.
December 6, 2010 9:53 am at 9:53 am #714904mamashtakahMemberDecember 6, 2010 10:29 am at 10:29 am #714905Mother in IsraelMemberMsseeker, I don’t think this is the place to go into detail, but you sadly have the facts very wrong. I can’t say how I know this without identifying myself, but as sad as I was to realize this, the story is not at all as you report it. Meeting the mom and seeing a sweet, ill woman is no indication of the truth.
December 6, 2010 12:36 pm at 12:36 pm #714906SJSinNYCMemberIt is typical for munchausen by proxy perpetrators to end up paralyzed or injured themselves once they no longer have their victim.
I find it a little silly when people cry “they are doing because the woman is charedi!” If the “zionists” really wanted to cripple Charedi society in Israel, they would just pull all government subsidies and let them wallow in their poverty.
December 6, 2010 3:14 pm at 3:14 pm #714907HelpfulMemberThis 100% innocent mother was railroaded by the Israeli system.
December 6, 2010 3:42 pm at 3:42 pm #714908havesomeseichelMemberMunchausen by proxy is a real disorder. It is not some fictional disorder created by doctors- unfortunately is it really out there and it can happen to anyone. Just because someone was a “happy, healthy, popular girl” doesn’t matter. Just like people can get cancer, people can get psychologically sick. I don’t know the details in this case but as someone with some psychological training, it is scary and it is real. Many children are killed or permanently disfigured because of it- the child may undergo unnecessary surgeries, procedures and take unnecessary drugs. Sometimes it happens when a child gets sick and the mother’s role is completely comprised of caring for the child. (it can happen to a father too, but since mothers tend to care more for the children, it has been found to be more prevalent in mothers). Once the child gets better, the parent is lost as to who they are, what their role is ect. They become ill and then start to have “factitious disorder by proxy”. It doesn’t always happen that the child was once ill, sometimes it was completely brought on by the parent. the parent is emotionally needy- her entire job was taking care of the kid. She got a lot of help, emotional and physical support, and attention/praise for taking care of this child. Many times the mother has little support outside the medical field as it was her entire life with the ill child and she might have had medical training.
May we see an end to all illness, physical and mental, in the world and may those who are ill get the help they need to recover.
December 6, 2010 3:48 pm at 3:48 pm #714909shlomozalmanMemberEveryone is entitled to their own point of view, but sending this letter to Hadassah organizations will justifiably result in it being passed around the office accompanied by laughter and ridicule.
December 6, 2010 4:07 pm at 4:07 pm #714910mosheemes2MemberI would suggest that before sending a letter to Hadassah chapters questioning the diagnoses of their doctors based on information that came from a website, you make sure you know how to spell the name of the disease your claiming to know something about.
December 6, 2010 4:14 pm at 4:14 pm #714911so rightMemberThe question isn’t as much that Munchausen by proxy exists. The point is this mother was falsely accused of it. And many cases around the world of medical practitioners falsely accusing innocent parents of it has been documented in and out of the court systems.
December 6, 2010 4:25 pm at 4:25 pm #714912msseekerMember“A child doesn’t get bruised and bitten and then dies from thin air.”
Who said he was bruised and bitten? Did you see the child yourself? Do you really believe the doctors, who obviously tried to wiggle out of a malpractice suit? Are you that naive? Those same docs could have stolen your grandmother’s heart, lung, liver etc. in the 70’s. That wonderful hospital could have sold your Yemenite neighbor’s child to an Italian couple in ’48. Even if you saw pictures of the Vales child, they could easily be doctored (pun intended). They certainly did that with the video of Yenty “disconnecting” the feeding tube, as reported by Aharon Klein on Kol Haolam.
“If the “zionists” really wanted to cripple Charedi society in Israel, they would just pull all government subsidies and let them wallow in their poverty.”
This family does not take a shekel from the government. The doctors didn’t do it because she is chareidi per se. The did it because they were petrified of a malpractice suit. Still, I doubt they would perpetrate such a hoax on a non-chareidi. They could easily dump their unspeakable crime on Yenty, knowing they could count on the full support of people like you.
They did all that to break her. All they wanted was for Yenty to admit to her “crime” so they could wash their hands of theirs. They constantly threatened her, KGB fashion, that if she won’t admit, she’ll never see her children, she’ll remain arrested forever, etc. etc. They did it to Vales too till he broke down. Yenty held her own for the sake of her children, but thanks to people like you the doctors won.
Now again for the last time: HOW CAN THOSE HEROIC DOCTORS TRUST THIS MENTALLY ILL WOMAN WITH A TINY BABY? What if she starves him, kills him, chokes him while nursing him? Horrors!!! You know why? Because they have already achieved their goal. You all believe them with ????? ????? in spite of all their tactical errors and cruel behavior.
If her name had been Rubashkin you’d be up in arms.
December 6, 2010 4:30 pm at 4:30 pm #714913SJSinNYCMemberI’m not sure what “thanks to people like you” really means.
I had no involvement in the case. All the evidence I’ve read/heard/seen including statements from her Charedi roomate point towards her guilt.
December 6, 2010 4:32 pm at 4:32 pm #714914havesomeseichelMemberso right- do you know the family? were you a doctor involved? How do you know???? Maybe this child was being hurt by a parent?
My point is- IT EXISTS. IT MIGHT have happened here. YOU DONT KNOW. There have been many cases, documented in and out of court systems, in medical, legal and psychiatric journals of how many children were harmed by their “loving” parents who were afflicted with Munchausen by proxy. It goes both ways and we dont know. SO STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. Stop making the frum community look ridiculous! Stop talking about something that happened decades ago as proof (Yemenite cases)- who says there are the same administration, doctors, employees as then??? This is a personal family case that should be kept private.
unless you have documented proof, and please no anecdotal stories, please stop rehashing the old debate.
December 6, 2010 5:00 pm at 5:00 pm #714915myfriendMemberLike msseeker pointed out, these zionist reshoyim have kidnapped Yemenite children in the hospital, performed unauthorized autopsies and stolen organs of Yidden in the hospital, zionists in jackboots on horseback have beaten innocent yidden on the street. This is their modus operandi.
December 6, 2010 5:20 pm at 5:20 pm #714916msseekerMember“…sending this letter to Hadassah organizations will justifiably result in it being passed around the office accompanied by laughter and ridicule.”
So be it. I did my part. They have their choice. And you have yours. The primitive Yemenites were also disbelieved when they cried for their children, but 17 years later, when draft notices were received for all the “dead” children, they were finally believed. When Hadassah denied all charges of ?????? ???? they were believed until Lt. Meyer Birnbaum sneaked into their morgue and snapped those dreadful photos seen in his book. I wonder when the truth of this horror will surface, but surface it will.
December 6, 2010 6:29 pm at 6:29 pm #714917mogoldParticipant, msseeker
I know that every word you wrote is factually correct, and accurate, as I personally know this family very well.
Please accept my advice:
December 6, 2010 6:39 pm at 6:39 pm #714918Pashuteh YidMemberMsseeker, as we all know, the mother kept running to Hadassah (not the other way around) telling them her child wouldn’t gain weight. Of course, Hadassah gave her the benefit of the doubt, and began looking for an organic cause. By definition, that involves medical tests. They did not begin any treatments or chemo, contrary to the sheker you write, just tests. They also inserted a feeding tube to help the child eat.
When complaints from other patients and suspicions from nurses started coming in, they put in a camera and caught her starving the child. At that point they removed her from the scene, and the child began to thrive. After a week or so, he was sent to an uncle and is fine.
As far as why they put her in jail at first. That is standard. If one commits murder, or attempted murder as the case was here, first an arrest is made, and only later do the courts and appropriate authorities make the determination as to what sentence she will get, or if she needs confinement in an institution. They do not assume at the outset that a perpetrator is mentally ill. They merely take steps to lock up the person until it can be determined that it is safe to release them on bail until trial. This is the same as the system in the USA or any free country, I believe. This woman could be a dangerous murderer, until determined otherwise. If she were black, you would have no kashyas.
Do doctors ever make mistakes. Of course. It can happen anywhere. But there is no evidence here that that was the case. It is obvious that anti-zionism is your negia here, as you freely bring up all kinds of irrelevant historical controversies in the course of your writing, making it clear what your goal is.
If, as you say, the child was always fine, and the Mengele doctors caused his condition, kindly explain why the mother had a healthy boy admitted to the hospital in the first place, (and she did this repeatedly). I assume Mengele didn’t kidnap the child and forcibly take him to the hospital. Don’t you see that the chronological sequence is completely out of order according to your version of the story. Any rational person can see this.
And if the child did have some serious condition that was misdiagnosed and mistreated by the hospital, how did sending him to the uncle cure him? How many serious illnesses do you know of where the cure is to send the patient to an uncle and no medicines or treatments are necessary? In addition, the mother insisted surgery be performed on a different child against the advice of doctors, who felt it was unecessary (she claimed he had symptoms of appendicitis, I believe).
Come on now, you know this was all a big bluff, but if one can “get” the Zionists with it, why not go ahead?
Meanwhile, everybody knows Hadassa has a sterling reputation for excellence, and even the head of the Eida Chareidi at the time that all this was going on, went there himself for a procedure. They treat all types, secular, Chareidi and Arab with warmth and expertise.
December 6, 2010 7:58 pm at 7:58 pm #714920mosheemes2MemberMogold,
I’m not sure how saying that a letter claiming expertise about a disease will not be effective if the writer can’t spell the disease is nitpicking. If the goal here is to use this case to confirm whatever it is you already believed to be true about Zionists, Hadassah or me, mission accomplished. If the goal is to write a persuasive letter or post on a public forum, I think msseeker, judging from the responses, failed rather spectacularly here.
December 6, 2010 8:57 pm at 8:57 pm #714921HelpfulMembermsseeker, continue on your righteous path of exposing the truth. Chazak V’amatz.
December 6, 2010 9:39 pm at 9:39 pm #714923gavra_at_workParticipantI know nothing about the case.
But I can tell from this thread a few things:
1: The person in question is Charaidi.
2: An innocent life is at stake.
3: The CR has (predictably) split between social liberals (MS, Helpful, MF, etc.) and social conservatives (PY, SJS, etc.).
Might I make a “Helpful” suggestion? If there is a possibility of Pikuach Nefesh, why doesn’t one of the Gedolim get involved and raise the child? The mother (if she is normal) wouldn’t mind having her child raised by a Gadol; it would be a Kavod. The child would be safe.
A win-win situation.
December 6, 2010 9:43 pm at 9:43 pm #714924smartcookieMemberMsseeker- how are YOU so sure about the truth? Maybe you can convince us with PROOF.
I have no idea whether the mother is wrong or not. I wish she’s innocent. But I, and many other, have yet to be convinced that’s she is.
So far the details don’t look too good.
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