A Jew's Calling in Life

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    What is every Jew’s calling in life? What is the ultimate purpose we, as a Jew, are here in Earth? What is our ultimate goal? How do we achieve that living in the 21st Century?

    Pashuteh Yid

    Be kind to people.


    A Jew’s calling in life is to continue the work of our forebear, Avraham, who toiled all his life to be an or lagoyim. Through our acting with chessed towards our non-Jewish brethren, and by setting an example by our own scrupulous adherence to God’s law in everything we do, we are to serve as a living example of how every member of the human race can leave this world a better place than when he entered it by developing the physical and intellectual universe in a uniquely creative way for the benefit of others.


    To bring glory and praise to Hashem.

    A few weeks ago I was at the dentist. The Frum dentist was critisizing to his gentile assistant about how bad Jewish mothers of large families are when it comes to take care of their children. I won’t go into everything he said, but i was appalled!

    Speaking Lashon Hara about Jews to non-Jews is a terrible chillul Hashem.


    trying to be the best person you can be- no one really knows what their tafkid in life is but everyone should strive to be the best jew. and this comes in hand wth trying to make kiddush hashem whenever we’re able

    ☕️coffee addict

    To be a light onto the nations (has never changed)


    RSRH: It’s certainly nice to be an or lagoyim, but that is far from a Yid’s mission in life. Far far better for him to be an or layidden.


    Tmb nicely said, so true.

    ☕️coffee addict

    good line tmb


    Every person has a life mission, a message that they are meant to bring to the world. This is not a “tafkid”… no one has just one tafkid. Each individual was given their own unique set of strengths that they must use to its ultimate purpose. When an individual uses his strengths in the way they are meant to be used, he is is living his ultimate life’s purpose. I’ve been learning about this concept in detail from Rabbi Aryeh Nivin who teaches based on the nesivos shalom – the Skoliner Rebbe. It’s been life transforming…

    Check out http://www.newchabura.com/index.htm (click on “sample audio” to hear a summary of what I just said)…

    Rebbetzin Tziporah Harris teaches this material as well to women in her Clarity Seminar: http://www.clarityseminar.com/


    Be honest.

    Be modest.

    Be nice.

    Aishes Chayil

    To emulate our threee basic charachteristics,


    Rachmonim and Gomlei Chasodim.


    Flowers – and so are other acts as well!


    a jew’s calling in life is to follow the shulchan aruch. essentially it is your job to folow halacha and the torah to the very best of your ability. what happens past that is out of our control, but that is our calling.

    it may not sound as glamourous as we may like, but one an never know the impact they have on the world by simply doing what they are supposed to. everybody wants something glorious with their life. everyone has big dreams, goals, and aspirations. however we dont realize what we can and do accomplish on a daily basis by simply living our lives according to the torah.

    there is a difference between average and mediocre. that difference is that while mediocre is simply acceptable, average can be extraordinary.

    picture this scene: you’re walking down the street and you see a man walking opposite you with a distraught look on his face and a tear in his eye. you know the torah says v’ahavta l’reacha kamocha so you make eye contact with him and wish him a good morning and hatzlacha. you continue on your way.

    what you don’t know is that earlier that day, that man lost his job because he had been coming late for the past month. his wife is in the hospital with cancer, and the doctors aren’t sure she will make it. they are trying everything they can, but she isnt responding well to treatment. she has begun losing hope, and as a result so has her husband.

    he was on his way to see her when you smiled at him and offered your friendly greeting. he was worried, how he would pay for the treatment now that he had lost his job, and how he and his 6 children will manage without their beloved mother. but there you were, offering him a kind word and a smile when it seemed that the world was closing in on him ready to devour him. when it seemed that he had nothing left. when it seemed he had not a friend at all, you were there for him to offer your smile and a kind word.

    your phone rings. it’s your wife asking you to pick up a few things from the grocery. you smile to yourself, roll your eyes, and get to it. your exchange with that man already forgotten.

    that man however, because of you, wipes the tear from his eyes. he looks up at heaven, and with a hint of a smile on his lips he thanks Hashem for all that he has and offers a prayer for his wife and children. he continues to the hospital where he sees his wife lying there on the bed white as the sheets enveloping her, wasting away. tubes trail out of her arm, and her face is contorted in pain. he sits down beside her on the bed and smiles down at his wife. “Chana, are you awake?” she nods her head. still she does not look at him.

    he takes her face in his hands and turn it toward him. “everything will be alright. B’ezras Hashem you will get better. you will return home in time for pesach, and we will celebrate your liberation from this hospital and your disease. never give up hope. we’re all here for you.”

    she looks up at him with hope in her eyes and barely manages to whisper “yekusiel, what changed?” you seem different.”

    “i met a friend on the way over here” he says with a smile on his face and a tear in his eye, “he reminded me that we are not alone in this world. he reminded me that no matter how bleak a situation may seem, one should never lose hope.”

    she looks away from her husband, a smile on her face now as well and falls into a gentle sleep as he sits by her bedside holding her hand.

    weeks pass and miraculously she recovers. the doctors cannot explain it, but somehow her tumors have shrunk and the chemo seems to be working. she arrives home a week before pesach, and the entire family celebrates their mothers liberation from sickness and the hospital.

    all because of one simple action that you did. a seemingly insignificant action. a seemingly AVERAGE action. however, it was far from average. it was extraordinary.

    you don’t need to find your calling in life. live life as you should and your calling will find you.


    shlomozalman: If you meant to quote Mica, they’re out of order. It’s be honest, be nice, be modest.


    Thanks for the compliment, I was not quoting anyone. But if you say so, I’ll happily change the order.


    Devarim 10:12-13

    Spells it out pretty clearly. I don’t understand why everyone has to come up with their own opinions.


    Sola Fide.

    ?????????, ????????????? ???????

    (Chabbakuk 2:4)

    Seriously? To be Marbe Kavod HaBorei. That goes for all types of people.


    ??? ????? ???? ???? ???? ????????

    There are any number of psukim that tell us exactly what a Jew’s calling is. For the details and practical advice, we have two thousand years of literature.

    shlomozalman: If you came up with that based on your personal philosophy and not a quote, then you have *the* Torah Hashkafa right there. (Or at least the Navi Hashkafa 😉 ) The verse is Micha 6:8 if anyone wants to look it up.

    Sam l Am

    To learn, and follow, the Torah.


    R’ Noah Weinberg explains it perfectly


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