A contractor says you cant point bricks on the side of a house ….

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    A contractor says you cant point bricks on the side of a house when you have only 2 1/2 feet between yourself and the next house because you cant stand up a ladder….True or false? If its true and water is seeping in, what do people do?

    Who points bricks in Brooklyn?

    Anyone else have rain dripping from the center of their roof because of faulty gutters and leaders?

    What a unique rain! I havent had this kind of rain issue in more than 20 years.


    Good luck! I didn’t realize it rained so much until you posted this and the thread about your basement. I hope you get it all worked out soon and don’t have any more issues with it!!


    I will preface this by saying I’m not any kind of a professional, but I’m fairly experienced with DIY things around my parents’ house and I’ve fixed things for other people.

    A: Sounds right. There’s no room to set up a ladder safely though I don’t see why they can’t do some kind of scaffolding. If your contractor can’t do it, try shopping around.

    B: I do, but as I said I’m no kind of professional. 🙂

    C: It sounds like you need a good roofer. I have a couple phone numbers if you’re interested.

    golden mom

    gutters and leaders is for a roofer and there are plenty of them but u better get on there waiting list so they may actually see u bf the winter


    ItcheSrulik , is Kushner a company you’d recommend? I think thats the name of the company my family uses.


    Ofcourse, there might be a sealant that can be pressure-sprayed on if there is no room to stand a ladder.

    Be careful though – loads of flim-flam home improvement contractors pop up whenever there is a sudden need for services. I only know of arson-for-hire contractors (Creedmoor Building Removal is one of the best) so I can’t really recommend someone good.


    2-1/2 feet sounds like avoiding potential litigation (or following NYC law) rather than an actual minimum working distance – it is probably based on the ladder maker’s anti-lawsuit recommendations.

    ItcheSrulik is right – someone should be able to use scaffolding or another method of reaching if my spray idea is not feasible (it exists but may not be as good as real pointing).


    I’m bumping this thread up ahead of the storm because people may have to repair wind damage.

    For roof work I recommend Pat’s roofing.

    I don’t have any recommendations for general contracting because of the two my parents used, one retired and the other is out of private business and now works for the city. The one I know personally is now working for a large company too, so he can’t take private jobs. There is a very good plumber named Avi Fishbein, but all plumbers will probably be overbooked after the hurricane so maybe other people can post recommendations too.

    Ofcourse: I don’t know them or anyone who has ever used them so I can’t say, but see above.

    Reb Ber: It depends how high you’re trying to go. 2 1/2 feet would be fine if the top of the ladder is 10 ft. up. 30 ft not so much. Spray sealants are useful but unless you’re talking about a kind I don’t know about they have two problems:

    a- They are meant to be applied from about a foot away, not straight up the side of a house and

    b- They are meant to be in addition to mortar, not instead of.

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