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- This topic has 10 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 5 months ago by smerel.
August 15, 2023 2:19 pm at 2:19 pm #2216273LerntminTayrahParticipant
I have seen this bechina floating around. I don’t shtell tzu to the matzav kedeboi to farentfer all of them, so I’m sharing here. It’s a few years old so some of these questions might be outdated.
Farshtaitzach the echte reine yeshivalite who really shtel tzu don’t have internet .1. Name ten roshei yeshiva who were roshei chabura in BMG
2. Name 5 eidim of Reb Dudi Rosenbaum
3. Name 15 talmidim of Reb Berel Soloveitchik
4. Which rosh yeshiva is eidim by the Ateres Shmuel
5. Who was offered to become rosh yeshiva of chabad
6. Which roshei yeshiva were offered to take over Slamowitz when Reb Mottel left
7. How many buildings in BMG
8. What is Wassermans yeshiva’s real name?
9. Name 5 yeshivas that broke off other yeshivos
10. Which sefer has a haskama from the Brisker Rav zt”l
11. Which 2 brothers are eidim by Rav Shmuel Brus?
12. Which rosh yeshiva from Lakewood was asked to speak at the Ani Choma asifa?
13. How many yeshivos started from Lakewood mesivta?
14. What is the difference between Reb Mottel and Reb Elya Chaim?
15. Which mitzva can you only do sitting down?
16. Who did the dirshu video play yomim for?
17. Name 3 eidim of Rav Elya Svei zt”l
18. What year did Rav Shach zt”l make Degel Hatorah?
19. Which yeshiva is more “chal”, Slamowitz or Keren?October 5, 2023 9:35 am at 9:35 am #2229431Bochur01ParticipantOver here we encounter the odd conundrum that the longer you take trying to think of the answers to more questions, the lower your IQ is.
October 5, 2023 1:49 pm at 1:49 pm #2229516commonsaychelParticipant1 to 19, frankly who cares
October 5, 2023 4:55 pm at 4:55 pm #2229533Shimon NodelParticipantIf you’re trying to be mekayem michiyas amalek by squashing, you may need to be sitting down.
Honestly, after a certain point this stops being hisdabkus betalmidei chachamim and starts to be more of a nebach form of paparazzi. If you just want to nose about other people, there are numerous way more entertaining things to involve yourselves in
October 5, 2023 6:50 pm at 6:50 pm #2229584smerelParticipantI’ll start but first I’ll say that these questions are really geared to a younger crowd. In my days the questions were like “which three people are not in the famous picture of the Mirrer Yeshiva in Shanghai becuase on principle they refused to be?” I only know what was the hock in my time. Anyway here goes.
(1)Any Rosh Yehiva under forty who learned in Lakewood would be a former Rosh Chabura there
(3)To long to list but start with the Roshey Yeshiva over 65 under 85 and you will easily come to 15
(5)Please enlighten me and with details. When was this offer given? Which Chabad branch? Do you mean the offer to the Ponivitcher Rov which was given over a hundred years ago? This is intriguing because I can’t picture Chabad after 1951 offering Rosh Yeshiva (not magid shiur) positions to any Litvish yeshivish Rosh Yeshiva
(9) I don’t want to rehash old fights
(11) Actually you mean Rav SHAUL Brus. Not Rav Shmuel. The answer is the Kanareck brothers
(15) Not sure where this comes into Yesivish hock but standing up for a talmid chochom or zoken can only be done when initially sitting
(18) Degel HaTorah was started in 1989
October 16, 2023 3:08 pm at 3:08 pm #2229540amiricanyeshivishParticipantWould like to add a couple of own shailos for the 45 year old plus Yeshivishe oilam.
1. Which event was it that Rav Shach Zt”l decided Israeli election outcome broadcasted on all Israeli media?
2. Name 5 official Roshei Yeshiva of Bais Hatalmud from 40 plus years ago.
3. Which 5 famous shidduchim did Rav Berel make?
4. Why was Rav Mottel Weinberg Zt”l not asked to speak again at Agudah Convention?
5. Who really wrote Chiddushei Rav Aryeh Leib? Chiddushei Rav Shloime?
6. Who did Rav Giftor “defrock” from their smicha?
7. Why did Rav Shach leave post of R”Y of prewar Karlin?
8. Who did Rav Aaron Kotler Zt”l consider his Rebbi muvhak?
9. Who convinced Rav Shach not to put kol korei against Artscroll gemaras?
10. Who wrote sefer Binyan Oilam? Amala shel Torah?
11. Who was moiche when Rav AY spoke about Rav Moishe Feinstein?
12. Who is Rav Nachum Truker? Rav Abba Ludzer?
13. Which 2 Litvishe Gedolim learned with a Lubavitcher chassid bechavrusah all Toras Chabad?
14. Where was Rav Meir Stern Shlita’s first Yeshiva?
15. Who started Yeshiva Shaar Hatorah in Queens?
16. In which Shul was Rav Dovid Soloveichik’s Yeshiva?
17. Who was Rav Chaim Soloveitchik’s shver?
18. The Mishna Brurah only quotes one time a Gadol from his times. Who and why?October 16, 2023 6:52 pm at 6:52 pm #2232188Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantI recall posting a bunch of factual questions about r Kotler, r Moshe, r Feinstein, not sure whether internets, ate them or mods considered them too hard
Probably internets, mods would spare at least someOctober 17, 2023 6:52 am at 6:52 am #2232206smerelParticipantamircan yeshivish
I’ll only comment on the disputed ones and will try to avoid loshon hora and machlokes but as someone over 45 I know the answers to almost all
(3)It was only said to be three in my days, then two others were added after they got divorced. And no, not every shidduch that RBS was shadchan for ended up in divorce.
(7) It’s question of whether some bochurim went to the rebbe for a yartzeit or for Shavous. Either way he retraced his resignation. According to Reb Moshe Pivovitz from the few people to have learnt by Rav Schach in Karlin to still be alive ten years ago, most of the Yeshiva was not chasidim to begin with
(10)Binyan olam was written anonymously for good reason. They say Rav Hutner threw it on the floor when he first saw it. Alleging authorship to someone would put that person into question in general
(13) Probably no one. Toras Chabad is too vast for someone to learn all of it unless he learns it on a daily basis. Rav Hutner was a chavrusa of the Lubaivtcher rebbe in Toras Chabad before he became rebbe. He then become a strong opponent of his . Of note the Lubavicher rebbe has no other known chavrusa
October 17, 2023 5:15 pm at 5:15 pm #2232425amiricanyeshivishParticipantre(10) Binyan olam was written by Rav Chatzkel Levenstein Zatzal. The fact that Rav Hutner didnt agree with it (allegedly) doesnt cast any doubts on him ch”v. He probably wrote anonimously out of anivus. Same for sefer amalah shel torah written anonimously written by Rav Shlomo Brevda Ztzal
It is just a machlokos in daos and ze veze…
FYI Rav Hutner did the same thing with Rav Moshe Shmuel Shapiro’s sefer on Kesubos which he didn’t like his peice on geirus for hashkafic reasons.re(13) Rav Geltzeiler in his hakdama to his sefer Kodshei Yehoshua writes of his father in law Rav Dessler and Rav Hutner having a chavrusashaft wit a chabad chasid “Reb Itche Masmid” who taught them both toras chabad over a period of year or so.
October 17, 2023 9:35 pm at 9:35 pm #2232485commonsaychelParticipant1. How many toilets are there is BMG?
2. How many toilets are there in Mir?
3.How many cups of coffee does the average person in person in BMG drink?
4. How many times does the average yungerman in Lakewood use lechoreh in an sentence.
5. What the ratio of leased cars vs used cars for bnai yeshiva?October 17, 2023 11:10 pm at 11:10 pm #2232504smerelParticipant>>>Binyan olam was written by Rav Chatzkel Levenstein Zatzal.
It was also rumored to be written by someone who gone to work and was trying to get others to go the other way. A sefer like Binyan Olam that claims there are more chiyuey krisosos than those that are mentioned in the Mishna, Gemora, and the Rambam is upgefregt. Rav Chatzkel Levinstein would not have written stories about the Belzer Rebbe in a sefer of his.
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