- This topic has 20 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by apushatayid.
March 18, 2013 10:20 pm at 10:20 pm #608667chalilavchasMember
A Rov who is very involved with Kashrus just said on the radio that 200,000,000 is spent collectively by patrons on Pesach programs yearly, but Rabbi Landau’s Minyan cant collect 200,000 for Aniyim.
Never mind the other issues that some of the Pesach programs bring about… atmosphere, kashrus, hachana….on and on…
March 18, 2013 11:26 pm at 11:26 pm #938948WIYMemberchalilavchas
Preaching to the choir.
March 18, 2013 11:39 pm at 11:39 pm #938949truthsharerMember1) 200 million dollars is not spent on hotels.
2) Let’s say it is, why should I, who doesn’t daven in Landaus at all, give money to them? If I decide to go to a hotel, I now have to also give money to every shul in the world who collects?
March 18, 2013 11:48 pm at 11:48 pm #938950Ðash®ParticipantWhat’s your point? More than 0.1% of my Pesach spending has been in support of the needy. The real question is how much do R’ Landau’s followers collectivly spend on Pesach.
March 19, 2013 12:10 am at 12:10 am #938951Veltz MeshugenerMemberI don’t know why you would have such an urge to be melamed chov. From the context, it seems that you’re talking about entertainment type stuff, which is just part of people keeping their minhagim over pesach, spending time with their large (ka’h) families, and doing the mitzvah of simchas yom tov, which, contrary to some people’s interpretations might involve happiness.
Besides, of what relevance is what one shul raises in light of the massive amounts of chesed that Klal Yisroel does before Yom Tov? How many people work days and weeks to provide the non-profit yom tov sales so that families with less means can get chicken, potatoes, matzah, etc at a good price? And how many of those people shop at the same sale as everyone else but aren’t allowed to pay? Have you seen what Tomchei Shabbos does before Pesach? I used to volunteer (a small amount) and before Pesach especially, their warehouses were full of insane amounts of food, which was bought with tzedaka, and packed and delivered with chesed. Klal Yisroel has no shortage of altruism, and while I understand that someone experiencing frustration might in a moment of weakness forget about that, the suggestion that we are bad because we don’t do enough with *our* money is preposterous and should not have made it from the initial thought to a post on YWN.
March 19, 2013 12:35 am at 12:35 am #938952DominoParticipantTomche Shabbos of Rockland County provided warehouses full of Yom Tov food to the Anyim just yesterday. Numerous volunteers descreetly distributed hundreds of thousands of dollars of food throughgout last night. None of the volunteers I saw plan to spend Pesach at a hotel.
March 19, 2013 1:38 am at 1:38 am #938953chalilavchasMemberI personally never raised the question. Im repeating.
The $200,000,000 figure seems like lots of money, and certainly very far from a neccessity, to be spent on a luxurious vacation lasting a week a year, while Yidishe kids are being denied entry to Yeshiva because they cant afford to pay tuition, etc.
March 19, 2013 7:05 am at 7:05 am #938954interjectionParticipantThe ones going to hotels are already giving their fair share of maaser, and frequently more. If you would calculate all the money given on Purim through pesach, you’d probably see a similar number. Many seem to think sheli sheli veshelach sheli-aka communism-that if some rich guy earned the money then as long as anyone exists with any form of debt he’s not allowed to do anything nice for his family. The gevirim (at least in my home town) do way more than is required but people still complain as if all their money should belong to the klal.
March 19, 2013 1:43 pm at 1:43 pm #938955Veltz MeshugenerMemberYou’re repeating a question that is not well conceived and is also inappropriate. The numbers you gave don’t really mean anything without context – how big is R’ Landau’s minyan? How much do people in his minyan spend on Pesach “programs”? The second post is even more vague. Multiple posters have established that frum organizations give massive amounts of assistance before Pesach. We know that they give massive amounts of assistance throughout the year as well. Countless g’virim in the frum world open their door countless times every day to meshulachim answer the phone to countless fundraising calls, and in fact support schools, shuls, Hatzola, etc. You don’t even offer ballpark numbers on that. I suggest (invent?) that it’s in the area of $1b. Why should anyone care if those g’virim have $200,000,000 left over to spend on Pesach programs?
March 19, 2013 2:52 pm at 2:52 pm #938956zahavasdadParticipantI personally cannot afford to go away for Pesach, but I dont care if others do
Do you know many people make their Parnassah off these Peseach trips?
The spend the whole year planning and preparing for about 10 days. This is their yearly income
March 19, 2013 3:04 pm at 3:04 pm #938957WIYMemberI think the issue is that lets say a gvir is used to giving $10,000 every year towards kimcha depischa however with current prices that money doesn’t go half as far as it did 5 years ago and sadly with the economy where it is there are many more families in need than ever before. I don’t want to knock anyone but I don’t know if all gevirim are giving maaser and even if yes they have an achrayus to give more than that. People don’t get it. If Hashem made you rich its because He wants to see how you will spend that money. Ashirus means that Hashem appointed you as His gabbai tzeddaka. How many ashirim look at it that way? Most of them think its their money but its not. Its Hashems. Be smart and use it for what it was really given to you for.
March 19, 2013 3:28 pm at 3:28 pm #938958yaakov doeParticipantI doubt that $200,000,000 is spent on Pesach programs. Landaus shul gave out $200,000 last year for Pesach and at the appeal; after each minyon they say there is more need. I have not heard that they are unable to raise the same amount as last lear. I occaisonally catch a minyon there, but gave for their Moas Chittim as well as my local shul.
March 19, 2013 4:05 pm at 4:05 pm #938959WIYMemberVeltzmeshuggener
You truly are meshugga if you think $1b is given towards kimcha depishcha!!! Do you have a concept of how much money $1b is?!!! If Landaus a very wealthy shul only raised $200,000 how on earth would they get to 10 million? You talk about a Billion?! I’m not sure I can take much else of what you say here seriously if you are so out of touch with reality.
March 19, 2013 4:23 pm at 4:23 pm #938960SaysMeMemberwiy- your being a little harsh on judging wealthy people as a group and stereotyping.
But if one shul can rasie 200 000, there aren’t 500 shuls across america that can do the same? There arent 2000 shuls that can raise 50 000?
March 19, 2013 4:43 pm at 4:43 pm #938961Torah613TorahParticipantAlso, let’s think about all the private people who can’t afford to give 1000 but give 20% of what they earn anyway around Pesach time.
March 19, 2013 4:44 pm at 4:44 pm #938962achosidParticipant“A Rov who is very involved with Kashrus just said on the radio that 200,000,000 is spent collectively by patrons on Pesach programs yearly”
Who is this Rov? How is he “very involved in kashrus? Why the anonymity?
Did he count the money?
March 19, 2013 5:13 pm at 5:13 pm #938963takahmamashParticipantI, too, would love to know how the Rav came up with this outlandish figure.
March 19, 2013 7:50 pm at 7:50 pm #938965writersoulParticipantAnother point people don’t bring up: NOT ALL PEOPLE WHO GO TO HOTELS ARE GVIRIM.
You don’t believe me, but it’s true- I know because I’m one of them.
People don’t only go to Florida or Cancun with every single singer there and prime rib every night, and even those who do don’t necessarily go because they’re too lazy to make their own Pesach.
My family goes to a hotel for part of Pesach. It is not at all fancy- on a scale of one to ten, it’d average about a 3 or 4. It’s a wonderful place to be, the food’s great, it has nice grounds, but it’s NOT “Pesach in Hawaii!!!” in the least. We also don’t pay for it- my grandparents do, as the yearly family reunion in the one place where we can all fit at once without tripping over each other.
The point is, if someone came over to my dad and was like, “Hey, I hear you’re going to a hotel, why are you paying for a gashmiyusdikke fake Pesach experience instead of giving me ten thousand dollars for aniyim?”, then a) he wouldn’t HAVE the ten thou and b) believe it or not, you can have just as much of a fun, authentic, spirited, spiritual and amazing Pesach in a hotel as you can at home. And I know that bcause the rest of my Pesach IS spent at home.
This may sound like a random, apologist rant, but I’m detecting somewhat of a disdain toward people who go to hotels in the above comments, and I don’t think it’s necessarily justified. And it doesn’t matter if the person you know is going to Pesach in the Local Motel or Pesach in Italy- being dan lekaf zechus, or better yet getting rid of some of the negative opinions about hotels, and just remember that wherever you are, it’s a real, sincere, fantastic PESACH.
March 19, 2013 8:28 pm at 8:28 pm #938966Veltz MeshugenerMemberWIY: Read this carefully:
Multiple posters have established that frum organizations give massive amounts of assistance before Pesach. We know that they give massive amounts of assistance throughout the year as well. Countless g’virim in the frum world open their door countless times every day to meshulachim answer the phone to countless fundraising calls, and in fact support schools, shuls, Hatzola, etc. You don’t even offer ballpark numbers on that. I suggest (invent?) that it’s in the area of $1b.
March 19, 2013 10:00 pm at 10:00 pm #938967WIYMemberVeltz
Oh you meant throughout the year. That makes more sense. I misread it the first time. Sorry.
March 20, 2013 10:24 am at 10:24 am #938968apushatayidParticipantDon’t know the rav or his level of involvement in kashrus but I’m still waiting for his aplogy for casting so many frum people in a negative light.
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