It’s taken me fifteen months, but I’m now 20% done with my Sefer Torah. I’m now 61.191 letters in (out of 304,805), in the second Aliya of Parshas Miketz. Hopefully, KHBH will continue to give me the health and strength to complete it.
Baruch Hashem I am still dealing with work and young kids so I’m not able to be as consistent as I’d like to be. My goal as well is 28 lines a week but I rarely make it. Hashem should give you the strength to continue and see it through to completion. Really an amazing mitzva tizke lemitzvot!
That’s my goal as well (although I’ve always termed it as four lines per day). Again, it doesn’t always get done (so far in 2024 [through 12/27], I’ve only written on 221 days), but I do my best.