2 Arabs arrested over another (HitlerYouth type) TikTok attack

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    2 Arabs arrested over another (HitlerYouth type) TikTok attack


    Tiktok terror: two Arabs were arrested after they humiliated an ultra-Orthodox and uploaded it to the web

    News 0404, 02/12/2022

    A document circulated on the social network “TikTok” in which an ultra-Orthodox man was seen being humiliated by Arabs in the Old City of Jerusalem, led to the rapid arrest of two suspects.

    The suspects, two Arab boys, residents of the Old City of Jerusalem, were transferred for questioning to the David area in the Jerusalem district.


    Out of respect I will not go into the details but this phenomenon that began mainly in April ’21, targeting Haredim (who don’t even serve in the IDF), the style of humiliation resembles the HitlerJugend, as it has been pointed out.


    We live in our own land and are strong. These youths should have had their skulls cracked. What an embarrassment to us.


    @rightwriter, don’t forget that it is the Arabs that are the ones getting preferential treatment in Israel…despite the lies peddled by Haaretz, Soros, Btselem.

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