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- This topic has 50 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 1 month ago by ☕️coffee addict.
October 28, 2015 9:42 pm at 9:42 pm #616573ExcellenceParticipant
I’ve been waiting for someone to thread it for the last week but no one has so I will. What is the general opinion of it? Has the gedolim of Eretz Yisroel made a statement regarding it?
Is this trusted or ambiguous?
October 28, 2015 10:48 pm at 10:48 pm #1134391skripkaParticipantit’s bogus, full of contradictions and mistakes. for instance in his “vision he has the war starting on sept.15, and it will last for 2 weeks
October 28, 2015 10:59 pm at 10:59 pm #1134392DikDukDuckParticipantI think it’s a hoax.
October 28, 2015 11:25 pm at 11:25 pm #1134393popa_bar_abbaParticipantThis is first I’ve heard of it. And lol
October 29, 2015 4:15 am at 4:15 am #1134395Mashiach AgentMemberyou can see for yourself straight in Zecharya Hanavi sefer a list of the tragedies and events that will occur to klal yisroel in the pre-Mashiach days. given over straight from Hashem to the navi himself
on another note there are messages relating to years of war straight from Hashem in navi although they occurred thousands of years later:
Now that everyone knows which pesukim relate to which year-in the Hebrew calender-everyone is now free to look up any pesukim & see what Hashem says for that year. How many years will it be until Mashiach comes?
October 29, 2015 4:39 am at 4:39 am #1134396ExcellenceParticipantIf i may clarify, he said the beginning started in the sept 11 date. But when the world armies invade the war would last 2 weeks. 2 days for the Israeli army.
October 29, 2015 4:40 am at 4:40 am #1134397ExcellenceParticipantI would also like to know what the gedolim think of this.
October 29, 2015 1:29 pm at 1:29 pm #1134398ubiquitinParticipantExcellence
what do you think of it?
October 29, 2015 3:15 pm at 3:15 pm #1134399golferParticipantWhich passuk says: “Come, let’s go buy a bridge” ???
Personally, just me but-
I prefer the last passuk of Koheles.
October 29, 2015 5:01 pm at 5:01 pm #1134400Mrs. DParticipantSee the video of Rabbi Mintz from Yeshiva of Staten Island and Oorah fame, asked about this in a Q&A session. He says every few years one of these characters pops up. They might have been delirious or hallucinating (lekaf zechus, as opposed to setting up an attention-getting hoax) but it is not something to believe. Dismissed, the end. I would also like to add the principle of Lo bashamayim he, which means it is not important to hold by the info from someone reporting from Shamayim even if it did happen, because our source for behavior and conduct and belief is Torah MiSinai.
October 29, 2015 6:21 pm at 6:21 pm #1134401Avi KParticipantRav Mordechai Eliahu said that it was WW2. Regarding the Zohar, at the end of parashat Balak it says that on the 25th of Elul (9/11 was actually on the 23th) two gates of Rome and the great hall will fall as a prelude to terrible wars.
October 29, 2015 6:51 pm at 6:51 pm #1134402mimzeeMemberone second, if the “vision” is true or false does it really matter? What is the harm in doing t’shuva? Why do ppl. say “well, how do i know it’s true? why should i believe it?” Pretend it is even if you dont believe it and use it as a wake-up call. do you really think ur t’shuva will be for nothing?
this is what we call “bechira”. you can choose to believe it and work on immproving your ways or not. once mashiach comes and reveals himself there will be no more bechira and thus one can no longer do tshuva. Just something to think about
October 29, 2015 7:08 pm at 7:08 pm #1134403Sam2ParticipantExcellence: Are you looking for Gedolim who openly claim to be able to tell both the veracity of someone else’s dream and the definitive meaning of that purported dream? Because I really don’t think any of those exist.
October 29, 2015 7:59 pm at 7:59 pm #1134404old manParticipantThe gedolim are smart enough and busy enough not to waste their time commenting on nonsense.
October 29, 2015 8:02 pm at 8:02 pm #1134405Mrs. DParticipantMimzee, Doing teshuva based on a false premise is soothing like doing teshuva when having witnessed a miracle. No staying power — it wears off, and it is not teshuva as it came from pachad or a temporary sense of awe, not a commitment to change or to cling to truth. In the case of a miracle, the effect wears off, and the conviction peters out. In the case of a false vision, which includes predictions of actual dates and events, watch the dates pass or the events take different turns, and the not-very faith-based teshuva is replaced by disillusionment. That is worse. There was never a sincere commitment. That is the underlying problem here, and that is why people care enough to analyze it.
October 29, 2015 8:05 pm at 8:05 pm #1134406Mrs. DParticipant**Soothing = Something, sorry
October 29, 2015 8:21 pm at 8:21 pm #1134407golferParticipantMimz, doing Teshuva is one of the 613 Mitzvos.
We do Teshuva for the same reason that we observe Shabbos, make a Pidyon Haben, eat Matzah on Pesach, and help the needy.
October 29, 2015 10:19 pm at 10:19 pm #1134408squeakParticipantCannabis or hashish is very effective at stimulating such wondrous visions. We know it worled for Mo when he was writing his one of his two religious texts (the better known one).
October 29, 2015 10:21 pm at 10:21 pm #1134409Bookworm120ParticipantSounds like a hoax. There were people trying to manipulate autistic children into giving similar messages years ago. :/ It’s sad that kids are being taken advantage of in this way, and even sadder that people fall for it.
October 30, 2015 2:01 am at 2:01 am #1134410mimzeeMembermrs.d & golfer:
please see topic
so what if this “vision” makes us cry out NOW to prevent tzaros? One never knows how their tefillos and tears are used.
it seems some ppl. want to leave tshuva for the last possible moment before mashiach comes. that is why they negate or question every story they hear.
the only problem is if they keep pushing it off and disbelieving the stories/ warnings it might end up being too late
October 30, 2015 6:47 am at 6:47 am #1134411Mashiach AgentMemberDown syndrome and autistic children are more holy then neviyim. Physically they are put in this temporary world to test their parents on their faith and trust in Hashem and accept the test of having a handicapped child to take care of and accept it happily versus a preferred healthy child.
Spiritually they are holier than prophets were and all love music cause their soul needs happiness to get a connection with Hashem
Next time you see one of these special children stand up for them
October 30, 2015 12:34 pm at 12:34 pm #1134412jewish sourceParticipantits hard to say it was staged I watched it many times
October 30, 2015 1:44 pm at 1:44 pm #1134413JosephParticipantDown syndrome and autistic children are more holy then neviyim… Spiritually they are holier than prophets were…
What source says they’re more holy than anyone else?
October 30, 2015 2:16 pm at 2:16 pm #1134414Avi KParticipantJoseph, I read in several places that the Chazon Ish said that those with Down’s syndrome and the autism are the souls of tzaddikim to facilitate our soul correction. They need no soul correction, that’s why they lack free choice. However, I do not know if this means that they are holier than nevi’im particularly in the sense of the English word. In fact, I do not know ho we can make such comparisons. Is a mamzer who is a talmid chacham more kadosh than a Cohen Gadol who is an am ha’aretz? In the sense of his Tora yes but in the sense of his lineage no.
October 30, 2015 3:37 pm at 3:37 pm #1134415HaLeiViParticipantIt sounds very bazaar that he should see the future plan, definitions of people, Moshiach’s identity et al. None of Yiddish near death experiences I’ve heard of had anything like this. It is always about their own experience.
Another point to keep in mind that he/they are not Neviim. There was no, ‘Go tell My people.’ The Medrash relates that when R. Yishmael Cohen Gadol ascended to heaven to find out about the Gezeira then, an angel showed him a storage room full of very harsh decrees on the Jews. He said, when you gather together and answer ???, ??? ???? ??? these Gezeiros don’t see the light of day.
Just because something is seen above our domain it doesn’t mean that it will happen that way.
Even the predictions of Chazal of what times will be like before Moshiach comes, are open to interpretation. They can play out in a relatively mild way.
I can’t promise this boy didn’t see what he says, or partially. But it is strange. As for the autistic communications, they seem authentic even though their drastic warnings did not play out the way it sounded, BH. Perhaps this was a case of ?? ???? ????? ???????.
October 30, 2015 4:34 pm at 4:34 pm #1134416👑RebYidd23ParticipantI think it’s offensive to autistic people when you objectify them, even if you call them holy.
October 30, 2015 6:41 pm at 6:41 pm #1134417JosephParticipantAs for the autistic communications, they seem authentic even though their drastic warnings did not play out the way it sounded
How did you determine the authenticity of their message? And which communications do you speak of?
October 30, 2015 7:07 pm at 7:07 pm #1134418WolfishMusingsParticipantonce mashiach comes and reveals himself there will be no more bechira and thus one can no longer do tshuva. Just something to think about
What is your source for this? It contradicts the Rambam, among others.
The Wolf
October 30, 2015 8:36 pm at 8:36 pm #1134419oomisParticipantRe: sources for unusual information – Does anyone know a source for the opinion that Avraham actually DID shecht Yitzchok, and then Hashem was Mechayeh hameis???
October 31, 2015 4:47 pm at 4:47 pm #1134420Avi KParticipantThe so-called warnings are nonsense. It has been proven that the children were prompted.So ruled Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach after Rav Avraham Steinberg investigated them for him.
November 1, 2015 12:22 am at 12:22 am #1134421ExcellenceParticipantI was asked what I thought. Personally, I don’t know what to think.
The Kitvei HaRamban speaks of the pre-Moshiach prophecies. Pirkei D’Rabi Eliezer lists 15 events to happen. Some of which have happened now. Eg tomb being desecrated like Yoseh Hatzaddik, and two arab brothers will attack.
Also, toward the end of Sefer Devarim, Rabbi Alshich mentions a few decades before Moshiach’s arrival the 10 tribes are supposed to be found.
The Rebbe said ww2 was the big and last event. Now, we’re just waiting for Moshiach. I don’t think we would have had the Holocaust if the year 6000 was still 224yrs away!
I can’t translate the Hebrew of that 15yo clip. I speak eng.
November 1, 2015 3:53 am at 3:53 am #1134422mimzeeMemberwolf,
have heard it numerous times in shiurim in relation to this topic. see rabbi wallerstein on Torahanytime.com for one example
November 1, 2015 5:23 am at 5:23 am #1134423HaLeiViParticipantWolf, the Ramban said that to the king by his debate. He said that it is actually better for him in Galus for this reason.
November 1, 2015 5:25 am at 5:25 am #1134424HaLeiViParticipantOomis, that is mentioned in Magid Meisharim. But it seems that he did when the knife touched him but nit that he was actually slaughtered.
November 1, 2015 12:05 pm at 12:05 pm #1134425ExcellenceParticipantWell, it was said Yitzchack’s soul left his body from the trauma. He spent 2yrs in Gan Eden.
Actually, the Shem MiShmuel has some very interesting matters to say about Yitzchack Aveinu’s soul. And why Sarah Imenu “laughed”.
November 1, 2015 4:14 pm at 4:14 pm #1134427feivelParticipantWolf
I don’t know his source but I’ve heard Rabbi Avigdor Miller ztl say this many times.
November 1, 2015 4:26 pm at 4:26 pm #1134428☕ DaasYochid ☕Participant???”? on the ???? of ??? ?’ ?????? in ???? ?????.
January 30, 2016 11:06 pm at 11:06 pm #1134429ExcellenceParticipantOk I notice the internet is now speaking of this. Many sites are discussing it. There is now a partial translation of the first part for those of us who don’t speak Hebrew.
So I thought it would be a good time to ask again. Has the rebbeim and gedolim of Israel commented on this now? I’d like to know what our spiritual leaders are saying.
When he was brought to the beis din shel maala, he identified the judges as the Ben Ish Chai, Chacham Ovadia Yosef and Rav Elyashiv.
My prutah opinion, some of his info about Heaven, the Court, Eden and Gehennan, from my books, matches out. Yet the Rebbe, the Previous Rebbe, the Shem MiShmuel the Socatover Rebbe (misspelled that I know) all said no more physical war is necessary. And someone above quoted Rabbi Mordechai saying WW2 was it. Indeed, the Shem MiShmuel in Vayigash said the overly long exile and the hardships suffered in it have absolved the need for a physical war. As the great hardships of egypt quickened the geula by 190yrs earlier, so to WW2 and before did for us.
What I find contradictory is if we can bring Moshiach over 220yrs early, we don’t NEED nuclear bombs dropped on Jewish cities as the boy said would happen, we are already doing teshuva. Here in Sydney, more secular people are coming to shule then ever before.
But as I asked, what do the gedolim say now, now that this has become widespread?
January 31, 2016 2:26 am at 2:26 am #1134430charliehallParticipant“those with Down’s syndrome and the autism are the souls of tzaddikim to facilitate our soul correction. They need no soul correction, that’s why they lack free choice.”
Many if not most children and adults with Down’s Syndrome definitely have free choice!!!
January 31, 2016 5:37 am at 5:37 am #1134431Avi KParticipantAfter seeing the results of an investigation by Rav Avraham Steinberg Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach came to the conclusion that “The communicative method used for severely mentally retarded or autistic people (facilitated communication) should be used as a limited clinical tool but should not be abused for mystical purposes” (Assia, no. 57-58, 1996 pp. 12-13.). In fact, many medical experts consider FC to be nonsense and that the practitioners put words in the children’s mouths (see the Skeptic’s Dictionary on the subject).
BTW, Rav Mordechai Eliahu said that WW2 was Gog uMagog. When some people came to him and tried to convince him otherwise he told them that if it did not already occur they would have to experience it. They accepted his ruling.
January 31, 2016 9:42 am at 9:42 am #1134432BarryLS1ParticipantMashiach Agent: The Zohar also says that Techias Ameisim is to begin 210-214 years before the year 6000. We are now only 224 years before the year 6000, giving us at most 14 years before Techias Ameisim, will all that have to occur beforehand. Therefore, Moshiach’s arrival must be pretty imminent and is supposed to occur the year after a Shmittah.
January 31, 2016 12:53 pm at 12:53 pm #1134433☕️coffee addictParticipantBarry,
1. Where does the Zohar say this?
2. Why can’t moshiach come in fourteen years?
January 31, 2016 12:57 pm at 12:57 pm #1134434☕️coffee addictParticipantAdditionally I heard from someone quoting the talmidim of the gra that klal Yisroel in eretz Yisroel is moshiach Ben Yosef and they don’t have to die, and the time of death was 5750 (the year of the gulf war) and if they could live through that then moshiach Ben Yosef wouldn’t die
January 31, 2016 1:29 pm at 1:29 pm #1134435Avi KParticipantIt is not clear from his hesped but Rav Kook held that either Herzl or the secular Zionist movement in general was MBY. In “Kol HaTor” Rabbi Hillel Rivlin says in the name of his rebbe the Gra that the job of MBY is kibbutz galuyot and the material building of EY.
January 31, 2016 1:51 pm at 1:51 pm #1134436apushatayidParticipant“Why can’t moshiach come in fourteen years?”
(Note: I didnt read the preceding comments and dont know what this references. I am commenting on this sentence (which may or may not be taken out of context and I am not accusing the writer of this line of anything).
He can. He can also come in 14 days, minutes or seconds. Its what we daven for every day. Its what we wait for daily. Hayom, im bikolo tishma’u. Why do you want to write off the coming of moshiach for 14 years? I suspect that might border on apikorsus to say moshiach wont come for at least 14 years.
January 31, 2016 2:16 pm at 2:16 pm #1134437zogt_besserParticipantIt is ridiculous to believe that a man who refused to give his son a bris milah is mashiach ben yosef.
January 31, 2016 2:34 pm at 2:34 pm #1134438☕️coffee addictParticipantApushatayid,
You were taking it out of context
Please read the preceding posts
January 31, 2016 3:29 pm at 3:29 pm #1134439apushatayidParticipantRead the preceding posts?!? 🙂
January 31, 2016 6:10 pm at 6:10 pm #1134440Avi KParticipantZogt, Rav Kook explains that in his hesped:
???? ?”? ??????, ???? ?????? ????? ?????, ??’ ?????? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ???, ?? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ????? ???? ????????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ??????, ??? ???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ????? ??????, ??? ?? ??? ????? ????? ???????? ???????? ???? ?”? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ????,
Rav Kook goes on to say that in the future the material and spiritual sides will unite (Etz Yosef and Etz Yehuda).
January 31, 2016 6:44 pm at 6:44 pm #1134441BarryLS1Participantcoffee addict: Hakdamos v’Sha’arim, page 172. The Leshem also writes about it (Sha’arei Leshem, page 489)
Also. Moshaich can come at any time. Techias Hameisim is supposed to begin after Moshiach comes.
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