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- This topic has 153 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 1 month ago by uneeq.
October 24, 2011 7:32 pm at 7:32 pm #600140yitayningwutParticipant
Taking a test on Friday on YD 98-109, with the exclusion of 106, 107, and ????. Does anyone have any questions or food for thought?
October 24, 2011 8:27 pm at 8:27 pm #852159popa_bar_abbaParticipantSuppose you buy a used machine that holds a beer keg. You do not know if it was used for flavored beer which may have been issur. There are pipelines which the beer flows through and may have sat for more than 24 hours.
May you lechatchila use this for your beer?
October 24, 2011 8:37 pm at 8:37 pm #852160JotharMemberThe ma’areches hashulchan sometimes gets the halacha wrong, as can be seen by looking at the pri megadim and the machatzis hashekel.
October 24, 2011 8:39 pm at 8:39 pm #852161BaalHaboozeParticipantWhat topic is that?
October 24, 2011 8:43 pm at 8:43 pm #852162ZeesKiteParticipantSure. Is one assur to mix to foods for thought, or is only cooking (debating…ranting) them together forbidden.
October 24, 2011 8:50 pm at 8:50 pm #852163sam4321ParticipantIf a non-jew says he made your food treif out of hate to we believe him?
October 24, 2011 9:27 pm at 9:27 pm #852164yitayningwutParticipantPopa –
I believe so. The Taz says that a kli does not become assur through kevisha, because it is a davar mu’at. Moreover, you haven’t told me if you plan on having the beer sit there for 24 hours. Knowing you, you probably go through beer very quickly.
sam4321 –
No. The Maharshal is machmir to be somech on a non-Jew le’hachmir, but the Shach in 122 is machri’a that we are not somech on him either way (I forgot to write that I am including 122). The Taz also holds like the Shach unless the non-Jew says it “??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ????”. But lemayseh if you believe the guy then ??? ??? ????? – ???”? ??.
BaalHabooze –
Generally about transference of flavor. Non kosher food getting mixed into kosher food and stuff like that.
October 24, 2011 9:42 pm at 9:42 pm #852165ItcheSrulikMemberFleishig oven ben yomo.
Fleishig cookie sheet not ben yomo.
Biscuits made with butter.
What (if anything) needs to be kashered and how?
Are the biscuits treif?
Correct answer gets a biscuit, kosher or not.
October 24, 2011 9:50 pm at 9:50 pm #852166sam4321Participantyitayningwut: Are you sure it is not Shach(118:38) who brings the Shuvulei Haleket?
October 24, 2011 10:19 pm at 10:19 pm #852167yitayningwutParticipantItcheSrulik –
Fleishig oven… hmm.
Let’s deal with the other details first.
Cookie sheets: The question is if the butter made them milchigs. I would say it depends on whether it is shamen or kachush, as the Shach says even we make this distinction regarding bliyos. I am guessing that butter is not shamen, but if it is, the sheet will need to be kashered if you want to use it for meat. Unless there is 60 in the sheets against the butter. If there is 60, or if the butter is kachush, the sheets are fine.
Biscuits: No problem. Any ta’am was lifgam.
Oven: There is certainly no reicha by one after the other. With regard to zei’ah, my Rosh Chaburah taynahs that there is no such thing as zei’ah in an oven, and he convinced me with his rayos. So there is really no such thing as a “fleishig oven.”
Even if there were zei’ah in an oven, the Rema is mashma that we assume there is no zei’ah unless you see it. Some taynah that this is only by a davar yavesh. Which biscuits are.
Do I get my biscuit?
sam4321 –
Hey I’m not responsible for 118!:) But I looked it up and you are correct, the Shach there too brings that it’s mutar.
October 24, 2011 10:34 pm at 10:34 pm #852168yitayningwutParticipantThanks everyone! Keep ’em coming 🙂
October 24, 2011 11:46 pm at 11:46 pm #852169ItcheSrulikMemberYes, you get a biscuit.
(Real shaylah, asked to real talmid chochom who happened to be lactose intolerant and had to turn down the plate of cookies I wanted to give him after the psak.)
October 25, 2011 12:11 am at 12:11 am #852170ilovetorahParticipantif i ask you a shaila and i follw your answer, but the answer turns out to be wrong, was i considered a maizid or a shogeg? what happens if the above scenario happens this coming shabbos- is there any difference? 🙂 good luck!
October 25, 2011 12:17 am at 12:17 am #852171JotharMemberIf some basmati rice mixed in with your matza farfel on pesach, can you have a sefardi taste it and see if it’s nosein ta’am?
If a mouse falls in your cholent pot, do we say it’s nosein ta’am leshevach?
You have 3 identical pieces of meat, 1 is treif. Can you eat all 3 because batul berov?
October 25, 2011 12:24 am at 12:24 am #852172yitayningwutParticipantItcheSrulik – Lol thanks:)
October 25, 2011 12:36 am at 12:36 am #852173yitayningwutParticipantJothar –
1) Kitnios is batel b’rov, so it’s not a shailah. But I know what you are getting at, so I’ll tell you what you want to hear – the Shach says we rely on the tasting of a Jew. However my rav holds that we are not somech on tasting at all.
2) A mouse in a cholent pot is nosen ta’am lifgam. If you want to taynah that your cholent is soupy and is a mashkeh, even so, by shar mashkin it’s a machlokes and R’ Akiva Eiger writes (not like the Taz) that we pasken to be meikel except by (liquid) fat.
3) You may not eat them all together, and even one after another, l’chatchilah we are machmir not to eat.
ilovetorah –
That’s a question I can’t pasken for you 😛
October 25, 2011 12:40 am at 12:40 am #852174popa_bar_abbaParticipantOk, so firstly, I don’t know that we pasken like that taz. Specifically, the shach in 98:13 says that kevisha is bolea b’kulo.
I thought of some more tzedadim to be meikel, when this came up. What do you think? Meanwhile, I’ll try to remember them.
October 25, 2011 1:20 am at 1:20 am #852175yitayningwutParticipantPopa –
Thanks for keeping me on my toes.
Ok. Firstly, any non-kosher beers are certainly in the mi’ut of beers manufactured and purchased, so I don’t know why you would have to worry about it. Even if you were to look at it as a safek, it is a safek d’rabbanan because we’re only dealing with the ????? ??? ?”?, and I believe we are meikil with this safek d’rabbanan in 122.
Secondly, I am curious. ??? ????? ?????? ???? is mutar according to ?????? ???? ???”? (and my rav paskens this way). What about ??? ????? ?????? ????? ?”?? Perhaps we can make a kal vachomer – mah duch to be mevatel issur l’chatchilah, which the Ra’avad holds is assur mi’doraisa, the Ra’avad himself holds is mutar (see Beis Yosef end of 89 b’shmo) when it vadai won’t come to nesinas ta’am, kol shekein a treife pot which is only assur m’drabbanan lchol hade’os, when it vadai won’t come to an issur (meaning even if you should pick up the wrong kli – which I understand is pshat in the ???? ??? ?”? – you would anyway wait a day) it should be mutar. What do you think of this? Your machine surely falls into this category – I don’t think you would ever shoot boiling hot beer through it.
October 25, 2011 1:33 am at 1:33 am #852176popa_bar_abbaParticipantI like the second one. I think we thought of that. It is simple beautiful answer, that it not able to come to issur because you never use it except for kavush.
I didn’t think of the first one, but who knows, maybe.
How about this: The whole piping is only a few feet of plastic tubing, so the entire volume of the tubing will be batul in the huge keg of beer, so it is darko to use bshufi?
Do we care that at the end of the keg it will not be batul anymore?
I think we may have had even more tzdadim.
October 25, 2011 1:58 am at 1:58 am #852177ItcheSrulikMemberIsn’t it a sfek sfeka of a d’rabbanan? Safek flavored beer which is safek treif?
Pardon my ignorance, I don’t know taaruvos.
October 25, 2011 2:03 am at 2:03 am #852178yitayningwutParticipantPopa –
Wait if it’s plastic you have another tzad l’heter – that plastic is not bole’a. I know this is controversial but My rav holds this way, Rav Heinkin held this way (I think it’s in the Kisvei), and I have a very reliable source that R’ Moshe held this way at least by hard plastic.
And thanks for the haskama on the second tzad.
I don’t get it, do you actually ever let it sit there for 24 hours? If not then what’s the issue? As far as I know (see the end of 122 by the shkarkuos case) there’s no ????? ??? ?”? when there’s no nesinas ta’am – i.e. it’s cold and you’re using it right away. So even if you’re worried, just don’t use it that way and you’re good to go!
I am trying to think about this other tzad you’re mentioning but the metzius is eluding me. Could you by any chance give me a model number or something to look up online to make it clearer?
October 25, 2011 2:07 am at 2:07 am #852179yitayningwutParticipantItcheSrulik –
The only reason you are mesupak if the beer is flavored is because the flavoring might be treif. That’s ?? ???? ?? ???. For that matter you could klerr maybe it was a green bottle and maybe it was a red bottle, and even if it was a red bottle maybe it was kosher anyway, which obviously isn’t a valid sfek sfeika. Get it? I don’t know siman 110 but from my memory of Kesubos 9a I think that’s how it goes.
October 25, 2011 2:16 am at 2:16 am #852180popa_bar_abbaParticipantAs far as 24 hours, yes, it does sit for 24 hours.
Here is the metziyus. You have a big barrel of beer which is pressurized. You attach the tubing to a port on the top, and open the port, allowing the beer to flow through the tubing until it is stopped by the valve at the end of the spigot. When you want to pour beer, you open the spigot and the beer is forced out.
I imagine the entire body of beer being connected to itself within the tubing and barrel.
And you are correct about the answer to itche’s sfek sfeika. It is all one safek.
October 25, 2011 2:34 am at 2:34 am #852181JotharMemberIs beer made with isinglass good?
Your friend mixes 1 drop of lard into your kosher canola oil and says it makes it taste better and he did you a favor. Can you use the oil?
What are the 4 cases the shach allows something where nitosef issur? What are the added 2 cases of raavad and issur veheter?
What yummy creature is known as the achbera dedavra?
What ruins a chaticha hareuya lehiskabed acc to the pre migadim and pri chadash?
What’s the machlokes issur veheter and shach about chaticha hareuya lehiskabed?
Can you throw out hot pizza into a garbage with fleishigs?
If you put cheese on top of pork and fried it, were you over ishul basar bechalav?
2 hours after eating meat you take a piece of milchig candy and make a bracha on it. now what?
Sunday in July, at a bris. Somebody is about to have a bagel with cream cheese and lox, and his father says “we don’t do that”. Why?
OJ with omega 3 contains fish oil. Can one drink this with meat?
October 25, 2011 2:40 am at 2:40 am #852182ItcheSrulikMemberAny flavored beer is a safek treif. Correct?
You have a safek that maybe there was flavored beer in the tube. Correct?
I still see two sfekos.
October 25, 2011 2:54 am at 2:54 am #852183Sam2ParticipantJothar: Fish and meat (or fish and dairy) is not in the Simanim that Yitay is asking us to ask about as far as I know.
October 25, 2011 2:56 am at 2:56 am #852184yitayningwutParticipantPopa –
Ahhh I chap! You’re a good ba’al masbir.
If I’m getting the metzius right and it is all one body of beer and the tubing is takeh less than 1/60 of the keg, I agree that it’s considered ???? ?????? ????. Yeish bilah – I wouldn’t say that you are getting the beer that acquired taste when you open the spigot. The only question I have is would you say it’s ???? ?????? ????? ???? ?????
October 25, 2011 3:02 am at 3:02 am #852185ilovetorahParticipantsee pischei tshuva 99 5
October 25, 2011 3:12 am at 3:12 am #852186sam4321ParticipantIs 60 needed against worms?
October 25, 2011 3:13 am at 3:13 am #852187yitayningwutParticipantJothar –
Thank you for all your great questions. I will limit myself to the ones that are in the simanim I mentioned, and to specific halacha questions, as this was my intention with this thread.
Beer made with isinglass: Is it nosen ta’am? If no, mutar. Is it nosen ta’am lifgam? If yes, mutar. Is there 60 against it? If yes, mutar. I don’t know the metzius, but a quick Wikipedia search revealed that “Rabbi Yehezkel Landau, in Noda B’Yehuda, first edition, Jore Deah 26, for example, permits such beverages.”
Achbera D’davra: I don’t know anyone who claims to know what exactly it is. My feeling is that it’s a regular mouse, and the one from the fields tastes good because it hasn’t been through the sewers.
Sam2 –
Thanks, you are right about that.
October 25, 2011 3:17 am at 3:17 am #852188☕️coffee addictParticipantHatzlacha on the test (maybe the Mods will change your subtitle from college sheigetz to college Rav
October 25, 2011 3:30 am at 3:30 am #852189yitayningwutParticipantItcheSrulik –
2 examples:
A) Kesubos 9a – ????? ??? ???? ????? – there are two unrelated tzdadim of heter: 1) The bi’ah may have been b’ones, even if they were married at the time, and 2) It may have taken place while they weren’t married, even if it was b’ratzon.
B) Famous Teshuvas Harashba – a lion hanging around a coral, in which you find a sheep with a nail in it’s back – 1) maybe the lion never went in, and 2) maybe the nail came from the sheep scratching itself against the wall, even if the lion came in. Not as good as A) because these aren’t completely unrelated, but rather a buildup of sfeikos. However, since we are forced to consider the possibility that the lion never entered at all – because it absolutely could not have been from the lion had the lion not entered – we look at that safek, and then see another one, that maybe the nail didn’t come from the lion after all. This is the pshat in this kind of sfek sfeika that I have gleaned from my rabbeim, even though admittedly I have not learned siman 110.
Our case is even worse than the Rashba’s case. Not only do we not have two independent sfeikos, the question “is the beer flavored or not” is essentially arbitrary. From the onset we should be asking only one question: Are there any non-kosher ingredients?
The fact that the beer is flavored doesn’t truly bring it closer to being treif. It just makes it easier for you to figure it out. That doesn’t constitute another level of safek.
October 25, 2011 5:42 am at 5:42 am #852190Ragachovers AssistantMember???? ????? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ??????
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October 25, 2011 5:46 am at 5:46 am #852191HaLeiViParticipantI see Itche’s point. You cannot manipulate the Safek to avoid the flavored aspect. Only once you establish that it is flavored do you start wondering if the flavor was Treif. In the green bottle example, it is possible to be Treif in any color.
October 25, 2011 1:53 pm at 1:53 pm #852192Sam2ParticipantJothar: You would take a small bite of the dairy so as not to have a Bracha Levatala and then you do not eat more. (I believe Rav Schachter quotes that from R’ Akiva Eiger but if it’s within the first hour you can’t eat it. He quotes from the Zohar that within one hour is a real Issur D’Rabannan but after that is just a minhag and the Minhag can’t force you to make a Bracha Levatala.)
Yes, you can throw the hot pizza out.
No, The Issur of Bishul Basar B’chalav only applies to Basar Beheima Tehora Bechalav. There is a Machlokes Haposkim about Neveilah Utreifa. But Beheima Temei’ah everyone agrees is Muttar to cook Bechalav and Muttar Behana’ah. (There is also no Issur of Basar Bechalav if you would eat it but it’s obviously Assur because you ate pork.)
October 25, 2011 2:58 pm at 2:58 pm #852193yungerman1ParticipantYitayingwut- Regarding Kevisha- Where is the Taz you quoted? I remember kevisha assuring.
Jothar- I second your comment on the Maareches Hashulchan, although it is useful at times.
If you put cheese on top of pork and fried it, were you over ishul basar bechalav?- No. You are allowed to do that. YD 87:3
2 hours after eating meat you take a piece of milchig candy and make a bracha on it. now what?- I believe we say to lick the candy or take a small bite. (Not sure if you are allowed to swallow)
Sunday in July, at a bris. Somebody is about to have a bagel with cream cheese and lox, and his father says “we don’t do that”. Why?- Based on a possible Taus Sofer brought by Shach and Taz in YD 87:3.
October 25, 2011 3:44 pm at 3:44 pm #852194JotharMemberSam2, if the garbage can has fleishigs, throwing the pizza out could be bishul basar bechalav which is assur even if you do not eat it.
yitayningwut, one of the meforshim there says specifically that the achbera dedavra is the squirrel. Rashi says so as well.
yungerman1, even tho the drop should be battul, in this case we don’t allow bitul lechatchila and it’s assur for you. In addition, if he says it adds flavor it could be avidi letaama, although this area is a bit grey- in metzius it shouldn’t add a noticeable taste. This is similar to the machlokes about sherry casks in liquor.
Here’s a common one. You buy 100% canola oil in the store without a reliable hechsher. not a drop of lard is in there in metzius, and yet halachically it’s treif. Why?
Why would carmine coloring be or not be a problem?
Most kosher candies are covered in the secretion of the lac bug, aka shellac aka confectioners’ glaze. Why would this be allowed?
October 25, 2011 4:11 pm at 4:11 pm #852195yitayningwutParticipant60 is not needed against worms.
???? ?? ?? ??? ?????? ??????. ??? ?????? ??????, ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????? ?? ??????? ??”?.
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Taz 105:1 (the end):
??? ????? ??? ???? ????? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ?”? ????? ?? ????? ???”? ????”?
October 25, 2011 4:17 pm at 4:17 pm #852196BaalHaboozeParticipantI used a milichige (metal) potato masher to mash my potatoes which were boiled in a plastic fleishig bowl. the potatoes had onions in it but the onions were marinated, so they were not sharp tasting anymore. What is the state of the potato masher, food, and bowl? What if the onions were raw and sharp?
October 25, 2011 4:19 pm at 4:19 pm #852197Sam2ParticipantJothar: It’s not Derech Bishul, it’s not on the fire, and there’s no Kli Rishon. There is no Issur of Bishul Basar B’Chalav in that case.
How is that Bittul Lechatchila? Assuming there is no taste you should say “Ein Adam Oser Es Davar She’aino Shelo”, shouldn’t you?
It’s Halachically Treif (I assume) because you have no one being Me’id that it’s Kosher. Maybe if there was strict FDA enforcement on 100% canola oil (I have no idea if there is) and rules about the way it’s processed, etc. then you could consider the packaging saying 100% canola oil as being Mesiach Lefi Tumo and it would be Kosher?
October 25, 2011 4:31 pm at 4:31 pm #852198yitayningwutParticipantAbout the achbera, I did not know that. Thanks for the info!
Jothar, Yungerman1, Sam2 –
Your friend mixes 1 drop of lard into your kosher canola oil and says it makes it taste better and he did you a favor. Can you use the oil?
I agree with yungerman.
It is not a ???? ?????? ????? as the Taz writes in 88:
???? ?????? ????? ?”? ???? ???? ?”?.
He happens to be talking about treife fat but his point is that ???? ?????? ????? is only something which has a charifus to it. The Aruch Hashulchan says this as well.
October 25, 2011 4:42 pm at 4:42 pm #852199Sam2ParticipantWhy is Avid Lechazusa not Nikar Ha’issur?
October 25, 2011 4:46 pm at 4:46 pm #852200JotharMemberSam2, according to the pri megadim bishul basar bechalav is even by roasting (check his hakdama to basar bechalav). Pizza can be considered a kli rishon as it’s a davar gush. In practice, most food we throw out isn’t hot enough to be an issue, but it’s something to be aware of. Bishul basar bechalav even without intention to eat is a major problem with biofuels from recycled restaurant oils.
As for the lard in oil roommate,
befeirush in shulchan aruch- it’s assur for the person who did it bemeizid and the person for whom he did it. He did it for you. I’m avoiding the issue if a drop is avidi letaamah and therefore not batul be’elef, as there are many who say similar tastes can’t be avidi letaamah.
As for the oil, it’s based on “steam jackets”- pipes filled with water vapor of a product used to heat another product. Factories use them all the time to save heating costs. In this case, the same factory made lard, and the pipes were filled with water vapor from lard, making the pipes treif and therefore the product they were heating treif. No water vapor gets in the product, product is pure canola oil, and still treif. Steam jackets are one of the most common kashrus problems in factories and hotels.
3 large pieces of steak, 1 is treif. When would we allow this despite chaticha harauya lehiskabed?
Bonus basar bechalav issue- it is assur to be mevatel issur lechatchila. basar and chalav are kosher until treif. Can you purposely dilute 1 part milk in 61 parts water, and then use that water with meat?
October 25, 2011 5:10 pm at 5:10 pm #852201yungerman1ParticipantJothar- Oops! I forgot about hamivatel bishvilo. Thank you.
Regarding Pizza- I have heard this shaila raised in E”Y and it was permitted. You are not doing anything by throwing the pizza in the garbage. Its not likely that its still yad soledes, its not derech bishul etc… The shaila would be when the garbage is incinerated that you have real bishul; but the Poskim were matir anyway
yitayningwut- I am refering to the general rule with all keilim. We never say the kli is shishim times the contents. (The reverse may be possible with a wide pot) However, with a kli ???? ?????? ???? you still may be allowed to use it.
Ovens- I cant recall ever hearing of anything of this sort. Can you please explain the logic behind it?
Ragachovers Assistant & yitayningwut-
??? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ????, ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?????? See Taz 92 Ois Lamed and Shach 107 Ois 7 that discusses this.
What I have heard l’maase is that the first couple of times we can be meikil, but after that we would consider it a kli rishon.
October 25, 2011 5:19 pm at 5:19 pm #852202yitayningwutParticipantSam2-
Because the mamashus is not nikkar and there is no ta’am. My rosh chaburah brough a Sheilas Ya’avetz who is talking about something else and writes that the ???? left on a kli is not considered mamasho shel issur, but rather it is subject to rules of ta’am.
Jothar –
I do not agree with you. ????? ????? means you asked him to do it, as we pasken in 122 that ?? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ???. And even the Maharshal, who adds the case where you didn’t ask for it, is only machmir where you want it.
Steam Jackets: My fist question is who says it’s a ben yomo? And even if you know that it was, that would only be for the first few batches, why would you not say ??? ???? ???? ?”? on the rov, which would be matir all of the bottles you find in the store?
3 large pieces of steak, 1 is treif, and they are ??”?: If it’s treif because of a bli’a. Also if it’s only a chumra R’ Akiva Eiger says it’s batul.
Purposely diluting milk in water: The Shach from the Toras Chatas is mashma that it’s assur (even though it’s mutar l’chatchila to put it into the meat after the fact). I heard that R’ Akiva Eiger is matir. My rav writes that from the rishonim it’s mevuar that it’s mutar, see here: http://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=1525&st=&pgnum=274.
October 25, 2011 5:22 pm at 5:22 pm #852203Sam2ParticipantJothar: I would say that unless you hold like the Chochmas Adam (who says there is no Bittul by Heter B’heter) then it should be okay. At the time you do the Bittul you are not being Mevatel any Issur.
October 25, 2011 5:31 pm at 5:31 pm #852204yitayningwutParticipantyungerman1 –
We never say the kli is shishim times the contents.
L’gabei the contents, I know. What about l’gabei the pot? I’m not disagreeing but can you tell me where I can see this inside?
Ovens: His basic raya is the fact that throughout 108, especially in s’if 2, which lechorah would be a classic case of zei’ah, the Rema is silent. Only in one specific case – the machavas – did the Rema mention it. He made diyukim the lashon of the Darkei Moshe and the Teshuvas Ri to make his case further. He also brought the She’eilas Yaavetz that I quoted before to Sam2 who says this mefurash. He also quoted some new sefer beshem R’ Shlomo Miller saying that they never used to burn out ovens (I guess he’s talking about in Lakewood back in the day).
What he suggested as the logic behind it is that wherever the heat is equal inside and outside, such as on a rack in an oven (if you put it on the floor of the oven it might be different), there is no zei’ah.
Regarding the ??? ????? ??, I have yet to learn that Shach and Taz, but I’m happy to see the halacha is pretty much as I assumed above.
October 25, 2011 5:32 pm at 5:32 pm #852205JotharMemberCarmine- the piskei teshuva brings down befeirush that it is permitted. However, the pri megadim says chazusa belo taama milsa hi.
Based on this, most modern kashrus agencies do not allow carmine.Used to be a problem with some cranberry juices.
Shellac- not real chazusa, batul berov. Rabbi Blemenkrantz was not happy with this kulah being universally accepted, but without it it’s hard to make good candy.
The question is by the lard, neicha bei means that neicha it tastes better or neicha bey an issur was done. I actually forgot what we say here. forgot about that taz about fat tho, thanks. I heard the same thing about a rice with milk in the flavor packet mixture cooked in a fleishigs pot- the milk was avidi letaami but no real taste so batul as less than shishim.
correct about the Rav Akiva eiger, although the magen avraham by pesach implies this is not allowed by chometz- not sure where it was in my cllalei issur veheter cheat sefer.
Steam jackets directly pipe in heat from other parts of factories. Serious kashrus concern based on the steam treifing the pipes.
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October 25, 2011 5:34 pm at 5:34 pm #852206yitayningwutParticipantLunch break! Be back soon. Thank you so much everyone, this is really a great chazarah for me.
October 25, 2011 5:39 pm at 5:39 pm #852207sam4321ParticipantGilyon Maharsha (8) brings the Shach (84:30) saying that worms are not disgusting and 60 is needed against them.The Taz(84:15) does argue and holds they are disgusting.
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