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    The gemorra in taanis (cant remember the daf offhand, but its towards the end of the first perek) says we don’t daven for two things at once. What about shemonei esrei?

    The shulchan aruch paskens this, but puts it in hilchos taanis and not in hilchos tfillah, and none of the nosei keilim say anything about shemonei esrei. The gaon( in pninim mishulchan hagra, by eliyahu i believe) has an explanation for why eliyahu could daven for two things at once(see the gemorrah in brachos).

    Has anyone heard anything on this or has an explanation?

    Patur Aval Assur

    The Gemara (8b) is discussing when two tzaros come at the same time. It is not talking about regular Tefilla. Read carefully the words of the Shulchan Aruch, Levush, Magen Avraham, Aruch Hashulchan and Mishna Berurah.


    That was my original thought, but what about that gaon on eliyahu?

    He’s talking from a tfillah p.o.v., and he goes into a seemingly pointless answer if he could have just answered like that?

    Patur Aval Assur

    I’ve never seen this Gra, but I assume you are referring to the Gemara (6b) which says that Eliyahu said ???? ?’ ???? ???? ???? ?? ?? ????? ????? ??? ????? ???? ????? ?? which again was not regular Tefilla, but a response to specific problems that came up for Klal Yisrael at that particular time.


    Thats the gemorrah. I hear your point, will check it against the gra.


    Those Teffilos of Eliyahu were about one idea. Likewise, when we Daven Smone Esreiout is one chain. Also, when I learned this Gemara I learned that this only applies to when you turn to Hashem to beg for something. In that scenario, asking for two things away your attention from the other thing. When you are asking for your general needsthis does not apply.

    Patur Aval Assur

    The point is that the Gra would have a legitimate kashya on Eliyahu from the Gemara in Taanis which there could be any number of answers to. But I’m claiming that the Gemara in Taanis is only referring to a certain type of Tefilla in which regular davening is not included.

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