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    square root of 2

    On R”H we daven “ויעשו כלם אגודה אחת לעשות רצונך בלבב שלם״ . Unity, it would seem, is only possible when we’re united for the right things. How could we possibly unite with reshaim? אין שלו׳ אמר ה׳ לרשעים.

    And yet, the end of הניזקין we find just that. Making dispensations in Halacha to accommodate דרכי שלו׳ with עבריינים.
    Chazal tell us of the benefits אחדות awarded the דור הפלגה and אחאב.
    How can we possibly understand this?


    The pasuk that you quoted in Hebrew is Isaiah, chapter 48, verse 22.

    Our first step should be to read commentaries on Isaiah, chapter 48, verse 22.

    Our second step should be to read the end of Nezikin,
    where Chazal made heterim for Darcei Shalom with reshaim.

    Our third step should be to read commentaries on the end of Nezikin,
    where Chazal made heterim for Darcei Shalom with reshaim.

    Reb Eliezer

    Rashi snswers your question in Bereishis (11,5) umisham hefitzam, peace is loved and machlokas is hated. By dor haflaga there was unity for the bad. so Hashem broke up the unity rather than destroy them, whereas at the dor hamabul there was no unity.


    I suggest you read Pirkei Avos, where it differentiates between machlokes l’sheim Shamayim and other machlokes. There can definitely be disagreements, and you can even say things against a belief, as long as it’s for the proper reason.


    Achdus in support of evil achieves nothing. In EY, there was achdus for the first month or two after the simchas torah massacre but both sides quickly retreated to their corners and began talking past one another and the political leadership sadly seems to thrive on this polarization.

    ☕️coffee addict

    “Achdus in support of evil achieves nothing“

    It was the difference between the דור המבול and the דור הפלגה

    I think it accomplishes a lot

    square root of 2

    @Reb Eliezer @DaMoshe

    My question, specifically, is why achdus is valued for reshaim. What purpose does it accomplish? Everyone’s patting each other on the back….as they build the tower?

    square root of 2

    פיזןר לרשעים טוב להם וטוב לעולם


    Achdus with reshaim is forbidden and is damaging to the soul. Darkei Shalom is very different than achdus; darkei Shalom could be used by gentiles, too, with whom there also is obviously no achdus.

    Regarding reshaim, Dovid HaMelech wrote in Tehillim: “Halo misanecha Hashem esna…”
    Real achdus is among G-d-fearing Jews, not reshaim who are, at most, irrelevant.

    ☕️coffee addict

    Achav’s army never lost a war because there was אחדות

    Reb Eliezer

    Halston, I thought I quoted a Rashi above.

    Reb Eliezer

    Should be Hakatan above not Halston.

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