Reply To: Is The Story True?

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m in Israel

The “fact” is that most news items have a large element of subjectivity involved. No news source will simply report facts without context, and the context is critical to the interpretation. Even without addressing the subjectivity in deciding which stories to print, which sources to use, etc. Even the wording in a factual statement can have subtle implications that we don’t think about. For example, look at the difference in these two completely factual statements saying the same thing:

“Mr. X was unable to comment about the event due to company policy”

“Mr. X refused to comment about the event citing company policy as his reason.”

Both statements are factual and contain the exact same information, without one world of opinion, but the opinion of the writer comes through just the same.

Bottom line is that I agree with the OP that one must always be cautious when accepting information. Evaluate the sources, and if it’s about something important check multiple sources, and of course as my husband’s Rosh Yeshiva always said (albeit in a different context), “there’s never an excuse to turn off your brain.”