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MAZAL TOV! 18 is very exciting for many reasons but first understand that 18 is a very mazeldik number. It stands for “chai” so it will breathe new “life” into you.

The anxiety might come from “18 l’chupah” which is a challenging concept. Most 18 year olds are far from ready for a walk to the chupah, so maybe that’s where some of the anxiety comes from. It also represents a separation from childhood into a adulthood. A time when you are expected to be more responsible and accountable.

But it is also liberating, it is a time when you realize “hey, I’m an adult now! I made it! i am done with most of school. I am either heading to sem or coming home from sem, either way a huge accomplishment and now I have to really concentrate on MY future. I am really in charge of MY choices and need to make educated and smart ones. I now get to put into practice the things I was taught. I am now a role model for others to follow. The friends I choose will have a huge impact on who I will become. Each path I take will determine whether I succeed or not. So where do I go from here, who will I choose as MY role models? Up till this point you were spoon fed all the answers and now…..

Don’t be terrified because you are not being thrown into an abyss. Your parents, grandparents b”h if you are lucky to have them, are still there for you to answer your questions and guide you. But most likely they will take a step back and wait for your to ask for advice and not necessarily TELL you what to do every minute of the day. So enjoy your birthday and the new “challenges” that come along with it.