Reply To: making a siyum on a yahrtziet

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee making a siyum on a yahrtziet Reply To: making a siyum on a yahrtziet


I spent some more time on it
I can not find anything about an inyan of making a seudah or even a siyum seudah in any litvish source
Though in regards to my questions above I believe the kitzur is mashma it doesn’t have to be dairy (by virtue of his only using the word seudah which I believe traditionally means meat)
Incidentally rav reisman has said in the name of rav Pam that learning would take precedence over visiting the kever. Especially if they are buried in EY and you will end up “wasting”days (and money) better to spend those three days learning and giving the money to tzedakah
Admittedly rav Pam stopped saying it in public, Bc it was an unpopular position