Feeding Bachurim

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    I’m looking for suggestions for Bochurim Shabbas day meal other than chulent? Sides and mains.


    Kugel, schnitzel, liver, deli


    Deli roll, schnitzel, sesame chicken


    Steak, brisket, turkey.

    Most important: dessert.


    Pretzel chicken. I’ve heard it’s all the rage.


    Anything involving deli will probably go over well. Any or all of the following: Deli salad. Deli roll. Deli platter. Anything with pastrami in it. For some inexplicable reason a dark dry form of salami is much appreciated.

    Also, I was trying to avoid mentioning this, but since I think nobody else did I’ll tell you that some might feel their Shabbos seuda is incomplete if you don’t offer herring. A few types. Usually served with kichel. Often followed by a lechayim. I can’t make suggestions in that department but any yeshiva bochur worth his salt will help you out with that.


    We leave the chicken soup on the blech overnight.


    “Warning: Don’t feed the bachurim”

    Keep your food locked inside your cabins away from the doors and windows. Bachurim can smell food from far away. If tempted, they may break in. Also don’t leave food scraps in garbage bins outside.

    We want to keep the forest safe for Shabbos guests.


    Sorry LB but I don’t find your last comment amusing. to even hint that yeshiva bachurim will steal food……


    Think again iacisrmma: No hinting that bachurim would steal food. Interesting that you considered it though.

    Bachurim aren’t bears. They are humans. Baruch Hashem.

    Am I the only one who read “Feeding Bachurim” and thought about bears?

    Specifically those signs about not feeding bears. Prob all that hiking in bear habitats, so this was my first thought.

    Please do feed the bachurim. Just not the bears.

    Thanks and carry on, cheerio!


    For anyone really spending Shabbos in a bear-populated forest, please note:

    “Human-related food sources are higher in calories and easier to obtain than natural foods.

    All bears, especially yearlings that are on their own for the first time, will take advantage of easy food sources. Bears will continue on their way if they do not find easy food sources.

    Bears quickly become habituated to handouts in the form of trash, bird seed, pet food and feed placed out for other animals, and lose their fear of humans.

    These bears resort to raiding garbage, outdoor freezers, storage sheds, vehicles and other structures associated with people.” (Shinnstonnews)


    My grandmother used to feed a group of bochurim Shabbos lunch once a month in 1970s Brooklyn.

    She found that if she made a fleischige luckshen kugel (using 5 bags of noodles, eggs, 2 lbs of sauteed ground beef all mixed with 2 envelopes of onion soup mix, a quart of water and then baked) it was appreciated served at room temperature, quite filling and different from what most hosts served. The bochurim often would specifically ask for it


    “fleischige luckshen kugel”

    I have to try that. I am no longer a bochur, nor am I in Yeshiva, but that sounds amazing!


    LB: What do you think “bachurim” means? You wrote “Warning: Don’t feed the bachurim”. Why would I think you are referring to bears?



    This is a family favorite

    any kind of ground meat that has been sauteed first works. You can vary the spices, but the envelopes of onion soup mix are very easy to use.


    herring, dips, liver, poppers


    iacisrmma: Shavua tov iacisrmma 🙂

    I thought bachurim meant single men, and I imagined a bunch of younger unmarried adult men with good manners who happened to be hungry.

    Clearly there was a miscommunication here. I’m ready to move on and get back to the point of what to feed these lads. Hoping you’ll join in here, if you have any good ideas or recipes. Thank you in advance for being so understanding.

    CTLAWYER: That sounds delicious and easy!

    Ironman: Hope your Shabbos meal went well 🙂

    Maybe for another time, here is an idea (though CTLAWYER’s sounds like it might be a better low-stress, nutrient-dense, and more-than-enough-to-go-around option for this kind of occassion)…

    What about wraps?

    Or Make-Your-Own-Wraps (MYOW):

    For example, on one side of the table, have a stack of tortillas or soft wheat wraps on a plate, then just have a bar of fillings where they can stuff whatever they want inside:


    -Chicken salad

    -Mini hot dogs (or cut up hot dogs)

    -Ground meat with tomato sauce


    -Mozeralla sticks

    -Shredded cheese


    -Help me out here please, what else works?

    For both:

    -Grilled Eggplants

    -Egg salad

    -Hummus and Tahini

    -Cole slaw

    -Schoog (spicy pepper paste)

    -Stir-fry veggies (either a frozen, or pre-mixed blend)

    -Sweet potato (mashed or cubed)

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “LB: What do you think “bachurim” means? You wrote “Warning: Don’t feed the bachurim”. Why would I think you are referring to bears?”

    Iacisrmma, while I understand why you thought LB meant what you thought she meant and I understand why that bothered you, it sounds like she didn’t mean it that way at all.

    I think it had to do with some kind of play on words from “don’t feed the bears”. I’m not sure if I totally get it either, but I can assure you that LB is not the type to have intended any slight to Yeshiva Bochurim (or any other group in Am Yisrael). She is one of the most (perhaps the most) sensitive posters in the CR.


    Thank you LU. Yes it was a play on words that I figured people would know and find the light in the language.

    I def don’t want to offend anyone. I can see how someone would read it at face value and not in context with this secular background.

    Thanks iacisrmma for your voice and sharing your perspective and how others may have read my words.

    Maybe next time I can put some warning. I saw another poster did something similar on another thread with, “<JOKE>”. Good idea to clarify intent.


    “Sorry LB but I don’t find your last comment amusing. to even hint that yeshiva bachurim will steal food……”

    Lol! and I though iacarsima’s comment was sarcastic, since yeshiva bachurim taking food is a well known age old problem (not from private people, but being moreh heter on taking food from the yeshiva’s kitchen)

    there is a reason Yeshiva pantrys are kept locked, and it isnt a concern of bears


    Sorry but I was not being sarcastic. I took LB’s comment seriously. Having a number of sons who formed I had the zechus of hosting bachurim. I also have hakaros hotov to the families in EY who hosted my sons and daughters when they were in yeshiva / seminary.


    *should have said “dormed”


    ubiquitin: I had no clue that was actually a thing. Interesting. I know someone who lived in a fraternity house and the kitchen was open 24/7 because guys get hungry and the cooks always had extra stuff for them to nosh on after hours.

    Are they at least allowed to keep some snacks in their rooms in a mini-fridge or something? I guess yeshivot differ in their policies. If guys are going to great lengths to eat, it sounds like they have a legitimate need for more food.

    I cannot imagine them doing that if they weren’t genuinely hungry. If it was their own home then they would be able to open the fridge at night. I hope the policies change to allow more food access.

    Growing people need to eat. Especially men. If they live there, then why not give them access to food? Is it a kosher issue?

    There is a large space between not having access to the kitchen and not having food


    iacisrmma: May you always have the zechus to do such great mitzvot 🙂

    For the record, my insides are begging to apologize to you. However as part of therapy I am learning not to apologize for things such as this, which also is learning how to be okay when others may not approve of me and my actions, accusing me of things I didn’t do. Thus thank you thank you so much for showing me that things can be resolved in healthy way without having to write myself out.


    I came back to apologize (How do people not do it?) Because I realize I wasn’t culturally sensitive. I was ignorant of the whole yeshiva locking up food. So thank you for shedding light on where you were coming from and hearing me out.

    Mod: True. That was my question. Surely they eat dinner and have meals. I was wondering if they could get food off hours.

    When I *dormed* (iacisrmma, omgosh my spellcheck kept changing it to *formed*) in college, the food hall was open three times a day. I kept food in my dorm. Had I had access to the food hall 24/7, I would have been making and eating Belgian waffles at all hours like there’s no tomorrow. Having discipline and a feeding schedule is important.

    I was wondering what the bachurim do when they are hungry. Maybe they go to the pizza/sandwich place across the street (if there is one). I guess it depends on the rules of the yeshiva and what is around them.

    Plus it could be a good thing too if the guys are hungry as one is expected to be before meal times, that keeps them coming back to eat on schedule. That also helps them go to classes, and daven, I assume as a group too. Oh and bentching.

    In a frat, the guys all go their separate ways after meals. Different classes, sports, schedules. They may never see each other besides at the frat house.

    At the yeshiva, the bachurim are roommates, classmates, study partners, and become family. I don’t know how it works exactly, but I presume that there is a togetherness beyond the “brothers” at a typical college.

    Thanks 🙂


    From Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim online:

    “Three meals a day will be provided by the Yeshiva and served in the cafeteria. Students will also be permitted to visit the many local eateries if they desire. Also, there are many mini markets where students can purchase snacks and drinks to stock their rooms.”

    Very reasonable. They can keep snacks and drinks in their rooms. They are also free to eat out if they want and have the money to do so. Plus they have meals provided.


    LB: technically I wasn’t expecting an apology but appeciate that you did and it is accepted. I understand that in your journey mistakes are sometimes made. My wife makes a large cholent as their are times my children will have friends come over on Friday afternoon / night and they will “raid” the pot.


    Thank you iacisrmma(!)

    Sounds like scrumptious cholent 🙂


    I would like to thank everyone for ideas for what to tell my wife to make for me


    Lol. In that case… pasta and anything simple with ingredients around the house.

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