Reply To: Should Rittenhouse have been there.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Should Rittenhouse have been there. Reply To: Should Rittenhouse have been there.


I do not understand all this arguments. Should all the teens protesting at BLM be there ? in our prespective they should all sit and learn….., not going out on the streets to seek fun….., untill the age of 21 and maybe even 25 you should be busy with your studies and not with outer distractions. But the fact that someone is a Leidigeir and does go to protest etc. makes him a murderer because he acted in self defense in a place that he should l’catchileh better not be there ? Maximum his parents should give him a spanking for going there without permission. Personally i don’t understand why a 17 year old rotzer has access to a gun, maybe he would not go there if he wouldn’t have a gun, but he’s in any case certainly not guilty at all, he acted in self defence and he got his harsh punishment already for being a leidigeir by the fear so many months of being sentenced to life in prison. I don’t wish anyone this kind of fear even for one day. Zeits gezunt.