Reply To: Frum Doctors


The problem with you folk is you get so hung up on defending your uncle’s brother’s friend who is a doctor, that you can’t see your right elbow from your left ear. Forget that, you probably can’t even touch your right elbow to your left ear.

Here’s the bottom line. It is totally accepted that doctors do residencies and shifts that require them to treat shabbos like a regular day, even though there is zero pikuach nefesh need for them to do that. And while I’m sure they’re correct that it’s muttar min hadin, it is definitely wrong.

And it’s a bushah on the frum medical profession that they let it happen. Consider that no other profession has allowed their work to intrude on shabbos, even in ways that are probably muttar. Would it be assur for a biglaw lawyer’s associate to come to their house, and show them some changes in a document, and then go execute based on his advice? I don’t know–I bet there is something they could do that would be muttar. But every other profession drew a hard line around shabbos, and didn’t go looking for heterim.

And then there are the people who agree that there is something wrong with it, but won’t discuss it. They won’t raise the topic themselves, and will tell anyone who raises it that they are being a hyperbola or a hypotenuse so that they can shut down the discussion (instead of just discussing it minus the quadratic equation, because they trying to bury it). What drives those people? If the internet had existed in the time of the gemara, would it say tov sheb’internet l’gehenom?

Aside: All you arguing with the gemara are basically kofrim. If you don’t like what it says, too blasted bad. It’s the gemara. You should try learning it someday, and maybe you could have made a siyum today on baba basra.