Reply To: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah

Home Forums Health & Fitness NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah Reply To: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah



You present the following as a signe of your ignorance “However it seems that in the more Charedi communities they are all for it and in the more modern communities they are against it.

A) The RCA also came out against the DOH sanctions.

B) Not everyone who is Chored al dvar hashem feels that MbP is a must. However the yrecognize that is an accepted hakpodah by others. And they feel that they are entitled to follow their mesorah.

However you seem to be a part of the group that feels only your way of doing things is correct and you will do all you can to dirupt what these G-d fearing Jews have been risking their lives to do for centuries.

No one is forcing you to do MbP and for that matter, I doubt if a mohel would do MpB for you were you to engage a mohel because of health risks.

But why do you feel that you have right to dtermine what other should do? It is certainly not from your superior halachic knowledge nor scientfic knowledge.