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Curiosity: That would help if it’s approval I’m after. I asked for the sources because the reason I keep the Torah is because I know following the Torah to its entirety will lead me to live the best life possible. Those feel good answers do nothing. I want to do it because I know it’s what G-d expects and not because those I encounter will like me more or less.

csr1: Why can’t we just do it? I’ve spoken to other girls who also struggle like I do. For some it was the lack of attention that bothered them, but for others, like me, it’s more psychological. I can explain the thought process if you feel you must know, but suffice it to say that it’s physically difficult for someone who struggles with it. Some women have mastered it so it’s easy for them to preach but for others it’s a very real nisayon that must be dealt with centimeter by centimeter. It’s not as simple as “If you’re not allowed to show your knees, just don’t show them.” You’re not allowed to talk lashon hara, but is it so easy to “just not say it”?

The biggest thing in Judaism is to be shomer the bris, it’s what elevates us from every other people. It has to be this difficult because it’s so important! The same way women will never understand the male struggle, men will never understand why women have such a hard time.