Reply To: Any first-hand accounts of miracles or Ruach Hakodesh by Gedolim?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Any first-hand accounts of miracles or Ruach Hakodesh by Gedolim? Reply To: Any first-hand accounts of miracles or Ruach Hakodesh by Gedolim?

Ben Levi

I think this is a somewhat difficult subject.

In my case I was sick, the Doctors were in their words extremely “pessimistic” of a complete recovery, if there was to be a recovery at all.

Yet Rav Shteinmann said all would be well (along with other Gedolei Yisroel).

I did merit a complete recovery and the Doctors called my case “humbling”.

Does that qualify as a Nes?

I do not know, and my emunah is not dependent on it.

the thing I do take from it is that they is HKBH and while Doctors have a Heter of Rapoh Y’Rapeh they do not have the power of predictions.