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Search Results for: cheftziba

Guterman Pulls off Modi’in Illit Mikve Deal for Cheftziba Residents

After four years, residents of the Cheftziba area of Modi’in Illit have hope that the long overdue mikve will be completed. The area mikve has been a fading dream since Cheftziba found itself in serious financial difficulties. Just last week, the city’s deputy mayor, Yaakov Wallenstein, was summoned to the home of HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita, with the gadol hador expressing his concerns and pain over the fact that so many residents are compelled to travel distances to reach mikvaos. In short, Mayor Yaakov Guterman enlisted the support of the municipal council, passing a decision that no company will be granted building permits in the Green Park or Cheftziba areas until funds due the Solel Bonei Company regarding the Cheftziba mikve are transferred. The move had almost immediate results and the Cheftziba Company transferred the funds to Solel Bonei, resulting in the latter releasing the mikve to the municipality for completion. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Na’ot HaPisga Financial Crunch – Cheftziba 2?

The Na’ot HaPisga Company, involved in the construction of thousands of housing units in Modi’in Illit, announced it finds itself in a difficult financial situation. The announcement comes about two years after the Cheftziba collapse, which left many chareidim and others without their dream home and without their money. The company on Monday notified the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange of its current difficulties, turning to the Tel Aviv District Court to halt legal proceedings against the firm, blaming the entire situation on the IDF. The company explains that land areas in Modi’in Illit planned for housing have been expropriated by the IDF towards the construction of the partition security barrier, Chareidim reports. The company informed TASE officials that its debt is close to NIS 120 million, and as such, it is ceasing operations. The company is promoting and building no less than 2,318 housing units in Modi’in Illit, and its bleak announcement on Monday will have a direct impact on the chareidi community as well as anticipated growth in Modi’in Illit. 454 units have already been built, sold, and are occupied. 74 are under construction and Chareidim adds it has learned that 70 chareidi families have already paid most of the money for housing units which may not be completed. Company officials released a statement that the project Na’ot HaPisga in Modi’in Illit has bank guarantees and investors needn’t worry. The company blames the IDF for freezing land parcels, which are now unavailable for prospective buyers, locking up its operations and planned progress on the new housing in the community. The company awaits the army’s decision to unfreeze the plots to permit moving ahead with the project, adding officials remain optimistic at this time. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Israel; Cheftziba CEO Convicted

Cheftziba CEO Boaz Yona was convicted on a nine-count indictment by the Jerusalem District Court on Monday after the court accepted a plea bargain agreement.   As per the agreement, Yona will serve a seven-year jail term and will make compensatory payments amounting to NIS 4 million.   Many of people whose lives were shattered by Yona’s corruption were angered over the plea bargain, which they view as a very light sentence considering the fact that he made of with significantly larger sums of money, leaving many people paying for mortgages on homes that are not being constructed.   In the chareidi sector alone, his actions impacted thousands of families. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Video & Photos: Arab Climbs Cheftziba Crane in Protest

(VIDEO & PHOTO LINKS AT END OF STORY) ON Monday afternoon, as a crane from Ari’s Crane Company was delivering the second part of the Nachlat Cheftsiba Central Shul, an Arab from the nearby village of Beli’in climbed to the top of the crane in protest while holding a Palestinian flag. Nachlat Cheftsiba is a development East of Modiin Illit that was built on land owned by the Africa Israel Group. The operators of the crane were forced to cease the moving of the structure, as doing so would endanger the Arab who was at that point more than halfway up the crane. The operators of the crane then called the police in a attempt to remove the protester and resume their work. In response, the Arab protester, whose name is Ashraf, contacted some left-wing activists who arrived at the scene and clashed with local residents who were urging the Arab protester to jump before being separated by security personnel. The army was then called in to secure a perimeter around the site of the protest. Firefighters and volunteers from Moshav Matityahu were also on the scene standing by. After a few failed attempts were made to remove the protester from the crane, the fire department was asked to assist in his removal. Just before the firefighters started to raise their ladder, the brother of the protester was located in a attempt to talk him down. On the protesters request, everyone in the area retreated to a perimeter as his brother and some of his fellow residents from the village of Beli’in tried to talk him into coming down. They eventually got him to step off the crane, at which point the crane was lowered. After facing a very angry owner of the crane company, the protester lowered himself off of the crane into the waiting arms of policemen, who promptly detained him, As he was being led to a police van, one of the workers of the crane company snatched the protester’s Israeli flag in an attempt to burn it. The protester was taken away in a police van, but not before he attempted to lash out at some of the local residents of Nachlat Cheftsibe that had gathered around to watch. VIDEO & PHOTO LINKS: Click HERE to watch a video, and click HERE to see photos. (Yehuda Boltsausher – YWN Israel)

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Deal In the Works for Boaz Yona in Cheftziba Affair

The prosecution is working to complete a plea bargain agreement with Boaz Yona, the contractor taken into custody in Italy in August [as reported HERE on YWN] for making off with some NIS 300 million in fund in what is known as the Cheftziba case. Yona’s actions had a major impact on thousands of Israelis, including many in the chareidi community of Kiryat Sefer. According to a Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) report on Wednesday, the state is close to signing a deal with Yona in which he will give himself up to Israeli authorities, and agree to serve an 8-year prison sentence and pay back some of the money. Officials are aware that most of the NIS 300 million will not be repaid, indicating they are hoping for tens of millions. Yona’s attorney states he is not capable of paying back most of the money. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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International Arrest Warrant For Cheftziba CEO

It is being widely reported in the Israeli media, that Israeli police have issued an international arrest warrant for Boaz Yona, the CEO of Cheftziba, the construction company that filed for bankruptcy last week – after leaving thousands of Chareidi families homeless [as reported HERE on YW]. The warrant was reportedly circulated to Interpol stations throughout the world. Haaretz is reporting that Yona fled Israel two weeks ago, just a few hours before the public learned that the real estate group he led, Cheftziba, was crumbling. The police suspect that fraud and embezzlement were involved, by company officials and possibly by officials at banks that lent money for Cheftziba projects as well. The banks deny any such criminal behavior on their part.

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Court Setback for Cheftziba Modi’in Ilit Residents

According to INN, Israel’s High Court for Justice decided not to cancel the temporary injunction issued against the buyers of apartments in Modi’in Ilit – who have established residency inside their unfinished apartments after Cheftziba went bankrupt (as reported HERE on YW). The injunction which prevents them from legally entering their apartments was issued in response to a petition by the pro-Arab organization Peace Now, which claims that the apartments were illegally built on Arab land. The judges promised a final decision regarding the petition.

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VIDEOS/PHOTOS: Churban Heichal Baal Shemtov In Ramat Beit Shemesh Gimmel

(VIDEOS AND PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) It was a difficult scene during the night as a tractor destroyed Beit Knesset Heichal Baal Shemtov in Ramat Beit Shemesh Gimmel as City Hall reports the shul, like another before it, was set up illegally. It was a scene in which tears flowed as the gabbaim and mispallalim of Heichal Baal Shemtov watched a tractor sent by Beit Shemesh City Hall make rubble out of their Mikdash Me’at. The gabbaim took out the Sifre Torah and seforim and watched as the Aron Kodesh was torn apart by the blade of the bulldozer, a shul taken down by Jews just days before Tisha B’Av. The shul was taken down at 3:00AM Thursday morning, “like thieves in the night” some describe, stating it is a worrisome policy as the new administration in Beit Shemesh has now taken down more than one shul, claiming they are all illegal, while residents in Ramat Beit Shemesh Gimmel insist that they were given approval by the former administration of Rav Moshe Abutbul. The mispallalim insist the caravan that has been their shul was placed with permission, citing that there is a critical shortage of shuls for the growing population of RBS Gimmel and City Hall is not addressing this, but prefers to destroy existing shuls. YWN-Israel reported back in February 2019 that demolition orders were issued against at least four shuls in RBS Gimmel, as the city informed them the shuls were set up illegally. Mayor Bloch stated the administration will not tolerate illegal construction, which includes shuls. Regarding Heichal Baal Shemtov, shul officials explain they have maintained an open line with councilmen, and they have done their utmost to prevent the tragedy, but their pleas fell on dear ears. עַל אֵלֶּה אֲנִי בוֹכִיָּה עֵינִי עֵינִי יֹרְדָה מַּיִם כִּי רָחַק מִמֶּנִּי מְנַחֵם מֵשִׁיב Mispallalim insist that reports from City Hall that the shul was placed there without permission are simply untrue, as it appears the current administration is uninterested in the decisions made by Bloch’s predecessor, Rav Moshe Abutbul. An agreement was signed regarding a shul set up illegally in the Cheftziba area of Beit Shemesh, by which the mispallalim would vacate within 30 days since the shul was situation on a ‘green space’ designated area. Beit Shemesh City Hall released the following response on Thursday afternoon: “This area in RBS Gimmel is owned by the Israel Lands Administration. The execution of the demolition order was delayed six months while attempts were made by the local minhal (local government) to locate the owners of the building. “It should be emphasized that there were three institutions in the complex: Of the three, two contacted City Hall to arrange their status and indeed, their status was established. In contrast, the Breslov community shul did not contact the municipality to arrange its status as the others in the compound did…” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem/Photo & Video Credit: Beit Shemesh News)

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Extremists Take On Beit Shemesh Mayor Dr. Aliza Bloch

The struggle between Beit Shemesh City Hall and the extremists in the chareidi neighborhood seems to be worsening. While there were battles between the Charieidm and former Shas mayor, Rabbi Moshe Abutbul, it appears that the zealots are even less tolerant when it comes to the new dati leumi mayor, a female, Dr. Aliza Bloch. One of the steps taken by the extremists is a new sign, that says “She will not succeed in removing the shul” referring to the recent removal of structures set in place illegally, serving as a shul. There has been increasing violence since the removal of the shul, including the event in which Yehoshua Kroizer was dragged by a policeman by his peyos, as was captured on video. This led to outrage in the chareidi community and among chareidi leaders. The policeman has been suspended pending the outcome of the investigation against him. City employees have already been sent to the Cheftziba neighborhood to wash away graffiti against the mayor, which the extremists spray painted on walls. They insist “there is no way the mayor will succeed in removing the shul”, which they plan to renew in defiance of City Hall. It is pointed out that during Abutbul’s tenure, illegal shuls and other structures were also removed, as the mayor explained the law must be enforced and even the chareidim may not place illegal structure on public areas as they wish. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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SICKENING FOOTAGE: Israeli Cops Suspended After Dragging Chareidi Protester BY HIS PEYOS

Yehoshua Mordechai Kroizer was arrested at a protest against the destruction of an illegal building earlier in the week, a structure that was used as a shul in Beit Shemesh. Police claim he assaulted a policeman and threw rocks at police. However, a video of the events shows a different story entirely, and its was the police who were violent. In fact, one of the officers has now been suspended – after footage revealed that he dragged Kroizer by his Peyos as he walked him to a waiting police car. On Friday, police arrested Kroizer, a resident of Beit Shemesh who participated in the protest against the destruction of an illegal building being used as a shul earlier in the week. The protest on erev Shabbos, on Ben Ish Chai Street in the Cheftziba neighborhood, resulted in police protecting municipal workers who arrived to clean the graffiti against Mayor Aliza Bloch, who is referred to as a “terrorist” for destroying the shul. At the arraignment hearing in the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court, Kroizer was charged with assault and throwing rocks at police. His attorney embarrassed police during the hearing. From the video, which was published by Kikar Shabbos News, one sees Kroizer standing next to a parked car, not in the center of the protest, and a policeman approached him, assaulted him, pushed him, smacked him and then dragged him and knocked him to the ground while other policemen joined in. At the court hearing, a police representative described the events that occurred. He explained during the afternoon hours; police escorted city officials to protect them while they executed a demolition order. “The crowd began to gather and attack police as they actively resisted, using violence as they shouted ‘Nazi’”. The police representative labeled Kroizer ” a dominant figure in the protest among the many throwing rocks, claiming the policeman who tried arresting him encountered fierce opposition and violence, and he (Kroizer) attacked the policeman, leading to the policeman suffering a fractured leg. Attorney Roi Politi, who is representing Kroizer, asked the court to release his client immediately, before Shabbos while police asked to remand him for five additional days to permit them to continue the investigation and gather evidence to indict Kroizer. Politi explained to the court that not only did his client not attack anyone, he was the victim of an unprovoked police attack. Police in response to the damaging video evidence told the court that the video was “partial” and the court did not see the events which occurred prior to what the video showed. The court ordered Kroizer held until Sunday, and at the next hearing, police asked that Kroizer be released with restrictions, including a promise that he arrive at questioning when summoned by police, distancing him from future protests for five months, and a cash bail. The court accepted most of the demands made by police and appeared to have adopted the police version of events. According to the court, there was a reasonable case against Kroizer, stating that for as long as the video prior to the arrest is not present, then the suspicions against Kroizer remain. Meanwhile, on Monday afternoon, police released a statement that the officer who pulled the peyos of a Kroizer has been suspended pending the outcome of the probe

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Beit Shemesh City Hall Reaches Agreement Regarding Removal of Illegal Shuls

Following a late-night meeting at Beit Shemesh City Hall with Mayor Aliza Bloch, a document was signed by which illegal shuls occupying caravans in the Cheftziba neighborhood, on areas designated as ‘green space’, will evacuate voluntarily within 30 days. This refers to shuls in Ramat Beit Shemesh Gimmel, which a number of weeks ago were served with demolition orders after they set up illegally and refused to move. Mayor Aliza Bloch: “Beit Shemesh is a city that places its residents first at its head, and the law protects all of us from the takeover of the public space by various elements. I am happy that the matter has been agreed upon and that the illegal place will be evacuated by agreement. Aware of the plight of the public buildings, I undertake to continue to take care of the construction of public buildings in our city and to correct faulty planning in all neighborhoods of the city.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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SIKRIKIM VS SHABAVNIKIM: Jewish Delinquent Youth Are Terrorizing The Streets Of Ramat Beit Shemesh

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) There are shouts in the night, harassment of children, pulling of head coverings from the heads of married women, throwing stones and beating of Yeshiva bochurim – these are some of the horrific incidents described in the conversation with Bechadrei Chareidim by chareidi residents who live near Rival Street in Ramat Bet Shemesh Bet, referring to the delinquent youths who roam the streets in order to cause riots and terrorize residents. Then there are the actions of extremist Chareidim, who have taken matters into their own hands in the battle against the youth, referred to as ‘shabavnikim.’ A video documenting a 16-year-old girl who ran for her life in Beit Shemesh was released a week ago and caused a great uproar in the Israeli media. The documentation led to many condemnations, and Mayor Moshe Abutbul explained that the girl’s pursuers belonged to a small and radical chareidi extremists referred to as ‘Sikrikim’ that was embittering lives of residents. However, the report reveals that the opposition to the frenzied youth phenomenon in the streets of Beit Shemesh are rather ostensibly normative chareidi residents, as revealed in their testimony. In a conversation with Bechadrei, the residents accuse Mayor Abutbul of evading responsibility, and instead of removing the phenomenon that is causing panic, he accuses those who confront the boys and girls roaming the streets. Residents say they are aware that when there is one protest or another, the extremists join in. However, the protests are often initiated or approved of by the normative factions. Relating to the Sikirikim, Abutbul said “This is an extremist group whose actions even the police cannot anticipate and cannot control,” Abutbul said in an interview with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) after the video of the chase after the girl was published. They mayor intensified his position, adding, “I do not need such residents.” In an interview with Ayala Hasson on Radio 103, Abutbul reiterated, “It is the same faction that makes life difficult for us. This is a small, noisy group with whom we have no direct connection. The rabbis are also fighting this group because they are also causing them embarrassment – this is not the way of Torah.” “The children and the mother fled in terror” However, the report adds that other residents are also opposed to the phenomenon of the delinquent youth, who are rampant in the streets. Moshe G., a resident of the neighborhood, spoke with Bechadrei and said that over the past half year, the rampant youth phenomenon was on the back burner, so to speak. “They were walking around the neighborhood, sitting in Rival Square, occasionally harassing the residents, but it did not happen much. The rabbis were in contact with the parents of some of the girls, who took it upon themselves to try and calm the situation.” But in the past two months he says, the situation has worsened. “Children have become afraid to leave home, fearing that they would be harassed, and most of the harassment was at night,” he said. He explains that they began coming at night, arriving with dogs, one without a leash. He adds that people are fearful of the dogs, running for their lives, adding, “A woman who passed was attacked and her hair covering pulled off. My sister-in-law was

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Military Authorities Arrest Another AWOL Chareidi, This Time In Beit Shemesh

Authorities on the night of 22 Adar (Sunday to Monday) at about 1:00AM visited the home of an avreich, a resident of the Cheftziba neighborhood of Beit Shemesh who is listed as AWOL from the IDF. Some of the locals gathered but the incident remained calm. The avreich was arrested. In another incident, a bochur affiliated with Vishnitz Chassidus was arrested last week. He planned to travel abroad but to his surprise, due to technical reasons, he status as a bnei torah was canceled and he was then AWOL from military service. Askanim in Vishnitz tried what they could to assist him, albeit without success. Kikar Shabbos reports that despite the situation, any and all protests on his behalf have been forbidden because it is not the Vishnitz way and because nothing is gained. The Vishnitzer Rebbe Shlita has contacted MK Moshe Gafne, seeking his assistance in obtaining the talmid’s release. Gafne immediately began contacting the appropriate military officials including Chief of Personnel Branch. Askanim report the talmid was asked to submit a request for a pardon, which he did, and it is being processed. The talmid’s release is imminent. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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PHOTOS: Police Nab Two Beit Shemesh Protestors At Home

[PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Police in Beit Shemesh continue to crack down on violence from the chareidi community, arresting two suspects in their homes during the night. They are suspected of taking part in protests in recent weeks. Police operated in the Cheftziba neighborhood on Ben Ish Chai and HaYarden Streets, with regular police escorted by Yassam commandos. There were several encounters between police and residents, but no injuries were reported. Last week, thirteen suspects were arrested in connection to unlawful protests outside the home of Kiryat Gat Chief Rabbi Moshe Havlin. Some of the suspects are residents of Beit Shemesh’s chareidi community. It has since been learned that those released on bail by the court were barred from visiting Kiryat Malachi for 120 days. Each had to place a NIS 3,000 bond, which they would lose if the violate terms of their release. Police are still searching for some suspects believed involved in attacks against chareidi IDF soldiers. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Rav Mazuz: Chareidim Must Protest Amona Too! We Are All Brothers!

HaGaon HaRav Meir Mazuz Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Kisei Rachamim has come out with a message to the chareidi tzibur, that it too must protest against the eviction of Amona. In one of his shiurim, the rav called on the chareidi tzibur to get out and protest too, citing how during Gush Katif the tzibur was too silent. He adds the expulsion of the Jews from Gush Katif is what led to the Cheftziba declaring bankruptcy, leaving so many chareidim in a dilemma. The rav is recorded saying “Ariel Sharon destroyed Gush Katif on Tisha B’Av and to add another kriya, to destroy Amona on the first day of Chanukah!! We will daven ‘זממם אל תפק’ that it should not come to this. The land is ours and it is written in the Torah לזרעך נתתי את הארץ הזו, and no one is claiming ownership other than it is known at one time it was in Arab hands. However, it is known that before the Arabs were in the world, the land was ours?” “The chareidim must participate as well. We do not always have to be [divided into] 10 parties but religious including those who vote Gimmel (Yahadut Hatorah), Degel Hatorah and the Yerushalmi faction. This is the proper and correct thing and we must protest”. The rav adds “During Gush Katif some said ‘you deserve it for believing in Zionism and that is why this is occurring’. The chareidim then faced the bankruptcy with Cheftziba and many lost their apartments. Then came a Jew named Yitzchak Breit, a talmid chacham who said because you could not feel the pain of your brothers in Gush Katif and said ‘you deserve it’ this occurred. Help him. Protest with him! We feel your pain and those who will chas v’sholom be ousted from Amona”. “The absurd of it all is that this will occur on the first day of Chanukah. Perhaps it will be delayed. We must stress that we are all brothers. Even the secular are brothers”. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Bird Flu Diagnosed In Israel

There is an increase in the number of cases of bird flu in Israel, with the latest found in the Kiryat Malachi area, resulting in the destruction of the birds from three coops. A Ministry of Agriculture veterinarian who spoke with Kol Berama Radio on Tuesday morning 6 Kislev explained the illness is spreading throughout Europe and Egypt during recent weeks, attributed to birds migrating as Israel is a migration corridor between Europe and Africa. Just a few weeks ago, the flu (H5N8) was discovered in Cheftziba Farm in Israel. Officials had to destroy about 1,500 of the farm almost 35,000 birds. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Yerushalmi Faction Opens a New Shul in Modi’in Illit

Tranquil is not the word one would use to describe the situation in Kehillas Avi Ezri in the Cheftziba neighborhood of Modi’in Illit. The machlokes that prevails in this tzibur has led to a split and avreichim who follow HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita have opened a new shul. Quite frankly, the machlokes in this neighborhood is nothing more than a microcosm of the machlokes that exists in Bnei Brak, Yerushalayim and elsewhere in the chareidi litvish community in Israel. The past months have been accompanied by verbal machlokes in the Avi Ezri Shul between avreichim following Gedolei Torah Shlita in Bnei Brak and the Yerushalmi branch which follows Rav Auerbach. A number of weeks ago, the rav of the kehilla, HaGaon HaRav Zevulun Shuv, took part in the rally in the capital organized by Rav Auerbach and the Yerushalmi branch together with the Eida Chareidis against the amended draft law. Avreichim explained participating in the event was contrary to the wishes of HaGaon HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita and HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita. This may have been the event that highlighted the machlokes between the factions. In fact, a kenos was held last week to decry the actions of those who participated in the Yerushalayim event. Amid this ongoing and deepening machlokes, the Yerushalmi faction avreichim have moved to a new shul. The question that remains is what will the rav do – remain in the original shul or move to the Yerushalmi branch shul? Members of the Yerushalmi branch explain Rav Shuv was never mora d’asra, but came to give a chizuk and serve alongside the rav of the neighborhood, HaGaon HaRav Aaron Mittleman. They add the rav wanted to leave some time ago when he realized the machlokes was widening. Kikar Shabbos News adds many Yerushalmi branch members add that the decision to open the new shul is simply because many preferred a shul that follows the derech of Rav Auerbach and not a result of this particular machlokes. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Beit Shemesh Officials Address the Alarming Number of Stray Dogs

Rav Yisrael Silverstein is the head of the Degel Hatorah faction in Beit Shemesh as well as in charge of the health portfolio in the city. On Tuesday, he called an urgent meeting to address the alarming number of stray dogs in the city, so much so many residents are afraid to walk outside in certain areas. Apparently the matter of packs of dogs is not new, but a growing one, especially during the nighttime hours and in the city’s industrial area. Residents of the Cheftziba, Slonim, Rama Aleph and Rama Gimmel neighborhoods have complained to the city moked operator on numerous occasions but nothing has changed. Rav Silverstein met with city veterinary officials and experts from neighboring Matte Yehuda Regional Council as well as the appropriate officials from the Ministry of Agriculture. They spoke of the growing health and safety concerns of residents and the need to find a solution. Following the meeting they got out and toured the areas where the dogs roam. They discussed how to go about apprehending the dogs. A course of action was decided upon. They explain that one of the reasons the dogs come around is the garbage receptacles are not closed, and they will simultaneously launch a campaign to alert residents to the significance of closing garbage bins and to refrain from leaving trash bags out in the open. Silverstein explained there is no quick magical solution, but they are working on resolving the matter. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Missing 5-Year-Old Beit Shemesh Child Found in a Vehicle

A 5-year-old boy who resides in the Cheftziba neighborhood of Beit Shemesh was missing for hours on Monday night, the eve of 20 Tammuz. The incident began near midnight, when the mother returned home only to find his door open, realizing her son was not at home. Mom quickly woke her husband and the other children to ask about the missing child. They then called the area Zaka commander, Avraham Kaff. Kaff sent out an alert to his volunteers in the area as well as other emergency organizations and the search for the missing boy was underway. They began with a search of the family home and then the staircase and surrounding areas. B’chasdei Hashem, at some point a decision was made to check vehicles and the missing child was found sound asleep in an abandoned vehicle near their home. B”H the child was well and did not require medical care. The parents thanked all the volunteers, who reminded them at times parents must exhibit increase vigilance regarding the location of their children during the nighttime hours. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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6-Month-Old Infant is Niftar a Week after Being Dropped

BD”E: A week after being dropped by an older brother, a six-month-old chareidi toddler was niftar. The tragedy occurred on Rabbi Yehuda Tzadka Street in the Cheftziba neighborhood of Beit Shemesh. The child fell from his brothers arms down steps. He has since been fighting for his life but he was niftar during the night (Mon-Tue) 27 Elul. The child was treated on the scene by EMTs and paramedics from Ichud Hatzalah and Magen David Adom, transported to a trauma center where his condition upon arrival was reportedly moderate-to-serious. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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The Jewish Agency Gives Many Southern Children a Break

The Jewish Agency for Israel will take thousands of children and teens from rocket-battered southern Israel for rest and recreation activities outside the line of fire throughout this week. The activities were made possible by the support of the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) and are being undertaken in coordination with the National Emergency Authority, government ministries, and local authorities. 1,500 children and teens will enjoy recreational activities on Monday 16 Tammuz at the Cheftziba amusement park; the Israel Museum, Jerusalem; and the Biblical Zoon. Chairman of the Executive of The Jewish Agency for Israel Natan Sharansky said: “It is both moving and inspiring to feel the mighty fortitude of the people of southern Israel—both immigrants and native Israelis—and the powerful solidarity of world Jewry, which draw upon and strengthen one another. The Jewish Agency is proud to serve as a conduit of positive energy between the Jewish world and the people of Israel’s south and we will continue to do whatever we can to support the local residents during this trying time. Thanks to the immediate action of our partners at the Jewish Federations of North America and Keren Hayesod-UIA, The Jewish Agency is able to offer a real-time response to the residents of southern Israel.” The children and teens who will participate in The Jewish Agency’s rest and recreation activities are in 1st through 12th grades and are residents of the Ofakim, Shafir, Lachish, Be’er Tuvia, Gan Yavne, and Yoav regional councils, as well as recent immigrants from Jewish Agency immigrant absorption centers in Be’er Sheva, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Kiryat Gat, and Shaar HaNegev. They will enjoy activities at the Cheftziba amusement park; the Israel Museum, Jerusalem; and the zoo. In addition to the recreational activities, The Jewish Agency’s Fund for Victims of Terror continues to offer immediate financial assistance to families affected by rocket attacks and other acts of terror. The financial aid of 4,000 NIS is meant to help the families cope with their immediate needs in the aftermath of their trauma and has been distributed to families across southern Israel in recent days. The Fund is sustained by contributions from the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), Keren Hayesod-UIA, and other donors. In addition to the immediate assistance, the Fund provides supplemental financial assistance of up to 25,000 NIS to families recognized as victims of terror by the government of Israel. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Police Halt Voting in a Number of Stations Due to Long Lines [10:12 IL]

Police have halted voting in polling stations in the Cheftziba and Kiryat Belz areas of Beit Shemesh. Voters are reporting the long delays are less due to voter volume as they are the result of prolonged and exaggerated police inspections of each and every chareidi voter. A report on Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) states the brother of a member of the city council, not a chareidi, “faked passing out in a chareidi polling station to halt the voting”. This is based on the information provided to the radio station and unverified. A re-election is also taking place in Nazareth today, with 86 polling stations operating. A large police presence is reported, over 500 policepersons in the hope of maintaining order in the city. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Beit Shemesh Election May be Challenged in Court

Less than a week since the municipal elections and there is mounting evidence of election fraud in Beit Shemesh, the daily Maariv reports. According to the official results, the incumbent, Shas-affiliated Mayor Moshe Abutbul won with 50.5% of the vote, defeating Likud candidate Eli Cohen who received 47.86%. In terms of votes, Abutbul received 17,665 votes and Cohen 16,741 votes, with a mere 924 votes separating them. Some of Maariv’s investigatory evidence includes one Beit Shemesh polling station that counted more envelopes at day’s end than registered voters for that polling station. In other cases chareidim tried to vote with teudat zehut identity cards that were not their own. In some polling stations poll watchers reported they were suspicious of more than a few chareidim because they were not convinced that their identity cards were legitimate. Maariv explains most of their witnesses prefer to remain anonymous for now, some fearing for their safety while others believe a police investigation will follow and revealing their names may compromise the integrity of that investigation. However poll watcher Reuven Harow, who was stationed in a voting station in Ramat Beit Shemesh Bet, which he explains is mostly chareidi, was willing to reveal his identity. He tells of one young chareidi male who arrived early in the day to vote. He gave in his ID card and went behind the screen to vote. The polling officials felt something was wrong but they could not put their finger on it as they passed his ID card to one another for another look. When the young man came back they asked him his mother’s name and he responded correctly. When they asked him “how old are you” he response “27” but his ID card says 24. The ID also showed he has two daughters so they asked the names of the girls. He did not know how to respond. The photo was also showing a blonde male, far lighter than the young man’s hair color. They told him he cannot vote and returned his IDF card. Reuven questions why police weren’t summoned for he believes this may have been a criminal offense, but the responsible officials simply rejected his envelopes and sent him on his way. Yud was a deputy polling station manager in the Menucha V’Nachlah chareidi area. He reports there were numerous questionable incidents but the best was near day’s end when a voter presented an ID card that was at least 20 years old. It was impossible to verify the voter’s identity from the old faded photo. He was behind the screen for a long time Yud explains, adding “when he came out I asked him to name his children. He knew the first two but then began to stutter as it was clear he did not know”. The head of that voting station, a member of a local chassidus began shouting at Yud “leave him alone. I know him”. The voter took advantage of the incident and left the ID card and fled the polling station. The ID card was given to police to follow up. Yossi Korem told another story. He was the head of a polling station in the Cheftziba neighborhood of the city. A chareidi female arrived in the afternoon to vote. It became apparent to officials that she

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Tuesday Morning News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

21:41 Monday: Arabs hurled a firebomb in the area of Chatmar Shomron IDF Command. No injuries were reported. 21:42 Monday: Arabs hurled a firebomb at soldiers in the area of the Hebron Ancient Jewish Cemetery. No injuries were reported. 04:00: 3 people were killed and 1 seriously injured in a vehicular accident on the Jerusalem – Tel Aviv Highway between Shar Haggai and Shoresh Interchange. 07:19: The Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv is closed southbound due to flooding. 08:06: Ayalon Highway now closed in both directions due to the flooding. 08:14: Ichud Hatzalah rescued a driver in his 30s after he was swept into Nachal Modi’in Illit. He is reported in good condition. 09:22: Police urge drivers to stay away from Tel Aviv if at all possible due to flooding and traffic snarls. 09:23: The Jerusalem light rail is experiencing outages in the Herzl Street area. 09:30: Schools are closed in the Tamar Regional Council as a result of the storm. 10:00: Jerusalem: A tree collapsed on Mekor Baruch Street in Talpiot blocking entry to a number of buildings. B’chasdei Hashem, there are no reports of injuries. 10:33: Route 650 in the Pardes Chana area closed due to flooding. 10:55: The Cheftziba neighborhood of Modi’in Illit is cut off due to flooding and the Nachal that cuts through the area. 11:00: Route 446 is closed in both directions under the Shilo Bridge. 11:00: Route 889 is closed in both directions between Matat and Sassa. 11:20: A motorist is reported in ‘stable’ condition after being swept away in flood water on Highway 1 near Gesher Rakefet. EMS and rescue units assisted to extricate him. 12:00: The Ayalon Highway remains closed in both directions as portions of Tel Aviv remain locked up due to closed roadways, halted rail service and flooding in many areas, primarily center/south as opposed to the northern city. The highway is not expected to reopen in the coming hours due to rising water. 12:10: Heavy flooding in Shomron as Nachal Shilo is flooding the entire area. 12:15: A cloud condition that moved from Sinai to the Negev has resulted in a heavy sand storm and high air pollution. Health Ministry officials warn cardiac and respiratory patients in that area to remain indoors if at all possible. 12:31: The express lane between Shapirim and Tel Aviv has been closed. 12:33: Golan Heights ski resort reports 40cm (15.5 inches) accumulations on the lower slope. 12:50: Kinneret Authority officials report the level has risen 70cm (27.5 inches) since the end of November 2012 Baruch Hashem. 12:55: A major snowstorm is expected to begin in the Golan Heights on Tuesday night and continue through Wednesday and Thursday. Weather officials believe there will be significant snow accumulations in Jerusalem beginning Wednesday night. 12:55: Rescue personnel have pulled families from flooded homes in southern Tel Aviv as the heavy downpour continues. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Mifal HaPayis Inaugurates New Beis Yaakov in Modi’in Illit

Israel’s Mifal HaPayis Lottery Agency this week inaugurated one of its latest projects, the new Payis Beis Yaakov School in Modi’in Illit. Taking part in the ceremony were Modi’in Illit Mayor Rav Yaakov Gutterman, rabbonim of the city, and lottery officials including Mifal HaPayis Director IDF Major-General (Retired) Uzi Dayan. The school was built in the Cheftziba neighborhood, boasting 198 students in first through third grades. The building reportedly cost 18 million NIS. Lottery officials report spending 22 million NIS in the city over the past decade, building community parks, a community center, schools and kindergartens in addition to purchasing furniture for the classrooms. Interestingly, when Dayan was the IDF’s Central District Commander, he declared Modi’in Illit a local authority, an independent municipality as opposed to being under the wing of a regional authority. The mayor praised Dayan’s commitment to the Torah city over the years, providing security when he was a senior officer and now, as the head of the lottery agency. Dayan added that from his perspective, “education is not a millimeter less important than security”, explaining “educating the children is securing our future and it is a fitting good investment from our part.” (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Mayor Gutterman Rejects Accusations of Blame in Tragic Death of Girl

Modi’in Illit Mayor Rav Yaakov Gutterman responded angrily to accusations that his office is responsible for the tragic death of the Modi’in Illit girl who was swept away in the current on erev Shabbos 8 Adar 5772. According to reports from the Torah city, calls were made to City Hall hours before the event occurred, warning of the dangers of the nachal running through the area. Warnings were also posted to the Kikar Shabbat website on Thursday, a day before the event, stating “A tragedy is going to occur here. 1000 families are cut off from the world because of the flooded nachal that blocks the main access road to the community”. “If a tragedy occurs, the Ministry of Interior and local authorities will be responsible. Hundreds of people are stranded, unable to return home. There is no passage to vehicles” another warning read. Yitzchak, who apparently wrote the warnings on the website, is now quoted by Kikar Shabbat as saying “We knew a tragedy would occur. It is unacceptable that an entire neighborhood is cut off. It is a recipe for disaster”. KIKAR: Did you turn to the municipality? YITZCHAK: No I did not. There is simply no one to speak with there. There were here. They saw the flood waters. END There has been an undertone of criticism directed against the mayor and his staff after the tragic incident. City Hall rejects the criticism, stating officials did everything possible with the available resources, including using an emergency vehicle to get people in and out of the Cheftziba area that was cut off due to the nachal. City Hall officials also released a statement to Kol Chai Radio, accusing those who are now pointing a finger of blame and “dancing on the blood of the young girl z”l”. City officials accuse the critics of seeking to advance their political agenda on the tragic event, the loss of life. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Monday Afternoon News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

Monday afternoon rock-throwing attack on the Gush Etzion-Chevron Road. **Chazon Ish St., Cheftziba area of Modi’in Illit: A 40-y/o man was moderately-to-seriously injured when a power took caused a partial amputation of his leg. He was transported to the trauma unit of Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. **A snake catcher is reported in stable condition after being bitten in Kfar Shmaryahu. **No injuries were reported in a blaze in a girl’s ulpana high school in Moshav Nov in the Golan Heights late Monday afternoon. **The coalition on Monday defeated a no-confidence motion presented by the Kadima opposition party. **A city council meeting in Betar was postponed on Monday in the hope city treasurer Yehoshua Pollack will be released from prison by week’s end. **A Bank Leumi branch on Ben-Gurion St. in Herzliya was robbed. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Minister Atias Investigating Contractors

Housing Minister (Shas) Ariel Atias is investigating 650 building companies and contractors, who he suspects did not report the sale of 3,000 housing units. It appears the builders did not report the sale of the 3,000 units and if he can prove his case, there may be fines levied totaling NIS 75 million. After the collapse of Cheftziba, the law was amended to better protect consumers, and one of the regulations demand that builders submit information pertaining to the sale of each unit to government regulators. The law stipulates that non-compliance compels a fine of NIS 25,000 per housing unit. 650 builders apparently hid sales regarding 3,000 units, hence the NIS 75 million in fines. According to a Kikar report, there are 1,500 building companies in Israel registered a project initiators, so the companies involved represent 43% of all the companies in the country, the Housing Ministry reports. Ministry officials report the amended law is intended to safeguard the money of buyers, especially after the Cheftziba catastrophe and while most of the companies reported all the sales, there are cases as pointed out here where the law was ignored and the fines will be levied as a result. The contractor’s union echoes the ministry’s explanation, that builders are now compelled to file with the government and tax authorities, but the union does not feel the builders are trying to hide anything, explaining the process takes time and they simply have not yet completed filing. He explained the procedure now in play protects the investors’ money so there is no fear of another Cheftziba, adding the filing process pertaining to the 3,000 units in question will be completed in the coming months. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Talks of Compensation Regarding 10-Month Construction Freeze

Several dozen residents of Yehuda and Shomron arrived at the Knesset on Tuesday to take part in a discussion hosted by MK (Likud) Danny Danon regarding compensatory payments due to the 10-month construction freeze ordered by the government. Danon explained that he is compelled to work to ensure the people who are now literally paying for the construction freeze, that they all receive fair compensation. “This cannot become a Cheftziba 2” he explained, adding the government cannot abandon its responsibility towards these victims as was the case following the Disengagement. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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DM Litzman Meets PM Netanyahu Over Construction Freeze

Deputy Minister of Health R’ Yaakov Litzman met on Wednesday with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to discuss the construction freeze in chareidi communities. Following his meeting, Litzman expressed an air of cautious optimism, explaining he detailed the dire situation facing the chareidi community today, insisting that something must be done. “He promised me he will look into it” stated Litzman, who also spoke with Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s military secretary, seeking to make inroads regarding the absolute need to continue construction due to the harsh reality of the major housing shortage. Litzman stated that finally after the long painful Cheftziba affair, which placed construction of many homes on hold for a long period, and now, when construction was finally set to begin, the government announces a building freeze. “It is not enough that people lost enormous sums of money, lived with delays and unable to enter their homes. Now we pour water on the deal again. This is unacceptable”. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Protest Against Modi’in Illit Mayor Guterman Over Mikvaos

Hundreds of residents of Modi’in Illit took part in a motzei shabbos protest against Mayor Yaakov Guterman, who they accuse of preventing the opening of two new mikvaos in the city due to “political considerations”. According to a Chareidim report, the city established three mikvaos in recent years, one in Brachfeld, Cheftziba and Na’ot HaPisga. While the Brachfeld mikve is operational, the others are closed. While the buildings are completed, there is still finishing work that is required, work that has been delayed due to a dispute. It appears there is an ongoing dispute between the city leaders and the contractors as to who is responsible to complete the work on the mikvaos. One protestor is quoted as telling Chareidim that Maran Rav Elyashiv instructed Guterman not to permit residents to move into Cheftziba until the mikve is operational, but today we see this is not the case. The motzei shabbos protest began on the community’s main street, Chafetz Chaim Street in Kiryat Sefer, making its way to the mayor’s home. The protestors claim they enjoy the support of local rabbonim, but they are not at liberty to divulge their names. Police moved in to maintain order. A spokesman for the mayor refused to comment. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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NIS 70 Million for Public Buildings in Modi’in Illit

In a meeting of the Modi’in Illit Council, approval was announced for NIS 70 million for public buildings, having obtained the sum from various government agencies. The meeting also set down criteria for allocating land in the future for yeshivos and shuls. Mayor Rav Yaakov Guterman explained that by setting forth criteria, anyone wishing to establish a shul or yeshiva in the future must now adhere to the criteria set forth as per the guidelines of the municipality and Interior Ministry. NIS 50 million will be allocated for construction of kindergartens, talmidei torah and schools. Another NIS 1.5 million has been allocated by the Interior Ministry towards replacing and adding to the water infrastructure in the city towards improving the quality of water. The council overwhelmingly approved NIS 2,207.000 for the construction of a public transportation depot as well as NIS 1,445,000 for daycare centers in Cheftziba. These funds will come from the Ministry of Industry & Trade. In another major infrastructure project, NIS 5,300,000 was approved for a main water pumping station towards improving water pressure, particularly in Brachfeld. This source of this funding is the nation’s Water Authority and the Interior Ministry. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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YWN Eretz Yisrael Evening News Roundup – 7/21/08

SECURITY/DEFENSE: *PA: IDF forces entered the Shechem home of Hamas parliament member Muna Mansur before dawn and arrested her along with many others in the counter-terror operation. *Monday morning rock attacks against a bus traveling near the Shomron community of Ofrah. No injuries were reported. *Border police apprehended 116 illegal PA residents in the Negev community of Rahat. *An Israeli who accidentally entered PA-controlled Yericho was taken by PA police and brought to Israeli security officials unharmed. He was taken to police who will address his violation against the IDF ban against Israelis entering PA autonomous areas. *A soldier was moderately injured on Wednesday while practicing on a parachute simulator. He was transported to Kaplan Hospital. POLITICS, DOMESTIC & MORE: *A 1-year-old was listed in moderate/stable condition after being stung by a yellow scorpion in Kibbutz Yetav on Monday morning. The victim was transported by paramedics to Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital in Yerushalayim. *An indictment was handed down against Cheftziba CEO Boaz Yonah in the Jerusalem District Court on Monday morning as part of the plea bargain deal reached between his attorneys and the prosecution. *In her address welcoming British PM Brown Gordon Brown to Knesset, Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik stated Iran’s nuclear missiles are not only pointed at Israel, but at the UK as well. *British PM Gordon Brown told the Knesset that Yerushalayim will be the capital of two nations, Israel and Palestine. *Miki Goldwasser on Monday called herself a “soldier on behalf of Gilad Shalit”. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Protests Accompany Boaz Yona’s Return to Israel

Dozens of victims of the Cheftziba mortgage case involving the company’s CEO Boaz Yona protested on Monday evening when police escorted Yona from the airport to its Fraud Unit in Holon, where Yona was questioned regarding the affair. The angry protestors are demanding that Yona be compelled to compensate them, explaining on the one hand, they are paying mortgages on homes that are not being constructed and simultaneously they must pay rent to provide homes for their families. Shortly after it became known that Cheftziba went broke, Yona fled and was located in Italy. Thousands of people found themselves between a rock and a hard place, with the dream home halted suddenly while Cheftziba’s chief fled with funds. Among the many victims of Yona’s company are a large number of families in the chareidi community of Kiryat Sefer. A representative of the employees of the company also reported that to date, no one has received back salaries and there are many problems regarding workers’ pensions and other benefits. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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YWN Eretz Yisrael Morning News Roundup – 6/16/08

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel 7:00AM IL) SECURITY/DEFENSE: *Mortar shells fired into southern Israel late Sunday night landed in open areas without injuries or damage. *IDF soldiers involved in counter-terror operations in Yehuda and Shomron arrested two suspects in Bet Lechem. They were turned over to ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) agents for interrogation. POLITICS, DOMESTIC & MORE: *Cheftziba CEO Boaz Yona is scheduled to land in Israel on Monday at 5:00PM to turn himself over to authorities. *After a week of protests, disabled Israelis on Sunday blocked roads at government offices in Yerushalayim in response to cabinet ministers who continue to ignore their demands for increased national government monetary assistance. *PA talking about the establishment of a standing army in the final status agreement. Government officials adamantly reject the proposal. *Haaretz reports Syria and Israel are aiming to engage in direct talks next month. *The IDF in the coming weeks will be withdrawing new recruits from southern Zikim Base, insisting the decision is not related to rocket attacks in the area, stating other soldiers will be brought in their place. *Yerushalayim Mayor Uri Lupoliansky states the capital is not a “settlement” and construction will continue. *A 50-year-old male died of dehydration during a hike in Goren Park in the western Galil. Two others were transported to hospital in moderate condition, also suffering from dehydration. *Petach Tikvah: An electric pole collapse onto a kindergarten building on Ein Ganim Street on Sunday. A fire erupted. No injuries. *Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Highway: A serious motor vehicle accident took place early Sunday afternoon about one kilometer from Ganim in the direction of Tel Aviv. 11 victims were transported to hospital, with three listed in moderate-to-serious condition. The remainder was listed in light condition. *Farmers and area residents on Sunday morning protested at Sufah Crossing against Israel’s ongoing policy permitting the infusion of supplies to the PA. *IDF: There is an increase in terrorism reported in Jenin during recent months, adding PA efforts to combat terror have not been effective. *Building and Planning Committee officials approve plan by Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupoliansky for 40,000 housing units in a number of neighborhoods, Arab and Jewish, including Issawiya, A-Tur, Shuafat, Gilo and Ramot. *A 4-year-old boy was sustained moderate abdominal injuries when struck by a car on Yerushalayim’s Shiftei Yisrael Street. He was transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. *Ami Ayalon, a former ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) director and Israel Navy commander stated a military operation in Gaza will not bring Gilad Shalit home. Ayalon told visiting New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson that he believes a truce with Hamas will be a step in the right direction towards obtaining Shalit’s release. *Senior aides to PM Olmert travel to Turkey for continued talks regarding Syria.

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