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Search Results for: baranes

Meir Baranes Threatens To Murder Rav Ovadia Shlita

Yediot Achronot correspondent Akiva Novik recorded a conversation with Meir Baranes, who was informed the conversation was recorded and consented. He told Novik that in 45 days, on 19 Kislev, the Chag HaGeula for Chabadnikim, he or a messenger of his would murder Rav Ovadia Yosef Shlita. Baranes is currently incarcerated in a psychiatric institution pending evaluation. Kikar Shabbat reports that Novik is “quite concerned” since Baranes appears most serious regarding his threat and he for one does not think his words should be taken lightly or discarded. Novik stresses that he for one does not think authorities should take this threat lightly just because Novik is under lock at key at the moment. In the late 1990s Baranes attacked Tzfat Chief Rabbi Levy Bistrizky z”l, and then April 2000, he ran the rav over with his car, traveling at high speed. For reasons few understand, he has never been held accountable for his actions because of his diminished mental capacity. In 2005, police launched an investigation against Baranes after he threatened the life of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. It appears that his mental state prevents the system from regarding Baranes as a murderer, and he is now threatening once again. He has been known as a deranged individual for a long time, yet the system does not address him accordingly. In his conversation with Novik, he points to Parshas Noach, when the dove was released from the ark, stating on 19 Kislev he will release the dove from the “evil Rabbi Yosef” and begin the process of the redemption for Am Yisrael. Novik: Please, tell me in plain words for someone like me, a secularist, what you plan to do to Rav Yosef in 45 days. Baranes: What do you want to here? Do I plan to murder him, yes, indeed. Novik: Why? Baranes: First of all, because he has spoken out many times against the Rebbi from Lubavitch on the internet and elsewhere. Therefore, as a talmid of the Rebbe, I am compelled to act towards preserving his honor. Novik: How will you do this since you are incarcerated? Baranes: Don’t worry, I have many friends from my paratrooper days who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the Rebbe, for his honor, and if I cannot do it personally, someone will – there are many there who would do this, and if not, Hashem has his ways. Not to worry. NOTE: Rabbanei Chabad Shlita have disassociated themselves with Baranes over a decade ago, proclaiming him to be the deranged individual he appears to be. Kikar Shabbat reports that aides to Maran Rav Ovadia Shlita are not commenting on the story. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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DISTURBING: Teen Points Knife At Religious Zionism MK At Arba Minim Shuk

Religious MK Simcha Rothman, the head of the Knesset’s Constitution Committee and one of the architects of the government’s judicial reform plan, went to the Arba Minim shuk on Rechov Yafo in Jerusalem on Thursday. While he was there, a 14-year-old boy pulled out a knife and approached the MK. Rothman’s security guards quickly overpowered the teen and transferred him to the police. Rothman’s security detail was bolstered several months ago in the wake of a rise in threats against him from leftists. אירוע חריג בשוק ארבעת המינים בירושלים: ח”כ @rothmar הגיע בליווי אבטחה למקום, נער שלף לעברו סכין. אחד המאבטחים קפץ על הנער וניטרל את הסכנה@GLZRadio — נועה ברנס Noa Baranes (@noabaranes10) September 28, 2023 (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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BUG-WAR: Kashruth Agencies Slug It Out Over ‘Chasalat-Alei Katif’ Lettuce [UPDATED WITH ADDITIONAL LETTERS]

On Wednesday, YWN published a press release from the STAR-K which stated that they tested “Chasalat Alei Katif” Romaine Lettuce from Israel and have found thrips to be present similar to regular Romaine Lettuce heads purchased in the marketplace. The STAR-K proceeded to give instructions on how to properly wash lettuce to ensure there are no bugs. For the sake of accuracy, please see the following two letters posted below, from the KAJ, and from the Chasalat-Alei Katif company, which state that there is no problem with the lettuce, and that it needs no checking. Please note that YWN is in no way affiliated with the company, or any of the Kashrus agencies, and advises our readership to speak with your Rov to decide what should be done in your home. The following is a letter from K’hal Adath Jeshurun, (Click on image to enlarge original):10 Nissan, 5773 This is to confirm that vegetables and herbs marketed under the brand name “Chaslat – Alei-Katif” are under our hashgocho and supervised by our mashgichim in accordance with instructions issued by agricultural expert advisors. This year’s products are the same as those produced and sold in prior years. Our Hashgcha is responsible for ascertaining that there is no infestation in the product of the type which would not be removed by washing and rinsing.  Accordingly, the consumer should meticulously follow the instructions printed on the bag. It should be noted that I, myself, will be using this product this Pesach, after following the instructions printed on the bag. Under no circumstances should one purchase Romaine lettuce which does not have a reliable hashgocho.  It is almost impossible for Romaine lettuce not to have infestation of the type that does not come off with rinsing and washing. We wish all a Kosher and Happy Pesach. Rav Yisroel N. Mantel Rav of K’hal Adath Jeshurun P.S. Consumers should under no circumstances buy Romaine Lettuce which does not have a hashgohco. It is almost impossible for Romaine Lettuce not to have infestation of the type that do not come off with rinsing and washing, for which an expert in this particular field is needed to be able to find them. י’ ניסן תשע”ג לפ”ק הננו לאשר בזה כי הירקות הנמכרים תחת השם חסלט-עלי קטיף עומדים תחת השגחתנו בפיקוח משגיחים והדרכת מומחים, ושנה זו, כשנים הקודמות. ההשגחה אחראית לוודא שלא יימצאו שום חרקים שאינם יורדים ע”י שטיפה ורחיצה במי-סבון, ולכן יש להקפיד בדייקנות על שמירת ההוראות הנדפסות על שקי האריזה. למותר להגיד, שאנו כשלעצמנו נשתמש בעלי קטיף הנ”ל לחג הפסח הבע”ל אחר מילוי ההוראות שעל שקי האריזה.  ובעה”ח בברכת חג כשר ושמח. ישראל נ. הלוי מנטל רב דק”ק קהל עדת ישורון  נ.ב. אין לקנות בשום אופן Romaine Lettuce מן השוק, כי כמעט מן הנמנע הוא שלא יהיה עליהם חרקים שאינם יורדים ע”י שטיפה, וצריכים מומחיות יתירה לבודקם, ולכך צריכים מומחה הרגיל באומנות בדיקה זו The following is a letter from the London Bais Din. (Click on image to enlarge original): This product bears the Hechsher of the London Bais Din together with that if many other leading Kashrus authorities. Teh Hechsher testifies to the fact that the product does not require Bedikas Tolaim when washed in accordance with the instruction on the pack. In response to claims that current batches do not reach the required standars, we have made extensive investgations and carried out careful examination of numerous samples, and can confirm that the product

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Barnes Planned To Murder Rav Ovadia Shlita On Tisha B’Av

Earlier this month, YWN-ISRAEL reported that Yediot Achronot correspondent Akiva Novik interviewed Meir Baranes, who threatened to murder Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita on 19 Kislev. Yediot has released additional information based on additional conversations with Barnes, indicating he came to the Kosel this past Tisha B’Av, planning to murder the gadol hador at the holy site. Yediot (Y): The reports are circulating via the internet that you plan to murder Rav Ovadia Yosef. Baranes (B): What else is mentioned? Anything about Bibi (PM Netanyahu)? Anyway, I was in court today and they decided I am fit to stand trial. I have another statement to make regarding my plans to kill Rabbi Ovadia. I have another hearing on December 12th. Y: How are you going to kill him while you are locked up? B: Listen, I was by the Gilad Shalit tent, showing them a letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe to Gilad. You remember I showed you the letter. I gave them the letter and from there traveled to the Kosel. I waited for Rav Ovadia to arrive, and I planned to kill him. I am telling you this. I haven’t shared this with anyone. I wanted to get him and used my tefillin. They check for sharp objects but I was going to place it inside the tefillin, you understand. That is what I did with Arabs. I was going to slit his throat. Y: Why didn’t you do it? B: Because he did not come. I waited. Conversation continues for another six minutes… Shas officials are not taking threats by Baranes or anyone else ligtly and security around Rav Ovadia has recently been stepped up, including a metal detector in the entrance of the rav’s apartment building in the Har Nof area of Yerushalayim. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Stepped Up Security For Rav Ovadia

While security around the home of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita is always heavy, when there is a feeling that more needs to be done, those around the Gadol HaDor responsible for his security don’t take chances as threats are not taken lightly. As such, security for the Rav has been stepped-up in and around his home, including a metal detector at the entrance to his Har Nof apartment building. Apparently this is in response to threats against the Rav’s life. It is unclear just how this will impact the lives of residents of the building as they return home. The ministers have also decided to return to a former practice, that all party cabinet ministers daven with the rav, which results in increased security since ministers are accompanied by bodyguards. It appears that following the assassination of Baba Elazar zt”l in July, officials are not taking any threat lightly. According to a Kikar Shabbat report, MK Nissim Ze’ev stated that following the recent threat against the Rav by Meir Baranes, that he plans to murder Rav Ovadia on 19 Kislev, the decision was made to take additional steps to protect the rav. Rav Ovadia is indeed a ‘high profile’ Gadol, one whose name and photograph appears in the news on an almost daily basis, one who is visited regularly by state and military leaders, a rav who influences state policy – adding to the concerns for his safety. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Yishai Concerned Over Threats Against Rabbonim

Deputy Premier and Shas leader Eli Yishai sent a letter to Minister of Public Security Yitzchak Aharonovich expressing his concerns regarding threats against rabbonim. In his letter dated 16 Cheshvan; the senior minister makes reference to the threat made by Meir Baranes stating he is going to murder Rav Ovadia Yosef Shlita in 45 days towards expediting the redemption. Yishai points out that despite Baranes’ mental state, known as being ‘unstable’, one should not take his threats or those like him lightly. In this case, we are aware that he has struck out in the past, against the chief rabbi of Tzfat. Yishai points out that as the person responsible for law and order, he feels Israel Police, and perhaps the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet), should establish a team that works to prevent occurrences before they happen, such as in this case. The minister adds that we mustn’t spare resources towards eliminating these threats against public officials. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Tank Corps Commander Says he is the Scapegoat

9th Armored Corps Battalion Commander Lt.-Colonel Yair Baranes released statements that he is being made the fall guy following the investigation into the Nahal Oz fuel depot terror attack (reported HERE on YWN). Baranes maintains the investigation stopped after investigators evaluated his actions in the events surrounding the attack that left two civilian employees of the depot dead. Shortly after being informed of the decision of IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi to remove him from his command post, he was called to hospital as his wife gave birth to a daughter, the couple’s first child. Speaking with friends, the commander stated he is unable to digest the decision to dismiss him when it is clear the investigation has yet to be completed. Baranes enlisted in the IDF 14 years ago and moved up the ranks of the Tank Corps. He assumed his current command following the Second Lebanon War. He has spent the last days with his wife and their new child, pained over what he feels is an unfair decision, stating, “After 14 years, you suddenly find yourself at fault. Over the years, there were many successes, none of which were publicized. Not even one. For two minutes I failed and suddenly, all is forgotten. This is not a fair or logical approach.” (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Ashkenazi Dismisses Tank Corps Battalion Commander

In what is perceived as a surprise move by many, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi has dismissed tank corps Battalion Commander Lt.-Colonel Yair Baranes. Baranes, who was commander of the 9th Armor Corps Regiment, was removed from his post for his inappropriate response to the Nachal Oz fuel depot attack [reported HERE on YWN] which claimed the lives of two Israeli civilians. Accepting the recommendations of IDF Southern District Commander Major-General Yoav Galant, Ashkenazi, who is working with diligence to rehabilitate the IDF following the Second Lebanon War, decided to dismiss the commander. According to the investigation, despite being 150-200 meters from the terrorists, Baranes did not advance or engage them, but decided to wait for backup forces, a move deemed unacceptable for a senior combat commander. Brigadier-General Moshe Tamir, Gaza Division Commander viewed the actions of Baranes as totally unacceptable. Shortly following the attack, Baranes announced he accepts responsibility for the chain of events and resigned from his post, but a number of days after changed his mind. Nevertheless, Tamir, Galant and Ashkenazi are all in agreement, compelling Baranes to step down and now, he must evaluate his future in the military. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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