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Search Results for: aaron karov

Lt. Aaron Karov Receives a Promotion

2nd-Lt. Aaron Karov, the officer who left his bride to lead his troops into Gaza during Operation Cast Lead is in the headlines again, this time as he received a promotion to 1st-lt, standing from his wheelchair to receive his new rank. Karov, who sustained critical injuries in the war, was not expected to pull through according to doctors in the trauma unit but he defied the odds and is not in the process of rehabilitating himself. His presence and promotion made the paratrooper graduation ceremony an especially emotional event, as he hugged every member of his platoon and personally issued them their Gaza combat pin. There were many tears flowing during the emotional ceremony when the young officer received his promotion. On the one side, Colonel Levy placed the new rank on his shoulder and on the other side, his mother and wife. Karov did stand for quite some time, over an hour, refusing to sit until the ceremony was over, unwilling to receive the rank from the paratroop brigade commander sitting and unwilling to address his soldiers without giving them the proper respect. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Coming Back to Life – 2nd.-Lt. Aaron Karov

Baruch Hashem, 2nd-Lt. Aaron [Yehoshua ben Chaya Shoshana] Karov, who was critically wounded in Gaza, is showing signs of returning to his environment. Those present gave witness, explaining Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who has seen his share of battles and wounded, was emotionally moved when he arrived at the 22-year-old officer’s bedside and the officer moved his blanket ever so slightly to extend his hand to personally great the minister, a former IDF chief of staff. Karov, a resident of Yishuv Karnei Shomron, is a member of the 890th Battalion in the Paratroops Brigade. For those who many not remember, he left his wife Tzvia the morning after their wedding, called back to service for Operation Cast Lead. Last week, Monday night-to-Tuesday, Karov and his soldiers were engaged in fighting with Hamas and he and others were wounded from a bomb. He sustained a grave head injury, and following field surgery, he was flown to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah where he underwent a 12-hour surgical procedure. Three other combatants were also injured by the blast. Dr. Steve Jackson, a neurosurgeon and a former physician serving in the elite IAF ‘669’ airborne medical rescue unit led the life-saving simultaneous surgical teams. Towards Shabbos, the miracle began unfolding before the surprised medical staff and family, which by the way was less surprised, never abandoning their tehillim and continuously mispalel on the wounded officer’s behalf. On Monday, Defense Minister Ehud Barak arrived at the hospital, visiting the wounded. He stood aside’s Aaron’s bed in the intensive care unit next to his father, Rav Ze’ev Karov. “As we entered the room, he opened half an eye and appeared to try to move his head as if he was making an effort to see” stated Rav Karov. “He nodded and with his hand, moved the blanket and shook hands with the minister”. “What happened here is in our eyes nothing less than a miracle. There is a long road to recovery ahead, a difficult road. I am hearing terms from the doctors and nurses like ‘exceptional’, ‘surprising’ and ‘extraordinary’, explaining they do not remember such a case, such exceptional ability and desire to heal” the rav added. Also visiting on Monday was opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu. Aaron’s younger brother Tzuriel, 16, asked Netanyahu to leave a bracha for Aaron. The MK wrote “hoping for a continued miracle” on the paper and signed it, handing it to Tzuriel. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Mazel Tov to Lt. Aaron and Tzvia Karov

The young Karov couple became an international news item during Operation Cast Lead, when the newly-married junior officer left for Gaza instead of having sheva brachos, only to become the most seriously wounded soldier in the counter-terrorism offensive. When Aaron’s wife and parents were summoned to the hospital, they understood they were coming to say goodbye, but Hashem had other plans for the now 23-year-old Aaron, who yesterday became a father, of a baby girl. The young couple is living in Ariel, when Aaron studies in yeshiva as he continues to surprise therapists during his daily sessions. While the young couple distanced themselves from the press, wanting to enjoy the birth of their first child in privacy, the grandfather, Rabbi Ze’ev Karov told the media he is totally overwhelmed with emotion.   Rabbi Karov acknowledged the double miracle, that Aaron survived and merited bringing a child into the world. The young dad received a special telephone call, from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who took a break from his busy day to bestow his mazel tov wishes to the young hero and his wife. As he continues to progress in his rehabilitation, the young Aaron serves as an example of total bitachon in Hashem, exhibiting nothing but a positive exterior despite the hardships and physical pain. He is also scheduled to travel to the United States where he will undergo a series of plastic surgical procedures due to the extensive facial trauma he suffered. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Rav Ze’ev Karov: We Must Have Rachmanus on Chareidi Rabbonim

Following numerous verbal attacks against rabbonim affiliated with the dati leumi community, Hesder Yeshivot spokesman Rabbi Ze’ev Karov responds. Recent attacks were made by Yated Neeman against Rabbi Chaim Druckman Shlita, by Rabbi Bentzion Mutzafi against Rabbi Shlomo Aviner Shlita and by Rabbi Shimon Ba’adani Shlita against dati leumi rabbonim, who he called “dumb animals” who are “impure and contaminated”. “There are some seeking an apology from these rabbis. There is no need to seek criminal action or wait for their apologies but we should have rachmanus on them” said Rav Karov. “No one speaks other than bringing forth from one’s heart so it would appear they are in a very low place as there they draw on their vocabulary and their expressions.” Regarding Rav Mutzafi Rav Karov adds “Including those who seem to maintain a proximity to Amalek and that can know who is and is not a descendent. In other words, calling the kettle black”. “I will daven to HKBH to enlighten them towards teshuvah. HKBH comes out of the lowest and darkest places where they area to enlightening them to become true Yiras shomayim”. Rabbi Karov is the father of Aaron Karov, who was gravely wounded in Gaza fighting in 2009 just days following his chasenah. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Lt. Karov Leaves Soroka – Heading for Rehab at Ichilov

IDF Lt. Aaron Karov has astounded doctors, and on Tuesday, three weeks to the day when he sustained grave injuries, he was seated in a wheelchair, headed for Ichilov Hospital in Petach Tikvah, where he will begin his long road to recovery, enduring difficult rehabilitation.   Karov was gravely wounded when a booby-trapped building exploded in Gaza, leaving him with serious head injuries. Doctors were not hopeful, but the young soldier’s family remains full of bitachon in Hashem, standing by his side and encouraging others to recite tefillos and tehillim.   His parents, Rabbi Ze’ev and Chaya Shoshana, along with his wife Tzvia are all encouraged and confident Aaron will endure and stand firm to the challenge of the long road to recovery. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Wounded Officer Karov Continues to Improve

Wounded IDF 2nd-Lt. Aaron [Yehoshua ben Chaya Shoshana] Karov continues to perplex doctors with his remarkable recuperation Baruch Hashem.   Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) reported on Monday evening that the young officer has taken another step towards a “dramatic improvement” and doctors hope to move him out of intensive care today, Tuesday.   Karov was called back to service on the morning following his wedding, among the many soldiers entering Gaza to halt rocket attacks into southern Israel. Karov sustained serious injuries in the fighting.   Before Shabbos, he literally took a major step towards recovering, ambulating with a walker. He is now being moved out of the ICU, a major sign of promise, and the medical team expects to transfer him for continued rehabilitation to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah for additional care.   His father, Rabbi Ze’ev Karov, has continued to exhibit absolute bitachon in HaKadosh Baruch Hu, continuing tefillos on his son’s behalf while strengthening others with his positive trust in Hashem towards his son’s return to health. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Another Gain for the Reform Movement in Israel, This Time in the IDF

The Reform Movement has been making headway in Israel in recent months after being victorious in a number of rulings. The Supreme Court has instructed the Beersheva Religious Council to permit a Reform convert to toivel in the mikve with a Reform beis din. The cabinet has decided to establish an egalitarian prayer area near the Kosel and now, it appears the decision by IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott to move the Jewish Consciousness Unit from the IDF Rabbinate to the Manpower Branch is also a victory for the Reform. While it appears the move is due to organizational and budgetary reasons, the Reform Movement is pleased to remove the responsibility for the unit from the hands of the IDF Rabbinate. As such, the Reform Movement is likely to fight chareidi efforts to prevent the implementation of the decision. A number of weeks ago, a session of the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee addressed the planned move of the unit. Among the elected officials invited to the meeting were MK (Bayit Yehudi) Betzalel Smotrich, MK (Likud) Miki Zohar and MK (Yesh Atid) Aliza Lavie. Also invited were former IDF Chief Rabbi Yisrael Weiss and Aaron Karov, who opposed the planned move of the unit. However the list of invited participants does not stop here. Also invited was Rabbi Gilad Kariv who serves as Executive Director of the Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism; a representative of the NGO “Hofesh – Freedom from Religion” and Michal Berman who serves as Executive Director of Panim – The Associating of Jewish Renewal Organizations in Israel. The latter three view the move of the unit as a positive step, releasing a statement “The takeover of Jewish Consciousness Unit brought serious harm to the basic rights of soldiers equality and freedom of religion. We welcome the decision of the chief of staff to monitor and guarantee the new body to be set up and permit soldiers an opportunity to become familiar with all types of Judaism”. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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A Day of Recognition for IDF Soldiers & Officers

While Operation Cast Lead is long over, the IDF’s counter-terrorism offensive against Hamas’ infrastructure in Gaza, the nation on Wednesday (Sept. 2), took a break from the routine to recognize the heroism of a number of soldiers and officers. A number of citations were awarded, ‘tzalashim’ as they are called in Hebrew. YWN reported yesterday that Golani Egoz soldier Moshe Plesser received a citation from the chief of staff for neutralizing a tractor terrorist in Yerushalayim. 1st-Lieutenant Ephraim Tehilla received a citation from the northern district commander. He too is a member of Golani’s elite Egoz reconnaissance unit. The award was for an operation in the Sajayieh area of Gaza on January 1st in which a team leader fell in battle. First-Sergeant (reserves) Moshe Chik, who serves as a combat medic in the Charuv unit of the Kfir Brigade received a citation from the IDF central district commander. On January 8th, a unit found itself ambushed in the area of Kissufim and Major Ro’i Rosner z”l and three soldiers were wounded. Chik placed himself in life-threatening danger when he evacuated the wounded under heavy fire. First-Sergeant (reserves) Ofir Tzahari is a member of the 101st Paratroop Regiment. He announced at the ceremony that he feels many of his colleagues are more deserving of the citation from the IDF Gaza District commander. On January 14th, his unit was operating in the Jabalya area. They encountered terrorist fire and a number of soldiers were wounded. At one point, he came face-to-face with an armed terrorist, but remained cool, pulling a grenade and eliminating the threat, saving many lives. He is recognized for his outstanding performance. 1st-Lieutenant Moti Iflach received a district commander citation for events that occurred on January 14th, when a paratrooper unit encountered resistance in the Shati Refugee Camp. It was in this encounter that Lt. Aaron Karov was gravely wounded. Iflach did not flinch, and placed himself in life-threatening danger to extricate the gravely wounded officer, eventually bringing him to a place from which he could be air-lifted to a trauma center, thereby saving his life. Staff-Sergeant (reserves) Ziv [whose last name may not be published for security reasons] is a member of the IAF’s elite 669 air rescue unit, where he serves as a combat paramedic. It was Ziv who was sent to extricate Lt. Karov from the battlefield as well as three other wounded soldiers. He performed a tracheostomy under harsh conditions, saving Karov’s life. He was recognized for his efforts by the commander of the air force Tel Nof base. First-Sergeant (reserves) Ziv Danieli received a citation from the Paratroop Corps commander for his actions as a team leader in the 101st Regiment. He soldiers were operating in Jabalya in northern Gaza when they came under heavy fire. A platoon commander from another unit, Lt. Omer Drori was wounded realized the junior officer’s situation, aware that he was pinned down against armed terrorists. He arrived at the scene, under heavy fire, treated and extricated the platoon commander, all while engaged in a firefight with terrorists. 1st-Lieutenant Nadav Moussa is a company commander in Shaked, part of the Givati Brigade. On January 15th while operating in a multi-story dwelling in Gaza they encountered terrorists on the first floor. Moussa was still in an armored vehicle but quickly

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1:30PM Update on Soldiers

A total of 34 IDF soldiers’ remain in hospitals around the country, including five paratroopers injured in a Gaza operating during the night, all transported to Tel Hashomer Hospital. Among those injured are the battalion commander and a company commander. Two of the paratroopers are listed as moderate, Tel Hashomer also reports a paratroop officer injured seriously two days ago continues to improve, now listed as moderate. In Petach Tikvah’s Beilinson Hospital, doctors cautiously report there is a very slight improvement in the condition of 2nd.-Lt. Aaron Karov who was listed in critical condition during the night. Golani soldier Ben Spitzer, also in Beilinson, remains in critical condition as well. He was injured last week in a mistaken fire incident. A number of soldiers in light condition arrived in Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva on Wednesday morning. The hospital reports a total of seven soldiers at present, two serious, one moderate and the remainder light. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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10:15 News Update from Eretz Yisrael

**Soroka Hospital reports that 2nd-Lt. Aaron Karov’s condition has improved and he is now longer listed in critical condition, upgraded to serious. The young officer was gravely wounded last night when a bomb detonated against his force. 20:47: An Arab throwing rocks at Israeli vehicles on Route 55, the Azzoun Bypass Road, was shot dead by an Israeli civilian. No injuries to Israelis reported. Police are questioning the shooter. The Head of the Shomron Regional Council, Gershon Masika, released a statement supporting the shooter, explaining he was in life-threatening danger, compelling him to use his licensed weapon. 20:50: IDF soldiers operating in Gaza discovered heavy weaponry in a mosque located near the home of a senior Hamas commander. Weapons recovered include an anti-tank rocket launcher, anti-tank and Kassam rockets, and mortar shells. 22:00: Rockets land in the Eshkol region. No injuries. **IDF Spokesman Brig.-Gen. Avi Benayahu: 42 rockets fired this week during humanitarian pause hours. **The International Red Cross is accusing Israel of firing white phosphorus, which is illegal but does not have evidence to supports the allegation. Israel adamantly denies the IRC report. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Soldiers Wounded in Gaza Fighting

Three soldiers were wounded by an explosion in a booby-trapped building in Gaza during the night on Monday. One, an officer, is in critical condition in Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah. The paratroop officer, Aaron Karov, a member of the 890th Battalion, was injured as a result of an explosive device that detonated against the force.The others sustained light-to-moderate injuries. Karov is married less than two weeks ago, leaving his wife the day after the wedding to return to his soldiers. In a separate incident, four soldiers were injured from mistaken IDF fire, with one arriving in the hospital in serious condition. His condition has since improved and he has been upgraded to moderate/stable condition. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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POWERFUL: Jewish Columbia U. Students Issue Statement [READ IT]

To the Columbia Community: Over the past six months, many have spoken in our name. Some are well-meaning alumni or non-affiliates who show up to wave the Israeli flag outside Columbia’s gates. Some are politicians looking to use our experiences to foment America’s culture war. Most notably, some are our Jewish peers who tokenize themselves by claiming to represent “real Jewish values,” and attempt to delegitimize our lived experiences of antisemitism. We are here, writing to you as Jewish students at Columbia University, who are connected to our community and deeply engaged with our culture and history. We would like to speak in our name. Many of us sit next to you in class. We are your lab partners, your study buddies, your peers, and your friends. We partake in the same student government, clubs, Greek life, volunteer organizations, and sports teams as you. Most of us did not choose to be political activists. We do not bang on drums and chant catchy slogans. We are average students, just trying to make it through finals much like the rest of you. Those who demonize us under the cloak of anti-Zionism forced us into our activism and forced us to publicly defend our Jewish identities. We proudly believe in the Jewish People’s right to self-determination in our historic homeland as a fundamental tenet of our Jewish identity. Contrary to what many have tried to sell you – no, Judaism cannot be separated from Israel. Zionism is, simply put, the manifestation of that belief. Our religious texts are replete with references to Israel, Zion, and Jerusalem. The land of Israel is filled with archaeological remnants of a Jewish presence spanning centuries. Yet, despite generations of living in exile and diaspora across the globe, the Jewish People never ceased dreaming of returning to our homeland — Judea, the very place from which we derive our name, “Jews.” Indeed just a couple of days ago, we all closed our Passover seders with the proclamation, “Next Year in Jerusalem!” Many of us are not religiously observant, yet Zionism remains a pillar of our Jewish identities. We have been kicked out of Russia, Libya, Ethiopia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Poland, Egypt, Algeria, Germany, Iran, and the list goes on. We connect to Israel not only as our ancestral homeland but as the only place in the modern world where Jews can safely take ownership of their own destiny. Our experiences at Columbia in the last six months are a poignant reminder of just that. We were raised on stories from our grandparents of concentration camps, gas chambers, and ethnic cleansing. The essence of Hitler’s antisemitism was the very fact that we were “not European” enough, that as Jews we were threats to the “superior” Aryan race. This ideology ultimately left six million of our own in ashes. The evil irony of today’s antisemitism is a twisted reversal of our Holocaust legacy; protestors on campus have dehumanized us, imposing upon us the characterization of the “white colonizer.” We have been told that we are “the oppressors of all brown people” and that “the Holocaust wasn’t special.” Students at Columbia have chanted “we don’t want no Zionists here,” alongside “death to the Zionist State” and to “go back to Poland,” where our relatives lie in mass graves. This sick distortion illuminates the nature of antisemitism: In every generation, the Jewish People are

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In Preparation of The Upcoming Yomim Noraim: Abi Beilis Release His Debut Single “Misod”

Singer and baal tefillah, Abi Beilis, has been singing and serving as a baal tefillah for the last seventeen years. He comes from a very musical family, with not one, but three musical sisters. Each of the three has had their hands in popular camp/school songs, production and dances over the last two decades and he has soaked up all that musicality. Abi had a great uncle who was a chazzan for many years, who always imparted some tips for singing and davening, often giving Abi the upper hand. Beilis is also fortunate to daven in a chassidishe shul where there are many phenomenal Baalei Tefila on Yom Tov. He has learned much of his technique from them as well. His formal training, though, began at the age of twenty, when a musical friend recognized his talent and told him he needed to learn how to use it. That was how Abi’s longtime relationship with the famed Rabbi Avraham Aaron Weingarten, vocal coach and voice teacher to the stars began. Abi has been going to Rabbi Weingarten for seventeen years, and has been carefully honing his craft. As a baal tefillah, Abi loves yomim noroim davening. The words of Misod Chachomim U’nevoinim always spoke to him. Remember where we came from, from the source of earlier tzaddikim who know how to converse properly with Hashem. Rabbi Weingarten and Abi discussed last year, how they wish there was a song that could convey the importance of the words and their meaning,  a little more than the typical nussach. Avraham Aaron started to play around with the words and hummed a tune. It wasn’t long before they had a full-fledged song. Interestingly enough, Rabbi Weingarten has another client who comes for voice lessons, famed composer, singer and producer Yitzy Waldner. The two spoke and it wasn’t long before Yitzy took on production of Weingarten’s song with Abi as the vocalist. Presenting Abi Beilis in his debut song “Misod”, a moving song to help you prepare for Yom Hadin and bring you closer to speaking to Hashem. Like the verse says “Eftecho Pi”- help us open our mouth so our tefillos will be sweet and accepted by Hashem. May we all merit a Shana Tova U’mesuka and the geula sheleima bekarov. Book Abi today for your simcha/event! Call: 347-585-4235 Credits: Produced by: Yitzy Waldner Composed by: Avraham Aaron Weingarten Arranged by: Yehuda Galili Choir by: David Taub Mixed & Mastered by: Yaniv Balas Cover/Lyrical Video & PR: Yossi Zweig Stream/download Misod today!

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More Nissim as Wounded Soldiers Awaken Following Gaza War

Last week YWN reported that Lt. Aaron [Yehoshua ben Chaya Shoshana] Karov was transported to Ichilov Hospital to begin the process of rehabilitation. Seriously wounded and not expected to recover, the young soldier was seated in a wheelchair and his father Rabbi Aaron, reported that his son baruch Hashem was able to put on his tefillin without assistance. Rav Aaron stated it was very difficult for him, but he insisted on doing it alone, and he did. Today, Sunday, I spoke with Effie Cohen, the father of our friend Sayeret Golani soldier Li’el [Hoshea ben Miriam], who was critically wounded in the war. He has undergone a number of cranial surgical procedures, and in our last report, I reported that Effie was somewhat despondent and fighting to maintain his positive attitude. Well Effie remains positive and a true inspiration to others. Last week, Li’el opened his eyes and is communicating. He is also making some movements. “Hashem’s salvation comes in the blink of an eye” Effie told me this morning, adding that the road ahead will indeed be a long one but now Li’el is in Tel Hashomer Hospital, on the road to recovery. Doctors in Soroka Medical Center are calling Li’el’s current state nothing short of a miracle. Other soldiers recently released for rehabilitation from Soroka include Givati Brigade soldier Ben Buchnik, who also sustained a serious head injury. After nine days in Soroka, he too made miraculous progress and is now in Tel Hashomer, in the rehabilitation process. A fourth soldier who also sustained a serious head injury along with an arm injury was released for rehabilitation. The family requests that his name not be published. After being in a medically induced coma due to his serious head injuries, he is now in Bet Levenstein Rehabilitation Hospital. Another soldier who was operated upon in Soroka after a piece of shrapnel landed near his heart, almost severing his aorta, also made magnificent progress and was released for rehab. The only soldier remaining in Soroka from the Gaza War is Dvir [ben Leah] Bar Chai, who remains comatose in an intensive care unit due to his serious head injuries. His father, Tzviki, announced last week, the held special tefillos in the Ma’arat HaMachpelah in Chevron and they are trying to remain optimistic as they continue calling on the tzibur to daven for their son. Also in Soroka is Orel [ben Angela] Yalizroff, the 7-year-old boy who was very seriously injured in a rocket attack in Beersheva (reported HERE on YWN). (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Update on Some of the IDF Wounded

Following is a report on the condition of some of the wounded from the Gaza War. 2nd-Lt. Aaron [Yehoshua ben Chaya Shoshana] Karov continues to astound physicians Baruch Hashem, and before Shabbos, he was able to ambulate with the assistance of a walker. If you remember, he sustained a serious head injury in the war and his prognosis was grim at best.  Aaron made international news when his story broke, that he left his wife the morning after their wedding to return to his troops. Dvir [ben Leah] Bar Chai, 21, a Golani Brigade soldier, was critically wounded in the fighting. His father, Tzviki, reported on erev Shabbos that the family continues tefillos and remain hopeful as he shows very slight signs of improvement. Dvir’s family is calling on Am Yisrael to join in reciting tefillos and tehillim for their son on Tuesday, 9 Shvat (3 Feb) beginning after Mincha, at 5:20PM (Shkia). Tehillim prakim 13, 25, 30, 103, 112, and 142 will be recited. Li’el [Hoshea ben Miriam] also sustained a serious head injury. In my last reported, I explained that following a day-long surgery, he opened his eyes and said a few words. I spoke with his father, Effie, on Sunday morning, and Li’el has since undergone three surgeries, with the latest yesterday, on Shabbos, lasting three hours. “It is really hard. I am trying to be strong but each surgery gives hope, but then there is another. His head is full of holes” states Effie in a tired voice. I asked how Chagit, Li’el’s young wife is doing. Effie told me he sent her with her parents to a hotel for Shabbos while he and his wife remained with Li’el. Neriya [ben Rivka] was also seriously wounded and also in Soroka Medical Center, but in a different department that Li’el. He is reportedly speaking with his family. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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A Choson Must Participate – Gaza War a ‘Milchemes Mitzvah’

In his publicized halachic opinion, the rabbi speaks from a place of understanding, first-hand knowledge of the serious consequences that may result in his ruling, that even a choson, a bridegroom in his first year of marriage, must join the fighting forces in Gaza, for the Gaza War is a compulsory war, one which does not permit the luxury of sitting back on the sidelines, perhaps waiting for others to take the place of the bridegroom. The painful yet exacting words were released by Rav Ze’ev Karov on Tuesday. We merited bringing our son to the chupah last Thursday. The following morning, he was recalled to the army, to command his troops and lead them into Gaza. He responded with the determination, well-aware of his responsibility and the mission at hand. I hear the criticism and even the anger, those who question the decision and ask can’t they manage without him? Aren’t there others? Mustn’t he remain home to be at his bride’s side? In a ‘milchemes mitzvah’, everyone is compelled to take part, including a choson. The chachamim (sages) teach us a powerful yet potent lesson, one that places priorities in order. Even a bride and bridegroom do not take priority over a compulsory war, teaching us that the young couple draws its strength from the community, as is recited in the bracha under the chupah, “Mevorech Amo Yisrael al Yidei Chupah V’Kidushin. We do not say ‘Mevorech Choson V’chalah’. The couple’s new private union is only valid as part of the greater family, Am Yisrael, the tzibur. We do not place the building of the new home ‘on hold’ but the choson emerges and joins the tzibur, working immediately on this lofty plain to begin building on a much higher level. There are those who would say the opposite is true and we do not compel the choson to join in, but we deter him from doing so, perhaps even pushing off the compulsory war based on our concerns to protect him. Baruch Hashem, this is not the case and we see the overwhelming numbers are behind the operation, the IDF, understanding that while painful and costly, the Gaza War is indeed necessary. It is also a moral lesson, a lesson the torah teaches us, that our individual lives must contribute while drawing strength from the community, from the tzibur, the klal. May it be Hashem’s will that he protects our soldiers wherever they may be and may we merit hearing good tidings. These are the words of Rav Karov, who son, a 2nd-lt. in the paratroopers, was gravely injured by a Hamas bomb less than two weeks after his wedding. Aaron and Tzvia are still together, but Aaron is now in another battle, fighting for his life, to overcome his extensive injuries. The public is urged to continue davening for Yehoshua ben Chaya Shoshana as well as all the wounded soldiers. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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