IDF Winds Down Major Drill Simulating N. Area Warfare

It is now permitted to announce the IDF is winding down a major military exercise in the north, one that simulated a difficult but possible scenario, in which soldiers were abducted across the northern border, resulting in an IDF response into Lebanon, followed by Hizbullah firing thousands of missiles into Israel. Syria does not sit by passively, but decides to join in, sending missiles into the heart of the country, both conventional and with chemical warheads.

The Homefront Command was put to the test, having to contend with the northern area being hit with thousands of missiles. Just this week, in his appearance before the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee, Defense Minister Ehud Barak confirmed that Hizbullah has passed the 40,000 missile mark as the terrorist army continues rearming and training for the next conflict with Israel. He added that Hamas in Gaza is stronger today than it was prior to Operation Cast Lead in 2008.

Homefront Commander Major-General Yair Golan explains that this is routine for the IDF and his command, compelled to constantly run all possible scenarios to maintain the highest possible state of readiness for any eventuality.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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