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Haifa University Event: No Jews Allowed

nja.jpgEducation Minister (Likud) Gideon Saar expressed his outrage over Wednesday’s no-Jews allowed event hosted in Haifa University, with prominent speakers including Sheikh Raid Salah, who heads the northern branch of the Israel Islamic Association, an individual who has been imprisoned for his active terrorist ties.

Saar is planning to have the Council for Higher Education address the occurrence, for permitting a racist event on campus, an event that was off-limits to Jews. The minister deplored the words of incitement aired by Salah, who he explained sought to enlist support among participants against the Jewish state.

While Salah addressed his Muslim audience, Jews were informed they are prohibited from entering. Salah warned his audience of the dangers of the current administration, explaining Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu wishes to take Har HaBayis from the Waqf to rebuild the Temple and dig additional tunnels under al-Aqsa Mosque.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. #1, it is not cool to impersonate a public, known figure. Even if you feel aligned with Mr. Savage’s views, if you post using his name, instead of yours, it is not right.

  2. All these dumb events happening in Israel only remind me of just how right R’ Kahane, of blessed memory, was.

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