Chabad Chassidim to Demonstrate Outside the White House

is.jpgChabad Chassidim, primarily from NYC, will on Monday travel to Washington, DC to protest outside the White House against any efforts to establish a Palestinian State in Eretz Yisrael. The late Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L was an ardent advocate of Eretz Yisrael HaSheleima (Greater Israel), opposing even discussion of land compromise with foreign nations.

There has been much controversy over expected statements from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who is visiting Washington for his first meeting with US President Barak Obama. Netanyahu, a seasoned career politician and gifted orator, will most likely satisfy the new US administration’s demands by making an ambiguous policy statement that will give President Barak Obama his political win while permitting aides to the prime minister to explain away his compromised position to the right-wing Israeli electorate.

Organizers of the demonstration explain they hope to show solidarity with the prime minister and give him the strength to stand firm under the immense pressure being applied by the White House and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton towards Netanyahu’s full outspoken support for the so-called two-state solution.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Hatzlacha to them! May they be protected by Ha Kodesh Baruch Hu on their great mission. May they have much success in their endeavor. Such brave ones they are.

    Hillary Clinton is no friend of the Jews, she never has been.

    Jews of all affiliation will be demonstrating in front of the white house, it happens to be that the FREE BUSES are leaving from Crown Heights. Several car loads of New York Jews will be leaving to Washington and another bunch are going on the Crown Heights buses.
    DAVEN strongly today that Hashem should accompany Bibi to the inner White House and speak the words of Chumash, “To you I have given this land forever”.

  3. the shame is that there was only ONE bus!

    yeshivot should have rented busses for ALL talmidim of appropriate age (i mean high school, maybe 7-8 grade) and kollelim.

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