Levaya Of Radziner Rebbe ZATZAL

candle912.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the sudden Petira of the Radziner Rebbe (BP), Rav Yaakov Leiner ZATZAL. He was Niftar after suffering a massive heart attack early Wednesday morning. He was approximately 46-years-old, and leaves behind 10 unmarried children R”L – the oldest 16, and the youngest 7-months-old.

Misaskim tells YWN that the Levaya is today (Wednesday) in his Beis Medrash 1344 54th Street [between 13th & 14th Avenue’s] at 12:30PM, and the Kevura will be in Woodbridge, NJ.

He was the son of Rav Mordechai Yosef Leiner ZATZAL, the previous Radziner Rebbe.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

11 Responses

  1. Baruch Dayan Haemes
    Reb Moshe Leiner Ybd”I, sat in my house at my grandson’s Vacht Nacht. He was a special person, brilliant and warm. Hamokom Y’racham on the ones left behind. I hope all of us who carry on get this message.

  2. He just turned 47 years old. I remember his Bar Mitzva on Parshas Shmini, the Shabbos after Pesach 34 years ago. He was a brilliant, caring, oived hashem,in great dachkus. He was ohuv lakol; there were many morei nefesh who hung on to him for chizuk & guidance.
    Yhi Zichro Boruch

  3. he was a real anav. always with a smile a true
    ohav yisrael. May hashem give strength to his
    rebetzim for always standing by his side.

  4. nebuch-baruch dayin emes. this is really sad news. may he be a maylitz yoisher for all of us klal yisroes-and may moshiach come bimhayra viyamaynu amen!!

  5. I knew the Rebbe since 1978, when we attended Camp Morris as high school age boys. He was a fine young man and a real budding Talmid Chacham. He was unfailingly kind and considerate and it is no surprise he grew into the kind of Rebbe he became. While fully aware of what it meant to be Rebbe, he nevertheless had no pretensions about his personal Kavod. May his memory be for a blessing.

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