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Obituary: IDF Lt. Yonatan Netanel Z”L

candle2.gifIDF Lt. Yonatan Netanel z”l and his wife Tziona on Tuesday, Election Day, were planning to celebrate their first wedding anniversary together with their four-month-old daughter.

The young couple planned a vacation, something that they have not been able to do because of Yonatan’s military responsibilities, perhaps in Israel or even outside the country – the main thing was to spend time together.

Instead of the vacation, last Thursday Tziona and her daughter Maiyan went to Yerushalayim to see the tombstone on the young officer’s kever. Yonatan, 27, was killed by mistaken IDF tank fire in Gaza.

Tziona, 24, is strong, and she will continue raising their daughter on the derech of Ahavas Eretz Yisrael, Am Yisrael and Torat Yisrael. Tziona explains that they say one’s neshama feels something 30 days before one dies. “Since we became one neshama, I too felt something,” explaining on the last Thursday, when Yoni phoned her to meet, she asked “Is this the last time we will be together?” to which he responded, “Everything will be okay. I am not afraid”.

Tziona says that looking back; she now knows that Yoni was also aware, he too showed signs.

As is the custom, a soldier who falls in the line of duty is promoted posthumously.

An emotional Hebrew tribute to Captain Yoni Netanel, a profound statements of Emunah in HaKadosh Baruch Hu, and a profound exhibition of love for Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael .

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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