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Levaya of Mrs Leah Hershkowitz A”H

candle5.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Mrs. Leah Herskowitz A”H, the daughter of Reb Binyomin Wilhelm. The Levaya will be held at Shomrei Hachomos in Boro Park,43rd Street & Ft. Hamilton Pkwy. at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday.

The Shiva will be observed at 1260 83rd Street in Brookly until Tuesday morning.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

6 Responses

  1. baruch
    dayan emes
    a true tsadeket,
    a true ashet chayil.
    i hope many stories will be publicized for the benifit of bnos & neshai yisrael

  2. Can you imagine the heichal that she has waiting for her? Built by the mitvos and maasim toivim of her husband, and her children, each of which is a tremendous talmud chochom.

  3. tntzbh”ch

    a true tzadeikes from the previous dor. the hershkowitz house on taylor st. was open to all, including me. may her great family have no more sorrow and may her maasim tovim, her family, be comforted. moshe, shlomo, shoshana, zvi simcha, yehudis, shraga, abba, mordechai and i must have forgotten some.

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