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Ben-Atar Begins Jail Sentence in Israel on Sunday

Rav Yaakov Ben-Atar on Sunday began serving a prison sentence for his part in the operation of the illegal Kol HaEmet radio station. He was arrested last Elul, some 14 months ago, along with his brother Shmuel Ben-Atar and a number of others, all involved in the pirate radio station (reported HERE on YWN).

Yaakov was fined and sentenced to seven months in prison. His brother Shmuel, who ran the radio station, was fined NIS 100,000 and sent to prison for nine months.

On Sunday morning, for a first time, an Israeli citizen began serving a prison sentence for operating a pirate radio station. Supporters of Kol HaEmet accuse the government of targeting frum radio stations, stating never before has anyone served prison time for such an offence.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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