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Minister Peri: One of Us Will Have to Go

lapIf Minister of Science (Yesh Atid) Yaakov Peri’s assessment is correct, in the very near future Bayit Yehudi or his Yesh Atid party will have to leave the coalition.

By most accounts, Peri is correct for while Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid have become political patrons, backing one another, their party platforms are oppositional on key issues – perhaps leading that list the ongoing talks between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) and efforts to reach agreement.

Naftali Bennett flies the flag of a promising future for communities throughout Yehuda and Shomron while for Yesh Atid and its leader Yair Lapid, it is not a matter of possibly evicting residents of yishuvim but when. Lapid recently stated that in his own opinion, “tens of thousands of residents of yishuvim will be relocated” as a result of the establishment of the State of Palestine. In addition, Peri points out that while Bayit Yehudi’s Ayelet Shaked is heading in the direction of financial sanctions in place of criminal sanctions for chareidim who defy the new draft law is recipe for a split.

Peri appears confident that this split is inevitable as Yesh Atid remains steadfast and determined towards reaching a final status deal with the PA and it hopes the new draft law will be completed and voted upon by the end of November 2013. Peri insists the law will be presented in the Yesh Atid version, with criminal sanctions for if not, his party will rock the coalition by its core.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. i dont understand this phrase.
    “Peri insists the law will be presented in the Yesh Atid version, with criminal sanctions for if not, his party will rock the coalition by its core.”

    its not good english its charedi i dont understand what it means.

    and number 2 takingabreak. you sound very naive about israeli politics and should take a break. Shimon Peres has been in politics for 70 years he is turning 91 and thinking about starting for himself a political party.

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