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Sruly Porush Loses Vishnitz Support

porSomething has occurred that led to a break in ties between the Vishnitz chassidus in Elad and mayoral candidate Yisrael Porush. While Porush felt he locked in Vishnitz’s support, the chassidus, the largest in Elad, is now signaling it is not committed to any of the candidates.

It appears that the request(s) from the Rebbe Shlita have not been met and this led to a sign in the chassidus’ main beis medrash erev Shabbos that a decision regarding which candidate to support in the elections has yet to be made.

Members of the chassidus explain that while chassidim have been seen campaigning for Porush in recent weeks, his unwillingness to comply with requests from the chassidus have led to the situation and at present, Vishnitz support for the Porush mayoral race is questionable. The chassidim explain that Vishnitz represents over 1,000 votes and as such, they expect a measure of cooperation and commitment from a candidate enjoying the support.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. his unwillingness to comply with requests from the chassidus have led to the situation –

    This about SUMS UP politics in the HolyLand, “What’s in it for me?”… The entire Barkat and Leon election is all about ‘if the Jerusalem Chief Rabbi will be Dati Leumi or Charedi?’…..there are always the behind-the-back dialogue.

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